3.5.6. External trade in goods in HUF by countries (2001–)(1/3)

(at current prices, million HUF)

< >
Country 2001 2002 2003 2003a 2004 2005 2006
Afghanistan 3.8 34.1 27.6 2.7 4.0 1.1 8.0
Albania 86.5 48.9 95.7 12.1 51.7 268.0 93.2
Algeria 40.3 10.3 19.5 27.9 21.6 21.1 17.1
American Samoa 27.1 0.7 7.3 13.0 6.5
Andorra 54.8 4.7 1.1 2.0 11.9 3.0
Angola 0.8 24.1 2.0 1.5 0.2 0.0
Antigua and Barbuda 43.2 178.9 167.7 1.3 16.6 269.0 7.8
Argentina 6 050.8 7 752.0 6 163.3 2 716.9 3 446.1 2 337.4 2 594.6
Armenia 33.3 25.2 6.8 0.0 12.3 3.7
Australia 8 203.6 5 361.8 7 819.6 2 888.7 6 648.6 3 326.0 2 846.8
Austria 713 565.6 672 362.3 671 051.8 1 273 387.8 995 440.7 868 330.5 1 012 047.8
Azerbaijan 48.8 13.4 8.5 27.2 26.8 22.4 1.5
Bahamas 75.2 109.5 119.0 725.6 652.9 503.6 571.6
Bahrain 95.3 14.4 12.0 12.1 21.0 10.7 1 027.3
Bangladesh 2 238.2 2 416.9 2 873.7 756.8 1 323.1 1 068.3 1 691.3
Barbados 20.8 12.2 15.2 22.1 5.8 8.0 4.0
Belarus 28 755.0 24 335.5 27 142.9 26 585.1 31 050.5 27 828.9 22 896.2
Belgium 220 640.7 185 468.0 188 110.7 271 475.0 253 054.0 292 936.6 338 006.1
Belize 69.3 30.9 122.7 15.6 344.6 110.1 5.4
Benin 1.3 1.1 1.6
Bermuda 12.4 0.0 25.8 0.0 0.0 2.8 43.9
Bhutan 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.9
Bolivia 13.1 18.0 15.6 0.1 4.6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 576.1 2 328.1 5 170.3 1 966.9 15 877.4 25 907.4 33 552.2
Botswana 810.8 1 028.1 709.1 0.2 0.0 0.0
Brazil 64 738.2 59 652.7 62 216.5 27 025.4 28 513.7 40 607.9 24 536.3
British Indian Ocean Territory 69.9
Brunei 72.0 0.4 10.0 0.8 3.8 49.8 47.4
Bulgaria 12 138.1 11 799.2 15 585.6 13 454.4 18 474.3 18 753.5 26 811.7
Burkina Faso 12.3 0.0 10.4 0.1 2.2
Burundi 172.7 52.7 113.1 143.2 40.4 29.8
Cambodia 183.6 226.0 283.3 36.0 16.9 6.3 91.9
Cameroon 474.2 529.5 366.9 144.5 163.9 117.7 9.3
Canada 19 505.8 26 153.1 28 868.8 19 160.5 17 075.5 23 742.9 26 090.4
Cape Verde 0.0
Cayman Islands 0.2 0.1 21.2 217.5
Central African Republic 35.4 1.0 8.9 24.6
Ceuta 0.1
Chad 133.3 7.2 6.5
Chile 658.9 1 019.3 851.3 138.0 329.9 563.7 330.4
Chinab 382 215.2 536 199.9 738 480.0 232 123.8 583 263.6 709 685.1 818 273.6
Christmas Island 0.2
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Colombia 1 191.9 1 391.8 2 985.4 194.9 709.2 1 787.4 701.8
Comoros 4.3 20.1 3.6
Congo 8.6 80.4 31.7 1.0 0.0 11.3 4.7
Congo Dem. Rep. 53.7 27.8 29.1 17.5 0.6 1.8 2.3
Cook Islands 0.0 0.7 2.2 4.8 20.2 10.3 4.8
Costa Rica 698.1 5 134.6 13 856.2 210.0 677.6 1 336.9 384.7
Côte d'Ivoire 1 561.5 1 730.6 1 665.3 299.6 819.9 1 142.3 726.4
