9.8.3. Members of partnerships and self-employed persons by the number and dominance of clients/customers,
quarter 2, 2017

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Denomination Has got one or one main client/customera Has got more than one client/customer and has not got a main onea Total number of members of partnerships and self-employed personsb
Total 138 213 285 493 423 707
Of which:
Male 84 668 189 514 274 182
Female 53 546 95 979 149 525
15–24 3 163 6 952 10 115
25–39 35 034 71 674 106 708
40–54 56 576 130 154 186 730
55–74 43 440 76 713 120 153
educational attainment
Primary school 7 762 13 779 21 541
Secondary school
with professional qualification 70 665 145 958 216 623
without professional qualification 18 443 37 955 56 398
College, university, PhD, DLA 41 343 87 802 129 144
type of settlement
Budapest 43 379 52 135 95 514
Town with county rights 23 183 58 975 82 158
Other town 34 507 91 067 125 574
Village 37 144 83 316 120 461
type of workplace
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 23 144 35 764 58 908
B–F Industry 26 197 67 139 93 336
G–U Services 88 872 182 590 271 463
Non-manual workers 54 604 117 640 172 245
Manual workersc 83 609 167 853 251 462
status in employment
Member of partnership 39 039 108 464 147 504
Self-employed 99 174 177 029 276 203
Member of partnership and self-employed together 138 213 285 493 423 707
Of which:
with employees 63 765 136 394 200 158
without employeesd 74 449 149 100 223 549
aThe main client/customer is the person who provides at least 75% of the incoming revenue of the business.  bThose who had client / customer in the last 12 months.  cIncluding armed forces.  dMember of co-operatives and unpaid family member. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011