Economically inactive population*(6/6)


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Name Level 2019 2020
of territorial units quarter 1 quarter 2 quarter 3 quarter 4 quarter 1 quarter 2 quarter 3 quarter 4
Budapest capital, regiona 421.5 427.2 422.5 407.4 411.5 396.9 393.2 395.7
Pest county, regionb 325.8 326.2 317.8 322.5 324.1 321.5 323.7 317.6
Central Hungary large regionc 747.3 753.4 740.3 729.9 735.6 718.4 716.9 713.2
Fejér county 104.0 105.0 107.5 111.2 111.8 110.6 108.1 107.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 79.8 81.8 80.9 85.2 82.3 83.7 81.2 81.0
Veszprém county 96.4 96.1 93.6 91.0 92.2 89.7 92.5 91.5
Central Transdanubia region 280.2 283.0 282.1 287.5 286.3 283.9 281.8 279.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 119.7 115.5 114.8 114.1 115.4 117.5 115.0 118.3
Vas county 64.8 62.3 63.3 62.8 64.9 71.3 64.8 64.5
Zala county 74.3 73.3 72.4 74.2 73.5 73.7 73.7 74.8
Western Transdanubia region 258.8 251.1 250.5 251.0 253.8 262.6 253.4 257.5
Baranya county 98.5 99.6 104.1 105.5 107.7 111.2 111.3 110.8
Somogy county 100.1 101.3 98.5 100.2 105.1 98.4 90.9 96.3
Tolna county 67.9 66.6 63.9 63.9 64.7 62.7 63.7 61.7
Southern Transdanubia region 266.4 267.5 266.5 269.6 277.5 272.3 266.0 268.7
Transdanubia large region 805.5 801.5 799.0 808.1 817.6 818.8 801.2 806.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 192.9 188.4 188.3 187.9 191.0 192.9 188.3 187.6
Heves county 85.5 84.1 82.8 82.4 85.4 87.6 86.9 86.1
Nógrád county 52.5 54.7 56.3 55.5 55.9 52.4 54.1 55.9
Northern Hungary region 330.9 327.3 327.4 325.8 332.2 332.9 329.4 329.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 145.8 143.6 149.1 148.6 144.1 148.3 137.9 141.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 100.7 100.8 98.6 101.7 108.5 108.5 103.6 104.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 153.4 149.6 151.5 156.7 154.6 157.6 150.4 153.5
Norther Great Plain region 399.9 394.0 399.2 407.0 407.2 414.4 392.0 399.9
Bács-Kiskun county 134.1 139.7 134.5 135.7 136.0 141.6 134.1 132.3
Békés county 92.2 94.0 90.0 92.2 90.9 92.8 89.7 93.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 114.3 113.2 112.8 113.4 112.1 120.3 110.0 113.4
Southern Great Plain region 340.6 346.9 337.3 341.2 339.0 354.7 333.8 338.7
Great Plain and North large region 1 071.3 1 068.1 1 063.9 1 074.0 1 078.5 1 102.0 1 055.1 1 068.3
Total country 2 624.1 2 623.0 2 603.2 2 611.9 2 631.6 2 639.2 2 573.2 2 587.6
*Data of labour force survey refer to the population aged 15–74. Source: labour force survey, HCSO.  aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.  bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.  cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011