9.20.3. Total number of hours worked in voluntary work by demographic and other characteristics and by formal or informal nature of the work carried out, quarter 4, 2020

(hours/last 12 months)

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Characteristics Directly Through organization(s) Both directly and through organization(s) Total
did voluntary work
Total 182 124 694 7 858 417 6 434 511 196 417 622
Male 67 340 831 4 773 883 3 144 309 75 259 023
Female 114 783 862 3 084 534 3 290 203 121 158 599
Age groups, year-old
15–19 2 448 833 1 736 254 637 336 4 822 423
20–24 4 909 736 353 151 212 188 5 475 075
25–29 7 853 332 600 495 229 830 8 683 657
30–34 10 389 429 194 222 417 506 11 001 157
35–39 9 657 864 353 557 460 538 10 471 959
40–44 16 218 717 509 163 508 524 17 236 404
45–49 16 319 414 884 287 554 074 17 757 775
50–54 17 459 277 795 716 1 056 537 19 311 530
55–59 19 387 310 552 069 588 414 20 527 793
60–64 33 254 393 534 234 924 981 34 713 607
65–69 31 080 673 1 093 907 502 456 32 677 036
70–74 13 145 716 251 362 342 128 13 739 206
Highest level of education
Less than 8 grades of primary school 1 417 796 48 270 1 466 066
Primary school 30 054 149 1 600 232 736 620 32 391 001
Vocational and apprentice school 44 704 482 870 947 1 173 799 46 749 229
Secondary general school 20 081 137 1 033 707 966 040 22 080 884
Secondary vocational school 39 753 560 1 069 400 1 144 955 41 967 915
Tertiary education 46 113 568 3 235 862 2 413 097 51 762 527
Type of settlement
Village 60 523 546 2 488 743 1 912 415 64 924 704
Town 99 626 490 3 937 600 3 857 621 107 421 710
Budapest 21 974 658 1 432 075 664 476 24 071 208
Economic activity
Employed 91 775 155 4 174 796 4 285 489 100 235 440
Unemployed 5 490 286 86 084 235 199 5 811 569
Economically inactive 84 859 253 3 597 537 1 913 823 90 370 614
Marital status
Single 33 489 594 3 525 345 1 624 491 38 639 431
Married 100 959 745 3 732 466 3 813 032 108 505 243
Widowed, divorced or legally separated 47 675 354 600 606 996 989 49 272 949
Status in the family
Single 32 956 161 860 551 876 358 34 693 070
Not single 149 168 532 6 997 867 5 558 154 161 724 553
Of which:
husband 39 442 031 2 538 576 2 222 183 44 202 791
wife 59 531 072 1 166 000 1 465 353 62 162 425
cohabitant 19 491 230 648 043 297 585 20 436 858
single parent 14 680 026 211 257 450 028 15 341 311
child 11 071 601 2 333 431 976 633 14 381 666
other 4 952 572 100 560 146 371 5 199 502
Type of household – by activity
There is at least one employed person in the household 129 051 642 6 580 329 5 581 370 141 213 341
All members of the household aged 15–74 are unemployed 1 679 720 30 976 54 662 1 765 358
All are economically inactive 1 729 576 68 943 48 735 1 847 253
All are unemployed or economically inactive 49 663 756 1 178 169 749 745 51 591 670
Number of children under age 19 in the household
no children under age 19 139 026 350 4 369 238 3 995 984 147 391 572
1 child under age 19 24 240 764 1 700 027 1 515 380 27 456 171
2 children under age 19 13 433 876 1 365 276 648 348 15 447 500
3 or more children under age 19 5 423 704 423 877 274 799 6 122 379
Area of education
General programmes 51 553 083 2 682 209 1 702 660 55 937 952
Education 12 850 268 864 242 786 977 14 501 487
Humanities and arts 2 847 143 367 167 198 331 3 412 641
Social sciences, journalism and other information services 12 393 392 696 872 362 698 13 452 962
Business, administration and law 24 924 046 669 852 659 840 26 253 738
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics 1 367 621 75 666 11 970 1 455 257
Information and communication technologies 1 913 529 251 368 156 310 2 321 207
Engineering, manufacturing and construction 48 088 505 1 347 234 1 729 757 51 165 496
Agriculture and veterinary 4 990 245 257 875 232 257 5 480 377
Health and welfare 10 723 323 316 705 287 558 11 327 585
Services 10 473 539 329 228 306 154 11 108 921
Participation in formal education
Primary 35 793 48 270 84 063
Vocational and apprentice school 794 025 426 441 126 358 1 346 824
Secondary school 1 297 980 1 234 653 532 657 3 065 290
Higher vocational programme in formal education 109 780 65 654 175 433
Tertiary education 1 886 022 280 289 96 582 2 262 893
PhD, DLA training 10 842 41 256 52 098
Didn't attend formal education 177 990 252 5 761 855 5 678 915 189 431 021
County/region of residence
Central Hungary 46 151 905 2 817 888 1 923 565 50 893 358
Budapest 21 974 658 1 432 075 664 476 24 071 208
Pest 24 177 247 1 385 813 1 259 089 26 822 149
Central Transdanubia 18 448 650 802 152 394 936 19 645 738
Fejér 6 953 363 228 233 37 227 7 218 823
Komárom-Esztergom 5 543 722 172 742 200 287 5 916 751
Veszprém 5 951 565 401 177 157 422 6 510 164
Western Transdanubia 17 299 049 1 281 411 701 192 19 281 651
Győr-Moson-Sopron 4 648 541 454 185 78 845 5 181 570
Vas 4 478 298 688 808 138 485 5 305 591
Zala 8 172 210 138 418 483 862 8 794 490
Southern Transdanubia 20 823 422 879 098 1 263 152 22 965 672
Baranya 3 878 993 226 456 594 426 4 699 875
Somogy 8 357 414 330 250 201 123 8 888 787
Tolna 8 587 016 322 392 467 603 9 377 010
Northern Hungary 26 570 285 497 286 1 008 802 28 076 373
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 15 741 498 409 929 739 532 16 890 959
Heves 7 215 256 16 170 129 335 7 360 761
Nógrád 3 613 531 71 187 139 935 3 824 654
Northern Great Plain 34 401 982 737 132 527 923 35 667 036
Hajdú-Bihar 10 811 400 285 310 285 303 11 382 013
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 12 635 646 67 628 102 581 12 805 855
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 10 954 935 384 195 140 038 11 479 168
Southern Great Plain 18 429 400 843 451 614 942 19 887 794
Bács-Kiskun 8 855 007 364 280 341 931 9 561 217
Békés 4 083 384 251 794 88 967 4 424 145
Csongrád-Csanád 5 491 009 227 378 184 044 5 902 431

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011