People aged 15–29 by main activity between completing their studies and finding a job if this period was longer than 1 month, Quarter 4, 2018*(1/2)

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Denomination The respondent Total
spent this time primarily with searching a job spent this time primarily with recreation, entertainment, travel took occasional jobs spent this time primarily with other activities
thousand persons
Age group
15–19 13.2 4.6 2.3 0.9 20.9
20–24 104.3 42.9 10.1 13.6 170.9
25–29 170.6 75.5 16.7 24.6 287.5
Total 288.0 123.0 29.2 39.1 479.3
15–19 8.8 2.4 2.3 0.4 14.0
20–24 55.5 24.1 8.1 5.2 92.9
25–29 90.3 37.7 10.0 6.7 144.8
Total 154.7 64.2 20.4 12.3 251.6
15–19 4.3 2.2 0.4 6.9
20–24 48.7 18.8 2.0 8.4 78.0
25–29 80.3 37.8 6.7 17.9 142.7
Total 133.3 58.8 8.7 26.8 227.7
Educational attainment
At most 8 grades of primary school 55.2 14.0 14.9 15.8 99.9
Vocational school, apprentice school 67.7 23.6 5.8 4.7 101.9
Secondary general school 59.0 24.1 3.8 8.1 94.9
Secondary vocational school 70.3 31.9 3.5 5.6 111.3
College, university, PhD, DLA 35.8 29.3 1.2 4.9 71.2
Total 288.0 123.0 29.2 39.1 479.3
At most 8 grades of primary school 34.8 9.2 10.8 3.2 57.9
Vocational school, apprentice school 43.9 17.4 4.4 2.4 68.1
Secondary general school 26.2 10.5 2.7 3.6 43.0
Secondary vocational school 38.4 17.3 1.7 2.0 59.5
College, university, PhD, DLA 11.5 9.8 0.7 1.1 23.1
Total 154.7 64.2 20.4 12.3 251.6
At most 8 grades of primary school 20.4 4.8 4.1 12.6 42.0
Vocational school, apprentice school 23.9 6.2 1.3 2.3 33.8
Secondary general school 32.8 13.6 1.0 4.5 51.9
Secondary vocational school 31.9 14.6 1.8 3.6 51.9
College, university, PhD, DLA 24.3 19.6 0.5 3.7 48.1
Total 133.3 58.8 8.7 26.8 227.7
Economic activity
employed 237.6 107.7 19.5 28.6 393.5
unemployed 15.4 2.8 4.4 2.4 24.9
inactive 35.0 12.5 5.3 8.1 60.9
Total 288.0 123.0 29.2 39.1 479.3
employed 138.7 59.8 14.4 10.2 223.1
unemployed 10.7 1.7 4.0 1.0 17.4
inactive 5.3 2.6 2.1 1.1 11.1
Total 154.7 64.2 20.4 12.3 251.6
employed 98.9 47.9 5.1 18.4 170.4
unemployed 4.7 1.0 0.4 1.4 7.5
inactive 29.7 9.9 3.2 7.0 49.8
Total 133.3 58.8 8.7 26.8 227.7
Region of residence
Budapest 24.8 24.0 3.8 2.4 54.9
Pest 27.5 15.9 1.0 4.0 48.4
Central Transdanubia 24.8 20.2 3.4 5.3 53.8
Western Transdanubia 29.1 14.8 0.9 3.6 48.4
Southern Transdanubia 30.5 5.8 5.7 4.7 46.7
Northern Hungary 48.8 15.9 2.4 8.0 75.1
Northern Great Plain 66.6 14.4 6.9 8.4 96.3
Southern Great Plain 36.1 12.0 5.0 2.7 55.8
Total 288.0 123.0 29.2 39.1 479.3
Budapest 15.4 11.0 2.6 0.4 29.3
Pest 16.6 9.0 0.8 1.4 27.8
Central Transdanubia 12.0 9.6 2.8 1.2 25.7
Western Transdanubia 15.2 7.9 0.2 1.6 25.0
Southern Transdanubia 16.4 3.1 4.2 1.2 24.9
Northern Hungary 25.0 9.4 2.1 2.1 38.7
Northern Great Plain 35.6 8.1 4.7 3.4 51.8
Southern Great Plain 18.5 5.9 3.1 1.1 28.6
Total 154.7 64.2 20.4 12.3 251.6
Budapest 9.4 13.0 1.2 2.1 25.6
Pest 10.9 6.8 0.3 2.6 20.6
Central Transdanubia 12.8 10.6 0.6 4.1 28.1
Western Transdanubia 13.8 6.9 0.7 2.1 23.4
Southern Transdanubia 14.1 2.7 1.5 3.5 21.8
Northern Hungary 23.8 6.5 0.3 5.9 36.4
Northern Great Plain 31.0 6.3 2.2 5.0 44.5
Southern Great Plain 17.6 6.1 1.9 1.5 27.2
Total 133.3 58.8 8.7 26.8 227.7
The administrative classification of residence
town 134.5 43.8 9.2 15.0 202.5
village 128.8 55.2 16.2 21.7 221.9
Budapest 24.8 24.0 3.8 2.4 54.9
Total 288.0 123.0 29.2 39.1 479.3
town 69.4 24.8 5.7 6.9 106.9
village 69.9 28.3 12.1 5.0 115.4
Budapest 15.4 11.0 2.6 0.4 29.3
Total 154.7 64.2 20.4 12.3 251.6
town 65.1 19.0 3.4 8.0 95.6
village 58.9 26.9 4.1 16.7 106.5
Budapest 9.4 13.0 1.2 2.1 25.6
Total 133.3 58.8 8.7 26.8 227.7
*Source: Labour Force Survey, HCSO. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011