5. Marriages and ceased marriages
Denomination 1980 1990 2001 2006 2007a)a)
Marriages 80 331 66 405 43 583 44 528 40 800
Of which:
remarriages 23 506 18 478 13 930 13 777 12 600
Ceased marriages 98 221 89 817 78 248 75 014 75 200
because of death 70 424 64 929 53 857 50 145 50 300
because of divorce 27 797 24 888 24 391 24 869 24 900
Divorces per thousand existing marriages 9.9 9.9 11.0 12.0 12.2
Divorces per thousand marriages 346.0 374.8 559.6 558.5 610.3
a)Preliminary, partly estimated data. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008