Croatia 17 177.4 19 895.4 17 406.9 23 615.2 27 198.2 27 845.7 37 732.6
Cuba 116.5 90.7 99.2 3.3 42.4 25.2 17.9
Cyprus 638.8 744.4 353.4 558.0 2 500.2 2 267.8 2 483.3
Czech Republic 204 990.7 224 166.0 257 364.8 275 932.5 348 093.2 377 897.8 504 681.3
Denmark 55 891.8 65 680.8 66 943.9 70 980.5 77 366.2 86 734.0 99 064.4
Djibouti 1.1 4.5
Dominica 34.9 12.5 5.9 1.0 1.1 0.1 1.3
Dominican Republic 108.9 142.7 196.3 8.9 20.5 16.3 17.0
Ecuador 1 649.3 3 130.7 3 239.8 508.6 445.9 865.8 152.9
Egypt 1 404.7 1 600.6 1 731.4 611.2 935.9 1 649.7 1 702.2
El Salvador 95.6 33.3 74.7 11.1 10.9 0.3 2.9
Equatorial Guinea 0.3 0.5 11.2
Eritrea 0.0 0.3 0.1 41.4 1.9 0.7
Estonia 5 715.7 11 073.0 12 499.4 14 253.3 17 676.4 27 868.9 22 633.3
Ethiopia 44.3 222.3 487.7 349.5 228.0 190.2 227.5
Falkland Islands 1.1 1.9 22.8 4.1 110.3
Faroe Islands
Fiji 1.9 2.9 7.5 1.3 2.1 0.0 2.7
Finland 101 486.3 103 825.2 105 716.5 96 858.0 121 770.2 116 349.5 119 425.4
France 452 973.1 467 263.5 513 173.0 458 227.6 561 492.5 651 165.8 772 411.8
French Guianac 1.3 1.6 0.8
French Polynesia 0.1 1.7
French Southern Territories
Gabon 52.1 18.3 12.6 15.6 16.3 12.2 14.3
Gambia 5.3 1.6 1.3 2.3 0.1
Georgia 5.7 12.4 2.2 9.3 7.0 7.2 45.2
Germany 2 407 810.9 2 354 939.8 2 620 747.2 3 195 687.7 3 580 592.2 3 634 705.1 4 425 953.5
Ghana 175.6 333.7 205.1 55.7 21.3 4.8 82.4
Gibraltar 5.0 7.0 43.1 266.1 269.3 79.6 6.5
Greece 16 231.8 17 130.7 16 586.6 15 014.4 16 914.3 14 747.5 16 344.4
Grenada 3.8 2.6 1.5 0.4 2.0
Guatemala 231.8 82.7 98.4 13.5 5.8 1.0 33.1
Guinea 695.8 84.2 449.4 444.2 185.2 4.4 24.9
Guinea-Bissau 0.0 0.0 0.1
Guyana 2.4 3.3 9.7 5.6 2.6 1.9
Haiti 3.2 2.0 15.0 2.8 1.1 4.2
Holy See (Vatican City State) 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.3
Honduras 250.8 385.1 515.0 143.4 117.2 304.3 288.0
Hong Kong 35 478.9 52 712.4 67 360.9 117 609.3 133 887.4 187 088.5 238 887.4
Iceland 137.3 644.4 231.6 106.9 612.5 426.6 995.3
India 19 497.1 20 602.0 29 307.1 15 304.3 24 525.5 20 895.6 30 237.6
Indonesia 35 453.9 40 976.4 44 949.2 23 955.1 23 480.2 21 742.4 19 102.4
Iran 1 828.7 2 091.9 1 757.7 1 429.1 1 413.7 853.0 823.7
Iraq 0.2 0.4 0.4 3.3
Ireland 53 703.6 52 186.8 50 508.8 39 985.0 46 225.8 60 043.8 80 040.7
Israel 26 804.9 17 683.1 18 770.1 17 174.7 17 169.9 17 294.9 20 826.6
Italy 760 869.3 731 919.6 755 577.1 681 312.1 684 147.9 640 369.4 748 146.3
Jamaica 18.2 25.7 27.8 0.6 239.4 17.5
Japan 447 126.2 404 437.1 452 557.3 271 319.5 369 802.1 446 705.3 467 976.1
