2.1.39. Monthly gross earnings of full-time employees by economic branches – national economy total, monthly, monthly cumulative and quarterly cumulative data*(2/4)

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Period Out of which:
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Transportation and storage Accommodation and food service activities Information and communication Financial and insurance activities Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical activities Administrative and support service activities
Average gross earnings, HUF/person/month
Monthly data
2017 January 261 945 247 428 181 971 482 964 519 441 250 942 400 283 224 474
February 267 369 244 250 188 628 497 603 511 787 252 852 396 633 238 247
March 278 246 293 483 187 153 556 811 591 560 261 271 457 660 258 311
April 274 038 288 332 194 436 519 703 708 526 263 512 447 616 242 990
May 271 320 283 720 190 147 485 370 513 276 305 726 422 867 247 182
June 270 704 282 112 189 441 514 801 600 549 293 495 440 080 248 647
July 267 529 275 788 186 665 495 510 558 844 272 521 415 686 243 891
August 265 986 270 511 187 585 490 900 511 133 272 711 412 161 243 109
September 267 937 274 695 184 991 491 842 520 666 273 456 426 564 241 430
October 271 339 277 397 189 441 506 648 530 817 276 092 423 942 248 901
November 293 036 291 063 194 108 502 115 550 222 309 744 449 648 258 284
December 296 048 325 378 199 019 582 977 622 692 347 382 488 473 258 295
2018 January 293 064 294 215 203 068 543 660 569 955 284 412 439 761 258 870
February 290 755 285 784 205 847 558 396 541 280 288 299 428 919 263 298
March 308 560 314 154 206 009 582 413 618 791 301 613 471 453 285 962
April 305 608 307 770 210 972 592 736 772 744 316 750 482 878 270 447
May 299 693 320 673 214 557 540 540 550 762 326 675 454 127 274 099
June 302 273 303 696 208 854 560 435 655 644 315 261 460 337 281 796
July 300 666 303 382 210 662 554 517 585 437 316 685 446 182 272 417
August 296 326 305 879 211 893 543 577 544 224 301 552 449 567 274 815
September 299 186 301 311 214 071 544 254 563 920 304 359 455 004 274 563
October 303 812 308 862 212 913 555 081 570 253 305 060 450 723 279 223
November 324 070 324 263 219 845 560 888 624 863 336 862 498 706 292 992
December 324 708 352 234 224 509 600 115 701 119 395 629 514 669 304 714
2019 January 329 249 319 472 231 942 612 036 634 182 293 163 479 421 290 881
February 333 117 312 197 233 528 613 756 591 584 294 298 477 901 283 587
March 349 152 345 747 235 311 671 192 645 299 297 331 534 663 316 619
April 341 193 343 541 239 174 633 552 815 686 321 961 520 996 301 404
May 337 629 346 235 237 666 598 379 643 900 302 823 491 839 303 177
June 338 622 342 693 239 980 619 554 704 533 313 329 497 788 321 225
July 338 772 334 257 235 289 605 596 646 216 306 151 495 051 301 400
August 332 058 341 047 236 449 601 840 611 534 303 998 490 317 301 672
September 336 078 339 532 239 013 606 246 619 549 305 612 490 855 300 029
October 339 296 345 876 239 332 610 536 661 714 312 594 495 800 305 165
November 364 169 385 354 250 721 622 225 640 804 329 637 533 025 318 923
December 373 750 385 003 255 593 686 800 770 293 361 961 582 930 330 983
