9.20.17. Voluntary work carried out by the population through organization(s) by the type of the work and by sex, quarter 4, 2020


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Characteristics Did volunteer work through organization(s) Total
male female
Total 93 873 89 013 182 885
Of which:
Housework and work around the house
regularly 6 837 4 100 10 937
occasionally 15 401 10 180 25 581
total 22 238 14 280 36 519
Administration, shopping
regularly 4 470 6 127 10 598
occasionally 18 090 17 867 35 957
total 22 560 23 995 46 555
Babysitting, child care
regularly 928 4 688 5 616
occasionally 4 729 7 889 12 618
total 5 657 12 577 18 234
Nursing, elder care
regularly 688 4 026 4 715
occasionally 5 604 7 583 13 187
total 6 292 11 609 17 901
Helping disabled and health-impared people
regularly 1 347 2 288 3 636
occasionally 1 553 6 367 7 920
total 2 900 8 655 11 555
Helping others in need
regularly 1 487 962 2 449
occasionally 3 243 5 357 8 601
total 4 730 6 320 11 050
Activity connected to religion or work performed for religious organization
regularly 5 864 3 672 9 536
occasionally 8 905 10 627 19 532
total 14 769 14 299 29 068
Environmental protection, animal protection
regularly 1 569 2 753 4 322
occasionally 12 688 9 282 21 971
total 14 257 12 036 26 293
Settlement and economic development
regularly 1 917 1 040 2 957
occasionally 3 634 3 497 7 131
total 5 551 4 536 10 088
Public safety, protection of public order, auxiliary police
regularly 8 283 1 069 9 352
occasionally 4 170 1 467 5 637
total 12 454 2 535 14 989
Disaster recovery, rescue work
regularly 1 222 114 1 336
occasionally 1 937 1 423 3 360
total 3 160 1 537 4 696
Helping kindergartens/schools, educational work, teaching/training, scientific activity
regularly 4 588 6 501 11 089
occasionally 9 925 17 018 26 943
total 14 513 23 519 38 032
Cultural, artistic activity, preservation of traditions
regularly 2 239 6 317 8 557
occasionally 7 470 14 502 21 972
total 9 709 20 819 30 529
Activities related to sports, free-time, relaxing, entertainment
regularly 5 085 2 555 7 640
occasionally 12 682 7 963 20 644
total 17 767 10 517 28 284
Political activity
regularly 221 213 434
occasionally 704 2 303 3 007
total 925 2 516 3 441
Legal defence, business federation, other activities related to legal assistance and justice
regularly 1 462 653 2 115
occasionally 1 093 2 711 3 803
total 2 555 3 363 5 919
Event organization, assistance on events
regularly 1 554 1 885 3 438
occasionally 9 105 9 188 18 293
total 10 659 11 073 21 732
Board membership, executive membership, administrative support, homepage administration, member recruitment
regularly 3 440 3 197 6 637
occasionally 1 826 1 101 2 927
total 5 266 4 298 9 565
regularly 3 487 1 311 4 798
occasionally 2 900 5 613 8 513
total 6 387 6 924 13 311
Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011