9.3.31. Voluntary work carried out through organization(s) by the type of the organization and by major occupational groups, quarter 1, 2014*


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Characteristics The voluntary work was made (primarily) in favour of Total
religious and civil non-profit organization business financial institution political party other community
Total 91 384 1 784 28 986 4 914 23 771 150 839
Non-manual workers 59 622 1 112 15 046 4 284 13 633 93 697
HSCO 1 4 331 1 354 120 1 217 7 022
HSCO 2 18 951 1 075 4 807 642 4 006 29 481
HSCO 3 33 807 37 7 972 3 340 6 595 51 751
HSCO 4 2 533 913 183 1 816 5 445
Manual workers 31 762 672 13 940 630 10 138 57 142
HSCO 5 18 782 7 118 175 6 716 32 791
HSCO 6 3 180 829 209 4 218
HSCO 7 2 270 77 1 049 465 3 861
HSCO 8 218 176 394
HSCO 9 7 311 595 4 768 454 2 748 15 876
*Classified on the basis of the organization deemed most important. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011