Participants in labour market flow by demographic and other characteristics*

(thousand persons)

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Denomination Participate in the labour market flow Do not participate in the labour market flow Total number of respondents
entrants of which: changers exits
Total 573.3 207.1 256.6 6 639.4 7 469.4
Male 293.5 115.4 113.6 3 203.9 3 611.0
Female 279.8 91.7 143.0 3 435.5 3 858.3
Age groups
15–19 16.7 1.2 4.6 465.2 486.5
20–24 99.3 22.8 29.3 456.8 585.4
25–29 93.3 35.4 29.6 475.8 598.7
30–34 67.4 30.9 28.1 513.7 609.1
35–39 75.4 30.1 31.8 670.1 777.3
40–44 67.7 28.8 26.5 685.5 779.7
45–49 54.3 21.8 20.6 612.3 687.2
50–54 45.9 20.2 17.1 513.6 576.6
55–59 38.9 12.7 30.7 567.8 637.4
60–64 13.2 2.9 34.2 666.8 714.2
65–69 1.0 0.4 3.6 565.6 570.3
70–74 0.2 0.4 446.3 446.9
Educational attainment
Less than 8 grades of primary school 9.4 2.0 5.2 111.6 126.3
Primary school 113.9 28.6 78.9 1 446.5 1 639.2
Vocational and apprentice school 174.9 70.3 71.8 1 560.1 1 806.8
Secondary general school 66.1 21.7 26.2 914.1 1 006.4
Other secondary school 110.9 42.8 38.8 1 253.8 1 403.5
College 57.7 25.4 20.3 825.2 903.2
University 40.4 16.2 15.4 528.1 583.9
Type of settlement
Village 244.1 80.2 112.8 2 197.7 2 554.5
Town 254.8 96.8 110.5 3 224.4 3 589.7
Budapest 74.5 30.2 33.3 1 217.3 1 325.1
Marital status
Single 304.9 104.9 103.8 2 234.9 2 643.6
Married 192.9 76.2 108.3 3 201.1 3 502.3
Widowed, divorced or legally separated 75.6 26.0 44.5 1 203.4 1 323.4
County/region of residence
Budapest 74.5 30.2 33.3 1 217.3 1 325.1
Pest 51.3 19.5 22.8 863.3 937.4
Central Hungary 125.8 49.7 56.1 2 080.7 2 262.5
Fejér 31.2 11.3 8.1 284.1 323.5
Komárom-Esztergom 10.3 3.3 5.3 215.1 230.8
Veszprém 20.0 6.8 9.3 235.1 264.4
Central Transdanubia 61.6 21.4 22.7 734.3 818.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron 17.7 8.1 9.0 323.6 350.3
Vas 15.2 7.7 4.9 178.2 198.3
Zala 15.4 7.3 7.0 189.7 212.1
Western Transdanubia 48.4 23.1 20.9 691.4 760.6
Baranya 29.5 12.4 11.5 233.9 275.0
Somogy 21.5 7.0 9.4 201.3 232.2
Tolna 11.3 5.8 6.4 153.2 171.0
Southern Transdanubia 62.3 25.2 27.4 588.4 678.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 54.7 15.0 25.2 418.3 498.3
Heves 21.0 8.9 9.3 191.9 222.3
Nógrád 13.0 2.6 5.6 130.5 149.1
Northern Hungary 88.7 26.5 40.1 740.8 869.7
Hajdú-Bihar 42.0 17.5 20.2 345.1 407.4
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 25.4 9.2 11.1 243.0 279.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 45.7 11.0 27.5 357.7 430.9
Northern Great Plain 113.1 37.7 58.8 945.8 1 117.7
Bács-Kiskun 25.7 8.3 12.8 352.8 391.3
Békés 28.1 11.1 10.0 223.7 261.7
Csongrád-Csanád 19.5 4.1 7.9 281.5 308.9
Southern Great Plain 73.3 23.5 30.6 858.0 961.9
*Those aged 15–74 who created a labour relation or who changed their job (entrants), and those who terminated their employment status and became unemployed or inactive (exits) in 2015. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011