Sales and unadjusted volume indices of retail shops(8/9)

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Name Level 2020
of territorial units July August September October November December
Million HUF
Budapest capital, regiona 210 764 205 896 207 385 219 349 215 544 250 373
Pest county, regionb 151 261 149 882 143 930 150 301 147 751 172 044
Central Hungary large regionc 362 025 355 778 351 315 369 650 363 294 422 417
Fejér county 45 568 44 792 41 571 43 428 42 587 49 881
Komárom-Esztergom county 30 958 30 387 28 449 30 432 29 469 32 962
Veszprém county 41 296 41 402 33 044 34 341 32 318 36 572
Central Transdanubia region 117 823 116 581 103 065 108 201 104 374 119 415
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 56 515 55 301 50 307 54 069 53 021 60 541
Vas county 27 451 27 760 25 685 26 506 25 344 28 440
Zala county 32 661 33 003 27 604 28 828 27 109 31 186
Western Transdanubia region 116 628 116 065 103 595 109 403 105 474 120 168
Baranya county 33 425 33 894 32 042 34 240 32 730 36 602
Somogy county 38 757 39 673 28 326 28 951 26 953 29 728
Tolna county 20 213 19 997 19 040 20 215 19 229 21 202
Southern Transdanubia region 92 395 93 564 79 408 83 407 78 911 87 532
Transdanubia large region 326 845 326 211 286 068 301 011 288 758 327 114
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 55 536 55 062 50 996 53 197 50 512 60 845
Heves county 29 075 29 427 27 056 28 071 26 418 30 020
Nógrád county 14 613 14 476 14 098 14 045 13 347 15 862
Northern Hungary region 99 225 98 965 92 149 95 313 90 276 106 727
Hajdú-Bihar county 47 856 47 806 45 216 47 760 45 401 52 893
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 34 908 34 672 32 422 33 911 32 370 37 761
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 41 803 42 488 39 549 41 811 40 514 48 165
Norther Great Plain region 124 567 124 966 117 187 123 482 118 285 138 818
Bács-Kiskun county 47 763 48 032 45 181 47 947 45 595 53 270
Békés county 28 335 27 990 25 906 27 447 26 160 29 679
Csongrád-Csanád county 40 351 39 706 37 819 40 036 38 631 43 372
Southern Great Plain region 116 449 115 728 108 906 115 430 110 386 126 322
Great Plain and North large region 340 241 339 659 318 243 334 225 318 948 371 867
Territorially not classifiedd 82 882 79 752 95 975 103 650 146 677 125 010
Totale country 1 111 993 1 101 400 1 051 601 1 108 536 1 117 677 1 246 409
Volume index, Same period of previous year = 100.0%
Budapest capital, regiona 94.1 91.8 89.7 88.4 87.7 84.8
Pest county, regionb 101.3 99.1 98.6 98.0 99.1 97.4
Central Hungary large regionc 97.0 94.7 93.1 92.1 92.0 89.5
Fejér county 100.6 98.2 99.3 98.3 100.3 101.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 103.7 101.4 100.3 101.1 100.5 97.0
Veszprém county 99.8 101.0 98.9 97.8 98.4 98.1
Central Transdanubia region 101.1 100.0 99.4 98.9 99.8 99.1
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 100.4 98.3 92.3 93.3 94.3 92.9
Vas county 100.9 101.9 99.9 96.6 97.1 95.7
Zala county 97.0 96.1 95.5 94.4 95.0 95.7
Western Transdanubia region 99.5 98.5 94.9 94.4 95.1 94.3
Baranya county 100.4 99.4 97.3 96.8 96.6 94.8
Somogy county 98.0 99.9 100.0 99.3 100.4 99.0
Tolna county 102.0 97.3 97.6 97.9 98.6 95.2
Southern Transdanubia region 99.7 99.2 98.3 97.9 98.3 96.3
Transdanubia large region 100.1 99.2 97.5 96.9 97.6 96.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 103.0 98.8 98.5 96.6 97.4 99.9
Heves county 100.1 99.2 98.1 95.9 97.6 96.4
Nógrád county 104.1 102.1 104.1 97.3 100.1 103.0
Northern Hungary region 102.3 99.4 99.2 96.5 97.8 99.3
Hajdú-Bihar county 102.1 99.2 98.3 97.5 96.7 97.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 105.1 102.4 102.2 99.6 100.5 100.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 103.9 101.7 100.0 97.2 99.8 103.6
Norther Great Plain region 103.5 100.9 99.9 97.9 98.8 100.6
Bács-Kiskun county 94.1 94.2 93.7 94.0 94.1 95.7
Békés county 99.5 97.1 95.8 93.9 94.0 93.5
Csongrád-Csanád county 98.9 95.3 94.4 94.9 95.3 92.5
Southern Great Plain region 97.0 95.3 94.4 94.3 94.5 94.1
Great Plain and North large region 100.8 98.5 97.8 96.2 97.0 97.9
Territorially not classifiedf 117.5 120.6 132.9 135.1 143.6 128.1
Totalg country 100.4 98.8 98.5 97.6 99.7 96.8
aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.  bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.  cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.  dRetail sale via mail order houses or via Internet. From January 2019 data also include market and other non-store retail sales.  eFrom January 2019 data also include market and other non-store retail sales.  fRetail sale via mail order houses or via Internet. From January 2020 data also include market and other non-store retail sales.  gFrom January 2020 data also include market and other non-store retail sales.  Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011