Value and volume index of domestic industrial sales by residence*

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Name Level 2019 2020
of territorial units I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter
Domestic sales, million HUF
Budapest capital, regiona 1 167 356 2 087 838 3 018 004 4 237 487 1 236 473 2 073 974 2 970 295 4 195 393
Pest county, regionb 167 583 365 410 569 847 801 903 189 069 363 259 574 807 796 684
Central Hungary large regionc 1 334 939 2 453 249 3 587 850 5 039 390 1 425 542 2 437 234 3 545 103 4 992 077
Fejér county 128 419 257 691 384 437 511 795 135 148 246 322 372 595 511 513
Komárom-Esztergom county 111 148 236 536 349 227 459 711 113 881 204 358 326 245 455 217
Veszprém county 73 530 142 253 213 229 284 636 80 340 132 244 204 327 286 017
Central Transdanubia region 313 097 636 480 946 893 1 256 142 329 370 582 924 903 166 1 252 748
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 132 726 271 075 402 348 551 298 145 858 255 433 387 277 535 817
Vas county 38 192 78 458 116 304 156 804 40 505 72 293 109 247 156 689
Zala county 25 471 52 281 78 818 109 920 30 345 56 367 84 629 116 718
Western Transdanubia region 196 389 401 813 597 469 818 022 216 708 384 094 581 153 809 224
Baranya county 49 439 99 151 149 382 207 153 57 057 105 191 157 039 214 309
Somogy county 30 601 61 979 93 617 121 068 27 721 52 151 79 033 107 709
Tolna county 61 120 124 849 189 382 260 000 67 337 132 531 198 562 269 711
Southern Transdanubia region 141 161 285 979 432 381 588 221 152 115 289 873 434 635 591 729
Transdanubia large region 650 647 1 324 272 1 976 744 2 662 386 698 193 1 256 891 1 918 954 2 653 700
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 162 928 329 359 484 989 641 027 164 032 298 658 448 314 613 759
Heves county 44 232 90 755 141 482 193 690 46 208 88 159 139 066 194 479
Nógrád county 6 214 12 126 16 889 23 140 5 829 10 144 15 688 23 157
Northern Hungary region 213 374 432 239 643 360 857 858 216 069 396 960 603 068 831 396
Hajdú-Bihar county 62 634 123 552 185 989 254 229 75 043 139 610 206 056 281 117
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 64 452 127 804 194 864 270 693 73 145 140 494 217 818 297 298
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 42 798 90 303 142 353 195 460 46 293 89 826 145 359 203 533
Norther Great Plain region 169 885 341 658 523 206 720 382 194 481 369 929 569 233 781 948
Bács-Kiskun county 88 169 190 212 296 568 404 045 103 680 197 225 301 586 411 582
Békés county 28 909 62 124 95 673 127 391 30 633 59 604 92 180 125 129
Csongrád-Csanád county 89 333 177 684 241 219 305 978 67 021 125 773 190 827 262 332
Southern Great Plain region 206 410 430 020 633 459 837 414 201 333 382 601 584 593 799 044
Great Plain and North large region 589 669 1 203 918 1 800 025 2 415 654 611 883 1 149 491 1 756 894 2 412 387
Total country 2 575 256 4 981 439 7 364 619 10 117 430 2 735 619 4 843 615 7 220 950 10 058 164
Volume index, same period of previous year = 100.0%
Budapest capital, regiona 99.2 103.3 105.7 106.0 108.3 105.6 104.3 104.3
Pest county, regionb 110.5 108.2 109.4 108.7 105.8 93.2 95.0 94.0
Central Hungary large regionc 100.5 104.0 106.3 106.4 108.0 103.6 102.6 102.5
Fejér county 100.5 100.9 100.6 98.9 104.8 94.1 95.0 97.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 113.7 115.4 118.6 114.1 98.9 84.1 91.3 96.8
Veszprém county 135.6 127.6 128.7 127.7 101.1 86.1 89.4 94.4
Central Transdanubia region 112.0 111.3 112.4 109.9 101.8 88.5 92.3 96.4
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 113.1 114.3 116.5 115.9 103.4 88.3 90.4 91.5
Vas county 104.3 105.8 106.6 104.7 98.2 85.7 87.6 93.9
Zala county 97.0 99.2 99.4 103.0 114.3 103.7 103.3 102.4
Western Transdanubia region 109.0 110.4 111.9 111.7 103.7 89.8 91.5 93.4
Baranya county 108.1 108.0 106.7 106.9 103.3 96.7 97.2 97.4
Somogy county 99.4 97.3 96.4 91.4 81.3 76.9 78.3 83.7
Tolna county 98.9 104.0 103.5 105.3 112.4 109.0 107.4 105.6
Southern Transdanubia region 102.1 103.8 102.9 102.6 101.9 97.2 97.1 97.9
Transdanubia large region 108.8 109.3 110.0 108.7 102.4 90.8 93.1 95.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 108.7 103.7 103.4 101.0 98.1 91.4 92.9 95.4
Heves county 92.9 97.6 99.1 99.8 103.5 95.9 97.2 99.0
Nógrád county 118.1 115.5 109.5 102.6 89.5 79.9 89.2 96.4
Northern Hungary region 105.2 102.7 102.6 100.8 98.9 92.0 93.7 96.3
Hajdú-Bihar county 89.9 91.8 92.8 93.1 110.7 105.2 103.9 105.0
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 109.2 107.2 105.5 104.2 106.9 103.6 106.2 104.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 109.2 106.9 107.6 107.5 103.2 95.4 98.3 100.7
Norther Great Plain region 101.2 101.0 101.1 100.8 107.4 102.0 103.3 103.7
Bács-Kiskun county 98.0 101.6 103.5 102.7 110.4 97.8 96.6 97.1
Békés county 103.6 108.6 109.7 109.1 101.3 91.8 92.2 94.2
Csongrád-Csanád county 102.4 104.2 92.9 86.1 71.1 67.4 75.0 81.5
Southern Great Plain region 100.6 103.6 100.0 96.8 92.2 84.4 87.7 90.9
Great Plain and North large region 102.4 102.5 101.2 99.4 99.0 92.2 94.4 96.6
Total country 102.9 105.0 105.9 105.2 104.4 97.2 97.9 99.2
*Data of enterprises with more than 49 employee.  aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.  bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.  cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.  Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011