Income amount necessary for the living standard of the active, retired, unemployed and other inactive households by income quintiles(3/3)

(one thousand HUF/month/person)

< >
Subsistence level Unemployed households
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. total
Very limited 33.2 56.9 61.9 63.7 108.8 39.1
Limited 46.4 78.5 86.7 90.2 151.9 54.6
Average 64.9 109.9 121.8 125.2 206.5 76.3
Good 88.8 148.9 174.2 174.9 262.9 104.4
Very good 120.2 202.7 249.2 232.0 375.3 142.0
Very limited 37.5 50.5 63.1 56.1 75.6 40.6
Limited 54.0 69.3 88.0 70.1 95.6 57.6
Average 76.2 97.1 148.1 93.3 234.3 82.3
Good 105.6 130.2 225.9 131.4 412.3 114.5
Very good 154.5 203.4 337.2 199.0 556.2 169.3
Very limited 33.7 55.2 65.9 54.7 54.4 38.7
Limited 48.2 75.1 86.2 79.3 63.4 54.4
Average 72.0 106.1 122.1 137.9 80.4 80.5
Good 98.8 157.6 173.1 209.6 126.8 113.0
Very good 144.1 254.9 225.5 309.6 250.0 167.5
Very limited 45.5 78.5 59.1 94.3 120.0 50.8
Limited 60.4 110.8 87.6 129.0 150.0 68.4
Average 86.2 161.8 157.1 168.2 200.0 98.1
Good 119.3 211.5 278.1 283.1 250.0 138.9
Very good 169.3 318.2 399.6 415.7 400.0 199.4
Very limited 45.9 67.0 72.3 103.7 93.9 53.6
Limited 64.5 92.4 91.2 152.4 124.8 74.8
Average 93.2 143.2 138.3 208.1 171.3 108.2
Good 125.3 231.9 184.4 343.7 332.5 155.9
Very good 180.8 357.9 260.5 620.5 455.4 232.1
Very limited 38.9 56.2 74.9 98.3 128.3 46.7
Limited 51.2 76.9 97.1 118.0 160.7 61.2
Average 79.3 116.2 130.6 166.1 246.0 92.9
Good 112.8 159.9 173.7 273.5 335.5 131.9
Very good 162.1 208.6 224.9 435.3 462.1 186.7
Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011