Published on: 5 December 2024

The surplus of the external trade in goods amounted to EUR 965 million

The value of export lessened by 0.8%, that of import surpassed by 0.2% in EUR terms the same period of the previous year’s values in October 2024. The balance of the external trade in goods deteriorated by EUR 127 million. Compared to the previous month, the level of export of goods increased by 2.9%, its import grew by 3.0%.

In October 2024:

The value of exports amounted to EUR 12.9 billion (HUF 5,179 billion), that of imports to EUR 11.9 billion (HUF 4,791 billion).

The balance of the external trade in goods was EUR 965 million (HUF 388 billion).

The share of EU member states (EU27_2020) was 76% in exports and 71% in imports.

In October 2024 compared to a year earlier:

The value of exports decreased by 0.8%, that of imports grew by 0.2% in EUR terms.

External trade in goods

Denomination Export Import Balance
value, at current prices same period of the previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices same period of the previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices change compared to the same period of the previous year
October 2024, first estimate
Billion HUF5 179 103.4 4 791 104.4 388 –33
Million EUR12 891 99.2 11 927 100.2 965 -127
January–October 2024, first estimate
Billion HUF47 617 98.7 43 576 96.2 4 041 1 062
Million EUR121 305 96.0 111 011 93.7 10 294 2 436