3.1.43. Hungarian direct investment abroad by countries and groups of countries of destination – BPM5

(million HUF)

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Continent, country, groups of countriesa 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Europe 135 906.0 173 918.6 307 865.3 376 143.5 399 624.1 612 092.5 961 856.6
Of which:
Austria 29 532.8 25 605.0 23 650.0 14 267.3 1 684.7 2 676.4 3 999.1
Belgium 3.5
Bulgaria 376.4 1 088.3 189.1 2 696.8 35 766.3 53 672.0
Czech Republic 3 209.6 7 877.3 19 044.8 24 185.4 22 707.7 21 309.4 21 318.1
Denmark 35 989.8 35 260.0 35 587.5 42 601.7 449.4
United Kingdom 1 852.3 2 536.0 2 809.3 2 984.9 2 864.3 3 147.9 10 285.6
France 131.0 129.0 380.7 672.4 162.4 192.5 188.8
Greece 0.9 18.3 3.8 39.0 40.5
Netherlands 64 221.0 82 817.2 112 473.1 94 727.3 88 251.8 89 617.5 89 125.7
Croatia 1 981.1 3 108.2 4 672.9 5 777.0 12 187.7 84 808.2 88 515.7
Poland 3 135.4 4 752.8 3 811.0 7 999.9 14 278.4 15 546.7 73 270.1
Germany 730.1 3 498.9 10 200.4 2 408.8 9 330.9 11 224.5 11 874.6
Italy 68.3 58.8 341.4 142.4 193.4 207.1 236.1
Russia 393.2 1 107.5 1 770.3 3 117.2 2 931.0 3 031.0 4 793.7
Romania 15 645.4 16 474.0 17 419.2 23 497.9 35 756.8 43 494.0 49 806.1
Spain 25.3 -100.9 129.9 139.1 169.4 271.4 318.3
Switzerland 150.2 919.9 1 219.3 1 462.7 764.8 826.2 717.7
Slovakia 2 257.6 5 273.5 30 661.2 44 864.8 61 918.2 146 373.3 404 208.9
Slovenia 980.3 1 412.5 1 317.0 1 547.6 2 532.7 4 796.6 4 532.4
Ukraine 2 667.0 3 593.1 4 298.5 5 775.7 4 476.4 5 218.1 5 206.1
America 5 094.1 11 388.5 17 423.0 16 214.5 16 563.0 14 419.2 3 839.9
Of which:
United States of America 4 759.9 11 021.5 16 958.7 15 469.9 15 813.3 14 112.3 3 542.4
Canada 20.6 20.6
Asia 650.3 2 363.0 900.4 795.5 4 122.4 2 475.2 2 209.6
Of which:
South Korea 3 448.0 1 515.3 1 548.8
India 190.5 198.8 238.7 278.4 219.2 130.8 374.8
Japan 70.5 83.2 108.0 92.0 86.8 59.7 40.7
China 195.9 224.5 335.7 184.4 136.9 207.5 215.7
Malaysia 10.5 13.2 11.4 9.2 19.3
Singapore -15.0 -36.2 12.4 104.8 93.5 -168.0
Africa 448.4 439.5 434.4 525.4
Australia and Oceania 139.3 161.6 179.9
Not allocatedb 7 135.3 18 690.3 24 589.4 19 113.1 29 373.6 36 825.1 42 313.3
Total 148 925.0 206 522.0 351 406.4 412 706.1 450 117.5 666 337.4 1 010 219.3
Of which:
EU–27 123 017.6 165 190.1 293 958.4 281 004.2 312 629.5 446 576.8 762 495.1
EU–15 89 240.9 121 285.9 196 194.6 162 135.6 149 607.5 162 061.1 128 755.3
*Without enterprises pursuing passive functions abroad and being engaged in channelling funds and enterprises in which the share of FDI is under 10%.  aThe groups of countries are the same as in the statistical system of OECD/Eurostat.  bContains real estate purclease of foreigners, capital investments into non-profit institutions. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011