Gas and electricity consumption (2000–)(3/3)

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Name Level 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
of territorial units
Monthly average gas consumption per household consumer, m3
Budapest capital, regiona 64.8 69.6 71.8 81.5 73.8 70.8
Pest county, regionb 95.4 109.7 107.2 136.0 123.7 120.7
Central Hungary large regionc 75.3 83.6 84.2 100.7 91.5 88.7
Fejér county 70.1 81.3 83.1 92.8 87.0 87.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 93.5 109.6 115.0 126.1 121.3 120.1
Veszprém county 76.6 86.8 78.7 88.6 84.3 84.1
Central Transdanubia region 76.7 88.5 87.8 97.9 92.8 92.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 72.1 79.6 81.6 88.0 85.8 84.4
Vas county 66.4 71.4 73.9 81.5 80.4 80.0
Zala county 63.9 72.5 66.7 75.2 71.5 71.8
Western Transdanubia region 68.1 75.4 75.2 82.5 80.1 79.5
Baranya county 65.7 77.2 79.4 85.2 79.6 80.6
Somogy county 47.4 59.2 68.7 78.3 72.9 74.9
Tolna county 69.9 85.5 90.3 99.5 93.2 98.2
Southern Transdanubia region 58.7 71.1 77.3 85.4 79.7 82.0
Transdanubia large region 68.4 78.8 80.2 88.7 84.4 84.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 59.7 68.7 64.7 84.3 78.1 79.5
Heves county 66.8 77.2 74.4 99.8 88.5 91.5
Nógrád county 68.2 79.2 76.8 98.1 92.9 96.1
Northern Hungary region 63.1 72.8 69.3 91.0 83.3 85.5
Hajdú-Bihar county 68.5 81.5 76.7 101.7 90.9 90.2
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 69.1 83.1 78.1 98.3 91.3 91.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 62.4 74.1 68.4 94.4 86.0 88.9
Northern Great Plain region 66.6 79.4 74.2 98.2 89.3 90.2
Bács-Kiskun county 66.7 76.2 81.1 88.1 84.3 86.6
Békés county 67.8 77.6 82.2 93.2 85.9 89.1
Csongrád-Csanád county 59.9 67.4 72.5 79.6 73.4 74.6
Southern Great Plain region 64.7 73.6 78.4 86.6 81.0 83.2
Great Plain and North large region 64.9 75.4 74.4 91.9 84.6 86.3
Total country 69.5 79.2 79.4 94.2 87.0 86.8
Monthly average electricity consumption per household consumer, kWh
Budapest capital, regiona 169.5 175.2 179.3 182.3 180.4 180.5
Pest county, regionb 222.5 226.7 227.9 233.8 235.5 235.4
Central Hungary large regionc 188.1 193.5 196.7 200.6 199.9 199.9
Fejér county 165.5 167.6 167.0 173.4 173.9 178.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 175.9 178.2 178.9 186.1 184.3 190.1
Veszprém county 152.4 153.3 151.6 157.3 155.8 159.6
Central Transdanubia region 163.6 165.4 164.7 171.1 170.2 174.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 199.0 198.2 197.1 202.0 200.4 201.4
Vas county 172.8 173.8 172.8 178.0 176.6 179.4
Zala county 128.6 129.6 129.2 131.9 131.4 131.6
Western Transdanubia region 169.6 170.0 169.2 173.7 172.5 173.9
Baranya county 171.3 169.6 169.5 169.9 170.5 168.6
Somogy county 136.8 137.4 137.2 139.5 139.9 141.4
Tolna county 187.5 189.8 188.8 191.5 189.0 189.1
Southern Transdanubia region 161.8 161.8 161.5 163.1 162.9 162.7
Transdanubia large region 164.9 165.7 165.1 169.4 168.7 170.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 153.1 156.5 154.4 159.6 159.1 158.5
Heves county 186.9 184.9 180.9 187.0 185.7 185.8
Nógrád county 165.0 167.5 163.4 168.9 168.3 169.8
Northern Hungary region 164.0 166.1 163.2 168.7 167.9 167.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 174.0 179.8 180.0 180.1 181.5 181.5
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 160.8 166.2 165.8 168.6 169.9 172.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 180.0 186.0 186.0 186.7 188.1 188.9
Northern Great Plain region 172.4 178.2 178.1 179.2 180.5 181.5
Bács-Kiskun county 168.8 175.3 176.2 178.2 181.1 181.2
Békés county 158.2 164.2 165.6 166.8 166.3 167.1
Csongrád-Csanád county 158.0 163.1 163.0 166.0 167.1 166.0
Southern Great Plain region 162.4 168.3 169.0 171.1 172.6 172.5
Great Plain and North large region 166.5 171.2 170.6 173.3 174.0 174.3
Total country 172.3 176.0 176.6 180.2 180.1 180.9
aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.  bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.  cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011