4.2.27. Volume indeces of export sales by end-use groups of branches, corresponding period of previous year = 100.0%*

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Period Energy related industries Intermediate goods industries (except energy) Energy and intermediate goods industries, total Capital goods industries Durable consumer goods industries Non-durable consumer goods industries Non-durable and durable consumer goods industries, total
2017. J 111.7 109.9 110.2 107.1 115.7 103.4 108.3
F 123.1 104.0 107.2 100.8 98.4 100.0 99.4
M 102.3 111.5 109.9 111.1 122.9 114.5 117.8
A 104.5 99.1 99.9 90.8 114.1 96.7 103.4
My 112.9 113.2 113.1 110.5 119.5 110.2 113.7
Ju 119.5 106.7 108.5 101.3 100.4 103.2 102.1
Jl 120.8 107.9 110.1 94.8 105.1 101.7 102.9
Au 140.9 107.0 112.3 106.8 116.2 102.2 107.7
S 135.5 110.0 113.7 100.8 107.8 104.6 105.9
O 129.1 115.2 117.2 106.6 109.0 99.4 103.3
N 143.5 109.5 114.5 97.9 105.1 101.6 103.1
D 100.7 102.9 102.5 96.6 86.0 95.5 92.4
J–D 119.5 108.1 109.9 102.0 108.6 102.7 105.0
2018. J 85.3 112.3 107.3 104.5 98.5 106.9 103.3
F 79.3 107.9 102.3 97.1 101.5 104.8 103.5
M 113.7 101.0 103.1 94.9 90.6 95.8 93.7
A 113.7 114.3 114.2 105.3 99.8 104.8 102.7
My 97.5 107.9 106.1 92.0 98.7 99.9 99.4
Ju 98.5 110.3 108.1 98.9 107.5 103.2 104.9
Jl 109.3 111.9 111.3 98.5 108.9 105.2 106.5
Au 127.7 105.6 110.6 91.5 89.4 101.1 96.1
S 111.1 100.6 102.8 88.3 97.2 91.9 94.1
O 131.5 106.9 111.6 100.9 103.6 103.2 103.4
N 104.2 103.0 103.3 103.0 96.8 97.7 97.3
D 114.2 99.3 102.5 107.1 140.8 92.3 107.0
J–D 107.8 106.7 106.9 98.2 101.1 100.4 100.7
2019. J 123.3 104.8 107.9 108.1 105.4 101.2 102.9
F 103.2 104.6 104.4 110.4 116.1 97.7 104.9
M 97.0 105.2 103.6 109.7 122.0 107.1 113.0
A 118.1 102.9 105.7 105.1 108.7 102.5 105.0
My 130.6 101.4 105.9 112.5 110.1 100.7 104.4
Ju 131.1 93.0 98.6 101.8 104.2 96.4 99.6
Jl 110.9 103.4 104.8 118.9 126.0 107.5 114.1
Au 80.9 99.1 95.0 107.2 116.9 100.7 107.1
S 93.0 108.3 105.3 122.3 135.0 113.6 122.7
O 88.8 104.8 101.8 111.9 119.7 103.6 110.5
N 84.4 105.7 101.7 100.1 121.0 104.1 111.2
D 88.9 107.3 103.3 94.5 104.8 108.8 107.2
J–D 102.6 103.3 103.2 108.4 116.1 103.6 108.6
2020. J 94.3 109.1 106.5 100.7 117.0 102.7 108.5
F 101.3 113.3 111.6 100.1 114.9 108.5 111.1
M 86.9 110.7 107.2 78.2 88.7 108.2 100.3
A 53.0 77.3 73.5 35.3 65.6 95.7 83.4
My 60.3 84.0 80.5 54.3 79.1 90.8 86.1
Ju 59.7 108.3 100.2 89.5 115.3 101.1 106.9
Jl 63.1 106.1 98.2 85.1 121.8 99.5 107.9
Au 72.7 107.3 101.1 89.3 127.6 99.6 111.2
S 84.5 115.1 110.0 97.6 121.5 100.3 109.8
O 92.7 113.3 110.0 92.5 123.6 96.5 108.7
N 108.7 120.1 118.4 101.7 123.9 98.5 109.8
D 126.9 127.0 127.0 99.4 94.7 104.2 100.6
J–D 83.8 107.5 103.6 85.1 108.9 100.4 103.9
2021. J 132.1 108.9 112.7 77.2 115.6 95.0 103.7
J–J 132.1 108.9 112.7 77.2 115.6 95.0 103.7
*Data of corporations with more than 4 employees.  Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011