2.1.46. Average monthly wages and salaries of full time employees by economic branches*(2/4)

< >
Period, quarters Of which
wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles transportation and storage accommodation and food service activities information and communication financial and insurance activities real estate activities professional, scientific and technical activities administrative and support service activities
Total gross wages and salaries, HUFa
2016 Q1 251 090 254 665 172 705 518 491 537 577 236 290 402 896 223 281
Q1–Q2 250 438 263 576 172 983 504 789 554 719 242 765 408 282 223 951
Q1–Q3 248 889 264 567 172 410 494 350 542 118 242 064 403 834 223 289
Q1–Q4 252 068 270 471 174 177 497 743 546 219 249 287 408 154 225 026
2017 Q1 277 367 279 876 192 981 532 895 569 628 262 140 436 237 250 038
Q1–Q2 279 525 294 944 196 574 529 610 602 260 280 022 445 214 253 306
Q1–Q3 278 512 295 722 196 102 523 297 585 793 280 339 441 548 253 290
Q1–Q4 283 554 303 884 198 251 530 979 587 979 290 658 449 231 256 829
2018 Q1 307 059 320 264 213 739 582 333 601 680 300 167 466 028 280 961
Q1–Q2 310 278 328 422 217 557 584 396 645 033 315 665 474 485 284 133
Q1–Q3 309 672 328 365 219 250 578 719 626 352 315 992 472 088 284 703
Q1–Q4 314 849 337 232 222 891 583 194 635 530 326 765 481 240 290 070
2019 Q1 346 494 349 661 243 281 653 757 649 271 302 719 515 868 306 443
Q1–Q2 347 887 361 391 247 777 645 253 699 443 313 387 517 754 313 002
Q1–Q3 346 932 362 170 248 317 638 985 683 264 313 422 514 370 312 341
Q1–Q4 352 717 371 511 251 603 644 717 691 452 321 489 524 582 316 428
2020 Q1 381 952 379 201 259 119 703 146 710 326 329 323 566 305 328 963
Q1–Q2 384 975 387 058 258 004 702 309 752 778 339 859 577 287 335 027
Q1–Q3 383 035 387 577 257 963 692 885 732 602 340 416 573 625 335 613
Q1–Q4 389 414 404 024 258 351 700 070 736 591 348 395 585 245 340 273
Corresponding period of previous year= 100.0%
2016 Q1 105.7 103.9 106.1 105.5 102.7 108.9 106.3 110.0
Q1–Q2 105.6 103.9 105.8 104.7 105.2 108.2 106.2 109.0
Q1–Q3 105.8 104.3 105.1 104.2 104.7 108.0 106.4 108.4
Q1–Q4 105.8 104.2 105.2 104.2 105.0 107.8 105.9 108.0
2017 Q1 110.5 109.9 111.7 102.8 106.0 110.9 108.3 112.0
Q1–Q2 111.6 111.9 113.6 104.9 108.6 115.3 109.0 113.1
Q1–Q3 111.9 111.8 113.7 105.9 108.1 115.8 109.3 113.4
Q1–Q4 112.5 112.4 113.8 106.7 107.6 116.6 110.1 114.1
2018 Q1 111.3 114.5 111.2 109.1 105.5 118.1 107.7 113.3
Q1–Q2 111.8 111.4 111.2 110.2 107.0 115.7 107.3 113.3
Q1–Q3 111.9 111.2 112.5 110.3 106.8 115.7 107.6 113.6
Q1–Q4 111.8 111.2 113.1 109.6 108.0 115.7 107.9 114.1
2019 Q1 112.1 108.0 111.5 112.6 107.8 107.1 113.6 110.0
Q1–Q2 111.9 109.0 112.1 110.5 107.0 106.8 111.9 111.0
Q1–Q3 112.0 109.1 112.1 110.2 107.5 106.7 111.8 110.7
Q1–Q4 112.2 109.0 111.9 110.1 107.0 106.3 112.2 110.6
2020 Q1 110.2 108.4 106.5 107.6 109.4 108.8 109.8 107.3
Q1–Q2 110.7 107.1 104.1 108.8 107.6 108.4 111.5 107.0
Q1–Q3 110.4 107.0 103.9 108.4 107.2 108.6 111.5 107.5
Q1–Q4 110.4 108.8 102.7 108.6 106.5 108.4 111.6 107.5
*Data of enterprises with at least 5 employees, budgetary institutions on a full scope basis and non-profit organisations which are significant in respect of employment. Source of data: until 2018 the monthly institutional labour data collection system, as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources.  aIn addition to earnings, it also includes benefits in cash and in kind.  Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011