Issued dwelling construction permits by county and region (cumulated data from the beginning of the year)(1/3)

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Name Level 2016. 2017.
of territorial units quarter 1 quarters 1–2 quarters 1–3 quarters 1–4 quarter 1 quarters 1–2 quarters 1–3 quarters 1–4
Number of issued welling construction permits
Budapest capital, regiona 1 373 3 948 5 383 9 364 4 395 8 378 10 952 14 632
Pest county, regionb 792 2 489 4 178 5 650 1 325 3 375 5 521 7 334
Central Hungary large regionc 2 165 6 437 9 561 15 014 5 720 11 753 16 473 21 966
Fejér county 60 212 323 723 185 679 945 1 295
Komárom-Esztergom county 80 204 408 587 118 267 390 481
Veszprém county 112 423 845 1 158 219 429 732 1 049
Central Transdanubia region 252 839 1 576 2 468 522 1 375 2 067 2 825
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 1 045 2 456 3 386 4 084 1 211 1 916 2 783 4 019
Vas county 174 496 941 1 321 317 630 851 1 066
Zala county 28 191 272 431 219 346 478 563
Western Transdanubia region 1 247 3 143 4 599 5 836 1 747 2 892 4 112 5 648
Baranya county 61 191 338 468 131 286 383 508
Somogy county 586 908 1 206 1 704 121 329 824 1 090
Tolna county 51 81 183 208 76 215 257 296
Southern Transdanubia region 698 1 180 1 727 2 380 328 830 1 464 1 894
Transdanubia large region 2 197 5 162 7 902 10 684 2 597 5 097 7 643 10 367
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 27 106 295 559 93 288 478 652
Heves county 53 129 210 355 125 303 389 464
Nógrád county 13 26 45 72 7 32 57 67
Northern Hungary region 93 261 550 986 225 623 924 1 183
Hajdú-Bihar county 226 1 013 1 403 1 918 308 703 975 1 435
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 44 142 226 299 99 210 278 338
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 87 291 444 583 116 469 604 788
Northern Great Plain region 357 1 446 2 073 2 800 523 1 382 1 857 2 561
Bács-Kiskun county 131 354 540 1 056 317 591 828 1 017
Békés county 19 74 139 209 45 90 127 176
Csongrád-Csanád county 87 405 649 810 98 287 559 727
Southern Great Plain region 237 833 1 328 2 075 460 968 1 514 1 920
Great Plain and North large region 687 2 540 3 951 5 861 1 208 2 973 4 295 5 664
Total country 5 049 14 139 21 414 31 559 9 525 19 823 28 411 37 997
Corresponding period of the previous year= 100.0%
Budapest capital, regiona 190.7 306.3 290.3 295.4 320.1 212.2 203.5 156.3
Pest county, regionb 168.9 209.9 218.3 214.8 167.3 135.6 132.1 129.8
Central Hungary large regionc 182.1 260.1 253.7 258.9 264.2 182.6 172.3 146.3
Fejér county 136.4 178.2 146.8 240.2 308.3 320.3 292.6 179.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 266.7 255.0 295.7 313.9 147.5 130.9 95.6 81.9
Veszprém county 302.7 406.7 485.6 455.9 195.5 101.4 86.6 90.6
Central Transdanubia region 227.0 276.9 296.2 332.6 207.1 163.9 131.2 114.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 224.2 193.5 178.5 173.6 115.9 78.0 82.2 98.4
Vas county 118.4 200.8 305.5 316.8 182.2 127.0 90.4 80.7
Zala county 59.6 167.5 176.6 215.5 782.1 181.2 175.7 130.6
Western Transdanubia region 188.9 192.8 195.0 196.6 140.1 92.0 89.4 96.8
Baranya county 277.3 329.3 304.5 287.1 214.8 149.7 113.3 108.5
Somogy county 1065.5 732.3 494.3 461.8 20.6 36.2 68.3 64.0
Tolna county 425.0 279.3 338.9 266.7 149.0 265.4 140.4 142.3
Southern Transdanubia region 784.3 559.2 422.2 390.2 47.0 70.3 84.8 79.6
Transdanubia large region 255.5 240.8 239.5 247.3 118.2 98.7 96.7 97.0
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 117.4 141.3 234.1 332.7 344.4 271.7 162.0 116.6
Heves county 588.9 252.9 233.3 293.4 235.8 234.9 185.2 130.7
Nógrád county 650.0 325.0 225.0 300.0 53.8 123.1 126.7 93.1
Northern Hungary region 273.5 194.8 233.1 315.0 241.9 238.7 168.0 120.0
Hajdú-Bihar county 286.1 348.1 311.1 276.0 136.3 69.4 69.5 74.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 151.7 184.4 156.9 104.2 225.0 147.9 123.0 113.0
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 271.9 382.9 389.5 311.8 133.3 161.2 136.0 135.2
Northern Great Plain region 255.0 325.7 292.4 239.5 146.5 95.6 89.6 91.5
Bács-Kiskun county 139.4 168.6 161.2 249.1 242.0 166.9 153.3 96.3
Békés county 100.0 123.3 156.2 191.7 236.8 121.6 91.4 84.2
Csongrád-Csanád county 193.3 355.3 362.6 213.7 112.6 70.9 86.1 89.8
Southern Great Plain region 150.0 216.9 220.2 227.5 194.1 116.2 114.0 92.5
Great Plain and North large region 206.9 264.0 255.2 244.8 175.8 117.0 108.7 96.6
Total country 212.1 253.3 248.5 252.2 188.7 140.2 132.7 120.4
aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.  bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.  cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011