4.3.3. Fixed-base and month-on-month volume indices of construction production by main groups of constructions*

< >
Period Buildings Civil engineering works Construction total Buildings Civil engineering works Construction total Buildings Civil engineering works Construction total
non-adjusted volume index seasonally and by working days adjusted volume index
monthly average of 2015 = 100.0% previous month = 100.0%
2017. J 63.1 31.8 46.7 102.0 72.5 87.7 102.0 100.5 99.7
F 80.9 36.9 58.5 109.0 76.5 92.9 106.9 105.5 105.9
M 118.2 58.7 87.9 117.0 86.9 97.2 107.4 113.6 104.6
A 97.3 68.1 82.1 113.2 82.5 94.0 96.7 95.0 96.7
My 118.9 93.7 105.6 123.0 87.2 103.1 108.6 105.7 109.7
Ju 141.8 93.4 116.4 123.2 83.6 102.8 100.1 95.9 99.7
Jl 97.1 95.6 95.1 108.9 85.8 96.6 88.4 102.6 93.9
Au 149.2 96.7 122.0 135.1 86.4 111.6 124.1 100.8 115.6
S 140.3 135.1 137.4 121.9 92.9 109.1 90.2 107.5 97.8
O 128.0 129.5 128.3 125.8 98.7 115.2 103.2 106.3 105.6
N 145.2 117.8 129.5 129.5 94.0 112.8 102.9 95.2 97.9
D 177.9 131.1 152.4 131.8 102.4 119.6 101.8 108.8 106.1
2018. J 93.2 41.4 66.0 145.5 98.5 122.1 110.4 96.2 102.0
F 92.5 50.8 71.1 123.6 103.5 112.1 85.0 105.1 91.8
M 116.9 57.1 86.4 115.4 91.0 95.5 93.4 87.9 85.2
A 103.1 85.0 93.3 121.8 104.8 107.6 105.5 115.1 112.7
My 127.5 115.2 120.3 132.8 110.1 117.6 109.0 105.1 109.3
Ju 160.3 131.6 144.2 138.9 118.0 127.4 104.6 107.2 108.3
Jl 124.2 135.2 127.6 139.1 116.3 128.4 100.1 98.6 100.7
Au 164.3 143.0 152.1 148.9 127.8 139.5 107.1 109.9 108.7
S 171.3 171.7 170.6 149.1 123.3 137.0 100.1 96.4 98.2
O 148.6 159.5 153.0 146.7 122.8 137.8 98.4 99.6 100.6
N 170.1 165.7 164.8 152.6 132.9 143.6 104.0 108.2 104.2
D 210.0 157.9 181.0 159.4 125.8 144.1 104.4 94.6 100.3
2019. J 117.9 56.3 85.1 180.4 134.4 155.6 113.2 106.9 107.9
F 129.0 73.6 100.4 170.3 138.9 154.7 94.4 103.4 99.5
M 181.4 103.2 141.1 176.7 151.8 155.2 103.8 109.3 100.3
A 141.8 124.4 131.9 168.1 144.6 152.3 95.1 95.2 98.1
My 156.4 147.2 150.4 163.2 140.7 147.4 97.1 97.3 96.8
Ju 193.1 151.3 170.0 166.7 141.2 150.9 102.1 100.4 102.4
Jl 161.7 178.9 167.3 179.9 152.9 166.5 107.9 108.2 110.3
Au 190.8 143.7 165.6 174.2 136.2 153.6 96.8 89.1 92.2
S 198.0 194.8 195.1 172.8 147.8 158.6 99.2 108.5 103.3
O 174.1 191.3 181.3 172.3 152.8 164.1 99.7 103.4 103.5
N 179.8 171.0 172.0 161.8 136.4 149.5 93.9 89.3 91.1
D 190.5 189.0 186.2 147.6 149.5 149.9 91.3 109.7 100.3
2020. J 107.1 57.9 80.6 163.3 132.9 146.3 110.6 88.9 97.6
F 133.7 80.9 106.2 175.1 147.7 160.7 107.2 111.1 109.8
M 182.7 95.3 137.9 176.2 135.5 151.0 100.6 91.8 94.0
A 141.2 121.9 130.3 167.4 138.4 150.3 95.0 102.1 99.5
My 122.7 128.5 124.3 128.0 120.1 121.3 76.4 86.8 80.7
Ju 165.6 123.2 142.5 142.3 117.8 126.8 111.2 98.1 104.5
Jl 131.9 137.3 132.1 146.5 121.6 131.5 102.9 103.2 103.7
Au 157.5 130.9 142.8 145.0 126.5 133.9 99.0 104.0 101.8
S 179.1 152.9 165.0 156.7 123.0 135.8 108.0 97.3 101.4
O 164.6 140.7 151.8 163.0 120.3 138.7 104.1 97.8 102.1
N 193.0 171.9 178.9 173.2 134.2 154.6 106.3 111.5 111.5
D 219.2 157.9 185.6 170.9 126.0 150.0 98.7 93.9 97.0
2021 J 117.8 65.3 89.5 179.1 139.2 161.1 104.8 110.4 107.4
*Table contains data of all construction enterprises.  Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011