Foreign assets and liabilities of Hungary – BPM6*(2/4)

(million EUR)

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Denomination 2016 2017
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Assets 128 205 131 325 126 656 119 658 122 900 124 119 122 533 122 095
3.1.k. Direct investment 63 557 65 227 60 784 51 314 53 024 54 144 53 899 53 799
3.2.k. Portfolio investment 8 413 9 028 9 248 9 629 10 772 11 386 11 596 11 833
3.3.k. Financial derivatives and employee stock options 3 699 4 173 3 720 4 907 4 109 3 576 2 808 2 533
3.4.k. Other investment 24 986 28 112 29 243 29 425 30 597 31 552 32 004 30 561
3.5.k. Reserve assets 27 551 24 785 23 661 24 384 24 398 23 461 22 226 23 368
3.5.1.k. Monetary gold 107 117 117 0 115 108 108 107
3.5.2.k. SDRs 15 15 15 15 15 13 12 10
3.5.3.k. Reserve position in the IMF 371 376 374 379 381 365 358 355
3.5.4.k. Currency and deposits 5 263 3 343 2 489 5 286 5 832 6 939 5 052 6 330
3.5.5.k. Securities 21 521 20 567 20 531 18 692 17 717 15 809 16 559 16 303
3.5.6.k. Other reserve assets 274 367 134 12 340 227 137 263
Liabilities 205 004 204 363 204 502 199 069 200 731 199 780 199 270 198 638
3.1.t. Direct investment 111 112 111 718 112 890 105 782 106 259 105 582 106 027 106 595
3.2.t. Portfolio investment 47 633 46 964 48 188 49 202 48 682 47 809 48 486 48 563
3.3.t. Financial derivatives and employee stock options 1 851 2 112 1 769 1 799 1 656 1 553 1 570 1 585
3.4.t. Other investment 44 408 43 570 41 655 42 286 44 135 44 836 43 187 41 895
Net assets -76 799 -73 038 -77 846 -79 411 -77 831 -75 661 -76 737 -76 543
Net external debt (incl. direct investment debt instruments) (A–B) 21 630 20 616 18 957 26 886 26 936 25 499 22 107 16 695
A. Gross external assets, constituting debt of non-residents 95 354 96 941 93 016 84 054 85 858 86 141 86 475 88 828
B. Gross external debt 116 985 117 558 111 972 110 940 112 794 111 641 108 582 105 523
Net external debt (excl. direct investment debt instruments) (C–D) 26 776 24 901 23 241 21 878 21 542 19 880 18 813 17 221
C. Gross external assets, constituting debt of non-residents 54 429 55 198 55 383 56 568 58 535 58 943 58 191 57 891
D. Gross external debt 81 205 80 099 78 624 78 445 80 076 78 823 77 004 75 112
*Source: National Bank of Hungary.  Revised data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011