2020 January 362 087 345 484 252 144 637 932 678 905 323 503 519 761 317 334
February 363 782 346 384 254 723 691 241 639 550 315 942 529 791 310 062
March 389 561 374 141 242 847 694 748 728 208 323 146 588 061 331 903
April 378 981 376 404 233 944 695 430 883 216 348 437 571 344 329 451
May 375 179 375 225 249 038 657 404 677 115 338 306 564 880 328 346
June 377 960 369 696 264 791 665 985 734 816 334 888 568 554 331 459
July 374 177 369 739 249 663 659 595 692 860 342 561 558 418 330 198
August 365 761 371 580 251 724 657 599 652 989 328 472 548 117 328 850
September 368 943 364 314 248 299 653 353 656 315 328 445 547 095 325 955
October 372 582 387 439 251 157 659 409 661 052 331 352 545 011 333 400
November 402 360 400 256 256 713 666 666 688 368 377 120 601 766 338 615
December 412 182 477 284 252 628 775 893 815 845 379 350 654 137 356 393
2021 January 385 734 383 780 247 451 689 099 714 910 355 379 578 488 341 455
Monthly cumulative data
2021 January–January 385 734 383 780 247 451 689 099 714 910 355 379 578 488 341 455
Quarterly cumulative data
2017 Q1 269 187 261 614 185 917 512 564 540 913 254 993 418 181 240 244
Q1–2 270 608 273 147 188 650 509 586 574 113 271 236 427 485 243 236
Q1–3 269 448 273 320 187 904 503 945 559 508 271 782 424 375 243 092
Q1–4 273 810 279 507 189 489 510 675 561 576 281 502 431 838 246 072
2018 Q1 297 457 298 036 204 984 561 558 576 563 291 366 446 714 269 400
Q1–2 299 994 304 374 208 232 563 077 618 227 305 493 456 283 272 420
Q1–3 299 568 304 091 209 580 557 824 600 239 306 181 454 255 272 924
Q1–4 304 112 310 196 211 984 561 443 608 234 316 079 462 814 277 744
2019 Q1 337 193 325 792 233 605 632 253 623 640 294 947 497 427 296 925
Q1–2 338 172 334 974 236 334 624 725 672 333 304 028 500 493 302 702
Q1–3 337 323 336 071 236 530 618 004 657 097 304 451 497 669 302 149
Q1–4 342 830 345 091 239 585 623 527 665 380 312 371 507 670 306 208
2020 Q1 371 680 355 208 250 213 674 855 682 286 320 830 545 984 319 643
Q1–2 374 295 364 134 249 908 673 905 723 497 329 933 556 687 324 180
Q1–3 372 695 365 591 249 896 668 140 705 015 330 964 554 838 325 500
Q1–4 378 735 379 890 250 850 676 573 709 341 339 113 566 602 330 071
2021 Q1
Corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0%
Monhtly data
2017 January 111.7 107.3 112.8 96.0 108.5 114.2 107.4 109.3
February 109.9 106.2 112.3 104.5 105.3 108.8 108.7 112.7
March 110.5 117.9 112.9 107.9 104.0 113.2 108.4 115.8
April 112.8 118.8 118.7 104.6 111.3 113.2 108.1 113.6
May 112.6 108.6 112.3 105.4 107.3 123.0 112.4 114.3
June 112.4 116.2 116.4 111.4 116.6 123.7 109.7 115.5
July 111.9 114.2 114.5 105.5 107.5 118.0 110.4 116.1
August 112.7 106.7 113.8 107.8 106.9 119.5 110.9 115.5
September 112.5 114.1 114.1 110.4 109.6 117.7 108.6 110.6
October 113.0 115.1 115.6 103.7 110.3 116.8 112.0 117.9
November 114.7 113.8 112.1 103.9 102.4 124.5 111.5 116.3
December 113.4 115.3 114.8 117.1 108.8 118.1 112.9 114.3
2018 January 112.6 118.9 112.0 111.8 109.8 117.4 110.4 116.0
February 109.5 117.0 109.5 112.0 105.7 117.4 108.7 111.8
March 111.4 107.1 110.6 104.6 104.4 118.4 104.3 111.6
April 112.1 106.7 109.0 114.1 109.0 123.0 107.5 112.3
