Non-employees by whether they can decide the order of their tasks, quarter 2, 2017

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Denomination Yes, always Yes, most of the times Yes, but only rarely Never Cannot say or does not want to answer Total number of non-employees
can decide the order of their tasks
Total 272 838 119 689 32 288 9 930 891 435 635
Of which:
Male 181 455 71 136 18 677 5 971 891 278 129
Female 91 383 48 554 13 611 3 959 157 506
15–24 4 715 3 662 915 1 369 10 661
25–39 66 706 31 271 8 389 2 565 669 109 599
40–54 123 897 50 249 13 489 3 150 222 191 006
55–74 77 520 34 508 9 495 2 846 124 370
educational attainment
Primary school 14 539 5 787 2 245 737 23 308
Secondary school
with professional qualification 144 035 58 944 15 892 3 659 306 222 836
without professional qualification 32 992 17 051 4 849 3 359 392 58 643
College, university, PhD, DLA 81 272 37 907 9 302 2 175 193 130 849
type of settlement
Budapest 41 215 38 238 12 806 3 608 95 867
Town with county rights 51 551 23 762 6 981 1 673 83 967
Other town 89 972 29 620 6 001 2 175 476 128 245
Village 90 099 28 069 6 499 2 474 415 127 556
type of workplace
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 46 503 15 226 4 012 586 193 66 519
B–F Industry 61 950 26 769 4 436 941 306 94 402
G–U Services 164 385 77 695 23 840 8 403 392 274 714
Non-manual workers 107 700 49 131 12 785 3 511 392 173 519
Manual workersa 165 137 70 558 19 502 6 419 499 262 117
status in employment
Member of partnership 87 593 47 458 10 777 1 676 147 504
Self-employed 180 736 66 704 20 682 7 706 698 276 525
Member of partnership and self-employed together 268 329 114 162 31 459 9 382 698 424 029
Of which:
with employees 122 561 56 988 16 181 4 121 306 200 158
without employees 145 767 57 173 15 277 5 261 392 223 871
Otherb 4 509 5 528 829 547 193 11 606
aIncluding armed forces.  bMember of co-operatives and unpaid family member. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011