9.20.16. The most characteristic voluntary work carried out directly by the type of the work and by in whose favour it was carried out, quarter 4, 2020

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Characteristics Helped relative Helped friend Helped acquaintance Helped colleague Helped other person Total Indicated as the most characteristic performed activity
with the most characteristic direct voluntary worka
incidence persons
Total 1 642 594 656 128 595 688 139 653 212 333 3 246 396 2 103 234
Housework and work around the house 708 174 355 545 240 987 62 372 22 266 1 389 344 819 380
Administration, shopping 587 526 194 633 250 445 42 660 28 284 1 103 548 710 091
Babysitting, child care 248 404 42 062 27 237 3 260 4 704 325 666 265 086
Nursing, elder care 73 680 15 428 12 743 897 2 931 105 678 86 627
Helping disabled and health-impared people 2 853 3 071 2 465 208 4 770 13 366 10 755
Helping others in need 290 1 396 1 607 789 11 870 15 952 13 253
Activity connected to religion or work performed for religious organization 3 417 3 891 6 876 1 980 22 350 38 513 25 227
Environmental protection, animal protection 1 771 3 314 6 725 485 25 887 38 182 30 963
Settlement and economic development 43 37 1 174 871 3 660 5 784 4 967
Public safety, protection of public order, auxiliary police 106 106 377 37 1 567 2 192 1 790
Disaster recovery, rescue work 142 142 571 744 1 599 1 315
Helping kindergartens/schools, educational work, teaching/training, scientific activity 4 505 6 468 13 278 12 828 34 475 71 554 52 117
Cultural, artistic activity, preservation of traditions 1 574 4 515 8 090 4 126 11 784 30 089 16 783
Activities related to sports, free-time, relaxing, entertainment 2 407 10 187 8 996 2 294 10 887 34 772 20 728
Political activity 500 1 281 1 781 1 781
Legal defence, business federation, other activities related to legal assistance and justice 2 055 1 988 1 579 753 2 502 8 878 4 063
Event organization, assistance on events 1 368 5 630 5 985 3 519 9 327 25 829 15 717
Board membership, executive membership, administrative support, homepage administration, member recruitment 1 187 708 761 1 572 4 228 2 895
Other 4 277 6 029 5 845 1 815 11 474 29 440 19 694
aThe indicated most characteristic voluntary work could help more than one person. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011