May 111.2 113.1 113.7 110.8 107.0 110.0 108.5 112.3
June 113.3 107.7 111.0 108.5 109.0 109.6 105.5 114.7
July 112.9 110.6 113.9 111.1 104.6 118.7 107.9 113.3
August 112.1 113.7 113.9 109.9 106.4 113.3 109.7 114.0
September 112.0 109.8 116.7 110.0 108.0 115.4 107.5 114.7
October 112.6 111.4 113.0 109.0 107.5 113.8 106.7 113.7
November 111.5 111.7 114.1 111.3 113.6 113.4 112.7 114.6
December 110.6 108.8 113.2 103.0 113.2 118.1 106.2 118.7
2019 January 112.6 107.6 111.6 113.6 113.3 110.3 115.2 113.4
February 113.0 107.6 111.4 109.8 107.0 107.6 113.1 107.9
March 112.3 108.8 111.1 115.4 104.2 105.4 114.5 112.0
April 112.1 110.2 111.2 106.9 103.4 110.0 110.3 111.5
May 113.0 107.1 109.4 110.5 114.0 102.5 110.8 110.9
June 111.8 111.7 113.9 110.1 104.1 108.0 111.1 115.6
July 113.1 108.4 111.6 108.6 107.6 104.6 113.1 110.8
August 112.3 109.7 111.5 110.1 110.4 107.8 111.5 110.5
September 112.8 111.0 110.9 110.3 108.6 107.9 111.9 111.4
October 112.4 110.4 111.4 109.3 112.9 109.5 112.9 110.7
November 113.3 117.5 112.7 109.8 100.2 108.4 112.4 111.3
December 115.1 108.3 113.3 112.4 107.2 101.2 117.2 113.2
2020 January 110.0 108.1 108.7 104.2 107.1 110.3 108.4 109.1
February 109.2 111.0 109.1 112.6 108.1 107.4 110.9 109.3
March 111.6 108.2 103.2 103.5 112.8 108.7 110.0 104.8
April 111.1 109.6 97.8 109.8 108.3 108.2 109.7 109.3
May 111.1 108.4 104.8 109.9 105.2 111.7 114.9 108.3
June 111.6 107.9 110.3 107.5 104.3 106.9 114.2 103.2
July 110.5 110.6 106.1 108.9 107.2 111.9 112.8 109.6
August 110.1 109.0 106.5 109.3 106.8 108.1 111.8 109.0
September 109.8 107.3 103.9 107.8 105.9 107.5 111.5 108.6
October 109.8 112.0 104.9 108.0 99.9 106.0 109.9 109.3
November 110.5 103.9 102.4 107.1 107.4 114.4 112.9 106.2
December 110.3 124.0 98.8 113.0 105.9 104.8 112.2 107.7
2021 January 106.5 111.1 98.1 108.0 105.3 109.9 111.3 107.6
Monthly cumulative data
2021 January–January 106.5 111.1 98.1 108.0 105.3 109.9 111.3 107.6
Quarterly cumulative data
2017 Q1 110.7 110.6 112.6 102.8 105.8 112.0 108.2 112.6
Q1–2 111.6 112.6 114.2 104.9 108.9 116.1 109.1 113.6
Q1–3 111.9 112.2 114.2 105.8 108.6 116.8 109.4 113.7
Q1–4 112.3 112.9 114.2 106.5 108.2 117.6 110.1 114.3
2018 Q1 111.1 114.0 110.7 109.2 106.5 117.7 107.7 113.1
Q1–2 111.7 111.5 110.9 110.2 107.6 115.7 107.4 113.1
Q1–3 111.9 111.4 112.2 110.2 107.1 115.8 107.7 113.4
Q1–4 111.8 111.2 112.6 109.5 108.3 115.7 107.9 114.0
2019 Q1 112.6 108.0 111.4 112.9 108.0 107.7 114.2 111.0
Q1–2 112.5 108.9 111.4 111.0 107.2 107.3 112.4 111.8
Q1–3 112.6 109.1 111.4 110.6 107.8 107.1 112.3 111.5
Q1–4 112.8 109.9 111.7 110.6 107.5 106.8 112.8 111.6
2020 Q1 110.2 109.0 107.1 106.7 109.4 108.8 109.8 107.7
Q1–2 110.7 108.7 105.7 107.9 107.6 108.5 111.2 107.1
Q1–3 110.5 108.8 105.7 108.1 107.3 108.7 111.5 107.7
Q1–4 110.5 110.1 104.7 108.5 106.6 108.6 111.6 107.8
2021 Q1
*Data of enterprises with at least 5 employees, budgetary institutions on a full scope basis and non-profit organisations which are significant in respect of employment. Source of data: until 2018 the monthly institutional labour data collection system, as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources.  Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011