Jordan 11.2 16.3 555.5 104.7 41.3 482.4 604.0
Kazakhstan 3 975.7 6 305.0 7 036.0 6 347.9 11 767.9 13 072.0 12 118.6
Kenya 206.2 128.9 156.6 64.1 33.4 22.5 56.8
Kiribati 0.9 0.3 0.0 1.4 0.0
Korea, D.P. Rep. 150.6 283.8 390.2 155.0 81.3 51.0 35.9
Korea, Rep. 118 208.2 149 946.8 228 205.9 136 586.3 183 150.3 241 934.0 299 998.1
Kuwait 0.3 13.5 52.4 0.6 186.2 23.3 19.9
Kyrgyzstan 213.2 322.3 65.9 25.7 32.4 19.8 23.5
Lao People's Dem. Rep. 409.6 228.0 166.0 85.0 0.1 20.9 23.3
Latvia 1 191.1 1 213.1 1 806.9 2 858.7 3 168.7 2 771.5 2 442.2
Lebanon 318.7 13.2 71.9 165.7 676.7 444.5 206.2
Lesotho 0.0 0.0
Liberia 2.9 21.1 20.7 4.0 8.9 3.0
Libya 71.3 57.6 123.8 0.0 0.1 0.0
Liechtenstein 1 750.2 1 527.6 1 639.0 1 724.2 2 157.8 1 344.0 1 561.2
Lithuania 3 716.2 6 194.5 10 796.1 10 832.2 9 073.8 7 663.2 9 322.4
Luxembourg 7 051.4 8 868.6 11 902.9 19 043.8 16 794.7 14 525.2 15 710.8
Macao 444.2 403.9 617.1 72.3 136.9 799.4 485.9
Madagascar 113.3 129.2 142.7 0.8 14.8 1.9 4.4
Malawi 2 002.5 1 174.2 1 106.6 864.4 268.1 155.8 100.0
Malaysia 136 306.1 159 348.9 158 554.4 52 976.2 126 316.4 93 969.0 75 743.9
Maldives 9.1 7.1 1.2 3.3 0.2
Mali 46.3 172.1 129.1 25.1 11.3 0.7 0.0
Malta 8 746.1 6 793.4 13 089.7 10 432.8 17 254.6 33 692.9 16 666.5
Marshall Islands 0.0 0.0 7.3 182.0
Martiniquec 6.5 0.3
Mauritania 10.5 0.4 2.6 0.0
Mauritius 110.9 128.0 105.3 464.0 339.6 165.5 345.8
Mexico 34 858.9 30 695.2 28 289.1 15 779.1 11 756.3 8 496.1 12 051.5
Micronesia 3.0
Moldova 1 369.9 583.0 602.7 405.4 2 533.9 2 653.9 2 185.9
Monacoc 116.7 85.0 153.0
Mongolia 2.2 6.5 21.0 3.2 52.5 156.2 11.2
Montserrat 0.9 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5
Morocco 3 160.7 4 091.8 3 883.7 218.6 612.4 718.8 541.3
Mozambique 93.2 3.7 17.4 39.5 17.3 31.1 66.2
Myanmar 290.1 256.4 197.8 39.0 25.6 42.7 82.5
Namibia 5.4 11.1 11.3 6.3 16.8 26.0 20.6
Nauru 0.1 16.5 3.7 10.2 0.7
Nepal 50.2 63.8 52.7 15.6 11.4 17.8 28.6
Netherlands 200 684.1 202 514.2 229 940.6 490 762.0 601 663.9 573 439.1 704 751.9
Netherlands Antilles 2.9 4.6 0.1 359.2 263.0 7.5 0.5
New Caledonia 0.4 1.3 0.2 14.6 0.1 149.9
New Zealand 1 240.6 1 045.4 2 378.1 890.5 824.5 285.7 578.3
Nicaragua 192.7 49.7 4.5 1.5 19.3 22.1 0.6
Niger 0.1 0.3 1.7 3.2 1.1 4.3 4.5
Nigeria 144.3 233.5 35.8 13.2 14.0 27.8 1.8
North Macedonia 1 199.0 448.4 679.6 543.4 556.5 418.8 1 467.4
Northern Mariana Islands
Norway 12 855.1 14 584.3 15 638.9 12 940.3 10 590.1 8 593.4 4 908.3
Oman 2.5 2.9 4.2 182.8 7.3 14.9 65.9
Pakistan 4 988.6 5 346.4 5 615.2 3 839.9 4 348.1 3 470.1 4 154.9
