9.8.1. Employed persons aged 15–74 by their status in employment, quarter 2, 2017

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Denomination Employee Member of partnership or self-employed Othera Total number of employed persons who took the supplementary survey
with employee without employee together
Total 3 904 378 200 158 223 871 424 029 11 606 4 340 013
Of which:
Male 2 093 403 142 687 131 818 274 505 3 625 2 371 532
Female 1 810 975 57 471 92 053 149 524 7 982 1 968 481
15–24 286 971 2 632 7 483 10 115 546 297 632
25–39 1 417 791 46 670 60 039 106 709 2 891 1 527 390
40–54 1 609 801 90 523 96 207 186 730 4 275 1 800 806
55–74 589 815 60 333 60 142 120 475 3 894 714 185
educational attainment
Primary school 492 740 6 353 15 188 21 541 1 766 516 048
Secondary school
with professional qualification 1 952 499 106 516 110 107 216 623 6 213 2 175 335
without professional qualification 458 057 21 346 35 053 56 399 2 244 516 700
College, university, PhD, DLA 1 001 081 65 944 63 523 129 467 1 383 1 131 930
type of settlement
Budapest 720 835 45 674 49 840 95 514 353 816 702
Town with county rights 731 088 48 102 34 378 82 480 1 487 815 055
Other town 1 127 395 54 701 70 873 125 574 2 671 1 255 640
Village 1 325 060 51 681 68 779 120 460 7 095 1 452 616
type of workplace
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 147 693 15 853 43 055 58 908 7 611 214 212
B–F Industry 1 259 464 60 164 33 494 93 658 744 1 353 867
G–U Services 2 497 220 124 141 147 321 271 462 3 251 2 771 934
Non-manual workers 1 699 741 94 404 77 841 172 245 1 274 1 873 260
Manual workersb 2 204 636 105 754 146 030 251 784 10 332 2 466 753
aMember of co-operatives and unpaid family member.  bIncluding armed forces. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011