9.3.20. Annual average number of hours worked in voluntary work through organization(s) by demographic and other characteristics and by how many kinds of voluntary work were carried out, quarter 1, 2014

(hours/person/last 12 months)

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Characteristics Did one Did two Did three Did four or more Total
kind(s) of voluntary work through organization(s)
Total 107.3 176.1 180.5 153.9 116.7
Male 134.1 144.7 270.0 75.3 138.5
Female 76.0 216.7 95.1 240.2 91.3
Age groups
15–19 65.8 90.2 64.0 565.0 74.9
20–24 129.6 211.7 133.7 138.5
25–29 76.1 465.3 108.7 130.8 112.2
30–34 67.5 51.9 8.2 62.9
35–39 106.9 167.1 48.7 121.0 111.1
40–44 79.9 271.6 196.2 64.7 106.8
45–49 144.8 209.4 141.0 60.0 150.2
50–54 101.5 38.8 599.0 72.0 120.1
55–59 155.0 89.8 242.0 218.5 152.7
60–64 125.1 192.7 146.5 29.8 129.6
65–69 136.5 240.0 109.5 233.3 143.8
70–74 104.5 116.3 109.9 118.8 106.2
Highest level of education
Less than 8 grades of primary school 52.5 52.5
Primary school 88.5 90.6 102.0 357.1 93.3
Vocational and apprentice school 122.9 174.2 414.4 122.6 140.3
Secondary general school 108.9 453.2 98.7 127.1
Secondary vocational school 135.2 198.8 88.3 38.8 138.1
Tertiary education 88.6 152.6 118.1 136.3 98.3
Type of settlement
Village 130.6 136.8 306.8 167.8 139.2
Town 96.9 190.4 114.4 184.2 108.7
Budapest 93.0 201.6 85.5 69.9 98.1
Economic activity
Employed 105.6 186.1 125.3 121.8 114.7
Unemployed 125.1 47.8 1 129.2 176.9
Economically inactive 108.0 155.7 110.9 310.0 113.4
Marital status
Single 107.1 214.9 84.9 148.6 115.4
Married 105.6 152.0 224.3 132.5 116.3
Widowed, divorced or legally separated 113.3 185.4 111.9 194.0 121.1
Status in the family
Single 109.9 166.4 125.8 127.4 115.9
Not single 106.9 177.6 193.9 168.0 116.8
Of which:
husband 135.6 134.4 429.2 81.0 146.3
wife 61.4 175.8 71.6 184.6 75.9
cohabitant 116.6 313.6 47.8 230.0 130.2
single parent 127.0 324.4 36.3 92.1 131.1
child 104.1 172.2 90.2 252.8 112.1
other 75.8 118.8 76.7
Type of household – by activity
There is at least one employed person in the household 103.7 174.7 184.6 154.2 114.4
All members of the household aged 15–74 are unemployed 164.8 164.8
All are economically inactive 127.2 127.2
All are unemployed or economically inactive 118.6 186.3 122.3 150.9 124.2
Number of children under age 19 in the household
no children under age 19 112.2 152.5 283.2 180.9 121.7
1 child under age 19 82.0 241.7 43.4 75.8 95.3
2 children under age 19 135.8 153.7 105.1 128.4 135.3
3 or more children under age 19 91.1 155.3 278.0 110.0
Area of education
General programmes 96.3 198.9 108.2 357.1 106.4
Education 73.5 151.2 316.3 85.8 85.6
Humanities and arts 156.8 18.0 52.4 168.1 141.3
Social sciences, business and law 83.4 146.9 42.9 282.3 92.5
Mathematics, computing and other sciences 74.5 34.1 148.2 11.9 69.4
Engineering, manufacturing and construction 124.3 230.6 353.6 114.2 142.0
Agriculture and veterinary 135.9 252.6 182.2 146.6
Health and welfare 62.5 51.1 208.3 69.9 76.5
Services 199.8 174.4 28.9 193.1
Participation in formal education
Primary 1.5 1.5
Vocational and apprentice school 49.2 24.8 153.7 55.1
Secondary school 64.8 86.4 46.2 565.0 74.6
Higher vocational programme in formal education 37.4 37.4
Tertiary education 150.3 206.2 8.8 154.0
PhD, DLA training 3.3 3.3
Didn't attend formal education 109.5 182.7 186.4 124.7 119.4
County/region of residence
Central Hungary 91.4 165.1 89.3 69.9 94.4
Budapest 93.0 201.6 85.5 69.9 98.1
Pest 88.9 67.4 92.4 88.5
Central Transdanubia 135.3 175.3 89.7 170.0 139.3
Fejér 139.1 171.5 89.7 140.7
Komárom-Esztergom 142.2 6.9 170.0 139.3
Veszprém 104.0 208.3 133.3
Western Transdanubia 126.1 120.5 93.2 152.3 125.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron 353.8 129.8 328.7
Vas 55.8 114.0 93.2 215.7 69.0
Zala 37.8 132.0 64.7 46.5
Southern Transdanubia 84.9 257.2 139.7 282.5 123.2
Baranya 61.7 126.5 147.7 417.8 87.6
Somogy 185.5 397.5 153.7 270.2
Tolna 76.4 112.7 39.0 142.9 80.9
Northern Hungary 114.3 187.5 452.7 102.5 121.3
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 142.9 180.0 60.0 141.4
Heves 87.3 200.0 452.7 230.0 108.1
Nógrád 74.5 74.5
Northern Great Plain 107.1 140.8 664.9 177.6 131.0
Hajdú-Bihar 82.4 99.4 289.0 274.7 100.3
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 131.0 195.2 138.0
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 115.2 1 031.1 37.2 186.8
Southern Great Plain 122.9 154.4 139.3 125.0
Bács-Kiskun 118.3 101.9 116.9
Békés 136.3 243.6 139.3 142.4
Csongrád-Csanád 110.3 110.3

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011