Industrial production value and volume index by local units, monthly*(2/4)

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Name Level 2020.
of territorial units Jl Au S O N D J–D
Million HUF
Budapest capital, regiona 278 579 247 584 300 102 306 911 316 973 296 036 3 408 077
Pest county, regionb 272 694 277 696 356 222 333 036 366 305 338 346 3 585 017
Central Hungary large regionc 551 272 525 279 656 325 639 948 683 278 634 382 6 993 094
Fejér county 208 342 201 651 252 734 257 092 254 705 206 550 2 567 008
Komárom-Esztergom county 224 699 166 019 266 861 257 786 229 752 214 113 2 575 438
Veszprém county 101 002 93 848 126 498 126 079 121 155 101 949 1 238 084
Central Transdanubia region 534 042 461 518 646 093 640 957 605 612 522 612 6 380 530
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 328 241 324 220 459 814 470 786 426 985 328 277 4 138 691
Vas county 114 260 106 944 141 622 137 754 139 138 111 476 1 428 206
Zala county 55 102 48 466 64 349 55 824 59 868 57 661 667 162
Western Transdanubia region 497 603 479 630 665 785 664 365 625 990 497 414 6 234 059
Baranya county 48 049 43 163 51 633 49 601 50 771 46 090 564 021
Somogy county 41 540 36 551 47 633 47 540 49 147 43 909 517 325
Tolna county 52 943 53 987 61 644 59 922 50 854 54 589 647 981
Southern Transdanubia region 142 531 133 700 160 909 157 063 150 773 144 588 1 729 327
Transdanubia large region 1 174 177 1 074 848 1 472 787 1 462 384 1 382 375 1 164 614 14 343 917
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 236 927 213 281 257 137 296 679 291 909 261 468 2 887 666
Heves county 119 747 129 965 169 598 176 895 167 186 117 455 1 546 208
Nógrád county 27 714 22 194 31 889 32 784 34 229 26 557 325 542
Northern Hungary region 384 389 365 440 458 624 506 358 493 324 405 480 4 759 416
Hajdú-Bihar county 74 272 71 652 89 028 84 771 87 018 78 606 959 571
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 158 246 178 546 234 596 240 299 229 539 122 654 2 084 275
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 88 320 89 373 105 722 93 825 96 673 82 359 1 035 186
Norther Great Plain region 320 839 339 572 429 345 418 894 413 230 283 619 4 079 032
Bács-Kiskun county 227 346 206 900 274 733 268 000 266 438 197 278 2 583 155
Békés county 45 287 42 265 52 673 48 465 51 486 43 947 538 999
Csongrád-Csanád county 67 410 62 838 71 680 71 334 72 512 69 091 798 402
Southern Great Plain region 340 043 312 003 399 086 387 799 390 437 310 316 3 920 557
Great Plain and North large region 1 045 270 1 017 015 1 287 055 1 313 051 1 296 991 999 415 12 759 005
Totald country 2 776 343 2 621 891 3 422 011 3 420 885 3 369 799 2 802 955 34 166 648
Volume index, Same period of previous year = 100.0%
Budapest capital, regiona 88.2 85.3 91.8 90.3 92.2 98.8 89.3
Pest county, regionb 91.6 101.7 109.8 99.3 113.9 116.2 101.5
Central Hungary large regionc 89.9 93.3 100.8 94.8 102.7 107.4 95.2
Fejér county 84.8 95.5 98.5 100.4 101.6 101.1 89.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 87.9 91.5 103.0 91.3 89.0 104.0 87.5
Veszprém county 102.3 100.6 111.1 106.0 106.5 110.4 97.3
Central Transdanubia region 89.0 95.0 102.6 97.5 97.3 104.0 90.0
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 83.4 120.0 98.9 102.2 103.5 116.9 87.9
Vas county 93.9 86.2 96.2 97.3 99.5 97.1 90.1
Zala county 101.7 83.8 89.9 90.5 98.2 93.9 93.4
Western Transdanubia region 87.4 106.1 97.4 100.1 102.0 108.9 89.0
Baranya county 86.8 90.5 96.9 87.1 96.1 93.7 91.4
Somogy county 97.8 84.5 90.1 93.6 97.6 99.3 92.2
Tolna county 93.3 98.1 107.9 102.9 81.9 97.9 95.9
Southern Transdanubia region 92.2 91.6 98.5 94.6 91.2 96.9 93.3
Transdanubia large region 88.7 99.1 99.7 98.3 98.6 105.1 89.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 103.5 95.0 107.2 110.4 109.0 113.9 99.0
Heves county 88.1 102.6 110.9 114.0 110.3 106.3 93.0
Nógrád county 97.9 97.8 102.0 102.9 107.7 128.4 95.3
Northern Hungary region 97.8 97.8 108.2 111.1 109.3 112.4 96.7
Hajdú-Bihar county 96.8 94.6 99.6 102.0 108.0 100.9 101.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 123.1 140.1 130.7 125.9 126.1 100.1 115.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 92.2 96.6 100.8 91.3 104.2 111.4 95.5
Norther Great Plain region 106.6 114.9 114.9 111.2 116.3 103.4 106.5
Bács-Kiskun county 89.5 87.7 104.0 99.7 110.1 104.5 93.0
Békés county 89.4 92.1 99.6 91.3 99.0 110.7 92.4
Csongrád-Csanád county 100.2 101.6 101.2 98.5 105.5 112.1 99.9
Southern Great Plain region 91.5 90.8 102.9 98.3 107.6 107.0 94.2
Great Plain and North large region 98.1 100.4 108.5 107.0 110.9 108.0 98.8
Totald country 92.2 98.4 103.1 100.7 103.9 106.6 94.2
*Data of enterprises with more than 4 employee.  aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.  bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.  cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.  dIncluding activity outside the country border.  Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011