9.8.5. Number of economically dependent and independent persons who are members of partnerships or are self-employed, quarter 2, 2017

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Denomination Economically dependenta Economically independent Total number of members of partnerships and self-employed persons
member of partnership and self-employed
Total 16 028 408 001 424 029
Of which:
Male 7 622 266 883 274 504
Female 8 407 141 118 149 525
15–24 918 9 197 10 115
25–39 5 301 101 407 106 708
40–54 4 566 182 165 186 730
55–74 5 243 115 232 120 475
educational attainment
Primary school 955 20 586 21 541
Secondary school
with professional qualification 6 240 210 383 216 623
without professional qualification 3 178 53 220 56 398
College, university, PhD, DLA 5 655 123 812 129 467
type of settlement
Budapest 6 420 89 094 95 514
Town with county rights 2 993 79 487 82 480
Other town 3 661 121 913 125 574
Village 2 954 117 507 120 461
type of workplace
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 375 58 533 58 908
B–F Industry 1 077 92 582 93 658
G–U Services 14 577 256 886 271 463
Non-manual workers 6 509 165 735 172 245
Manual workersb 9 519 242 266 251 785
status in employment
Member of partnership 3 347 144 157 147 504
Self-employed 12 681 263 844 276 525
aAn economically dependent person is either a member of a partnership or a self-employed, who has not got any employees, and has got only one or one main client/customer who determines the start and the end of the working time.  bIncluding armed forces. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011