Palau 0.0 12.7
Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Panama 418.6 837.0 1 082.5 64.1 506.4 74.3 76.9
Papua New Guinea 44.0 61.5 12.1 1.8 0.0 63.5 0.0
Paraguay 236.5 47.5 2.9 3.4 1.4
Peru 5 145.0 3 556.0 2 782.1 381.6 387.6 283.1 432.6
Philippines 54 053.8 114 819.0 44 675.1 8 834.4 19 237.1 39 299.8 66 024.2
Poland 222 882.3 244 742.0 296 480.1 301 643.2 392 513.3 501 080.2 697 851.8
Portugal 33 289.5 30 069.3 31 570.7 16 087.6 20 595.7 25 128.8 34 970.2
Qatar 0.3 6.2 15.0 57.8 10.9 10.8 89.6
Réunionc 50.9 3.5 2.1
Romania 103 924.9 111 020.1 134 650.7 143 682.5 184 422.5 221 194.5 364 408.7
Russia 679 805.8 588 466.1 665 206.7 643 501.5 690 804.0 970 388.4 1 314 854.7
Rwanda 128.3 58.6 81.2 42.4 93.6 117.4 103.2
Saint Barthélemy
Saint Helena 0.1
Saint Kitts and Nevis 41.6 7.3 7.2 1 767.0 356.9 75.2 7.7
Saint Lucia 2.6 0.0 0.3 13.2 8.1
Saint Vincent and the Grenad. 0.4 4.3 6.8 0.0 0.3
Samoa 0.0 0.1 0.5 2.4
San Marino 18.3 4.7 28.2 114.1 265.9 750.2 248.9
Sao Tome and Principe 9.2 1.8 4.2 457.2 4.2 1.0
Saudi Arabia 796.6 852.6 943.4 55.8 135.5 79.9 45.5
Senegal 22.8 408.6 16.6 0.0 10.3 0.0 33.5
Serbia and Montenegro 15 778.1 21 909.6 26 882.9 41 588.4
Seychelles 151.0 107.4 48.5 228.1 1 323.7 1 530.9 311.1
Sierra Leone 106.2 32.4 24.9 428.7 51.5 4.2 14.0
Singapore 148 783.5 113 411.7 82 374.8 73 934.4 107 756.5 138 408.8 123 422.9
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Slovakia 172 854.3 175 247.1 208 540.6 204 636.5 243 330.5 298 275.0 444 867.9
Slovenia 48 445.7 53 218.2 62 721.5 102 934.0 92 945.1 72 086.7 97 158.4
Solomon Islands 0.0 13.3 0.0 4.0
Somalia 1.2 4.2 1.0 6.9
South Africa 27 491.5 15 003.7 11 612.7 1 206.1 1 844.8 3 055.3 3 112.4
South Georgia & Sandwich Isl.
South Sudan
Spain 177 062.0 176 585.5 205 956.8 148 283.9 174 083.6 182 824.2 228 334.2
Sri Lanka 1 313.6 1 189.6 1 765.1 352.2 539.9 585.3 443.5
Sudan 214.6 33.5 16.6 27.8 51.5 16.8 0.0
Suriname 13.7 8.3 11.9 19.5 16.9 1.9 0.3
Swaziland 24.4 4.3 3.3 9.1 2.6
Sweden 99 655.5 114 216.5 125 439.4 142 957.3 158 194.9 148 686.4 234 570.2
Switzerland 132 748.5 125 599.3 144 260.3 200 972.2 196 573.9 136 840.3 156 709.3
Syria 344.1 219.0 246.3 801.1 576.0 1 090.1 596.0
Taiwan 139 004.4 152 192.9 166 469.7 70 243.3 99 159.8 155 766.0 253 950.6
Tajikistan 11 454.8 18 719.5 18 178.9 15 765.9 7 215.7 945.2 362.3
Tanzania 1 332.5 840.6 1 133.1 885.7 530.2 434.4 196.9
Thailand 74 590.2 65 970.2 64 421.6 16 244.9 27 110.1 34 102.8 50 293.4
Togo 0.1 0.6 1.4 0.7 5.2
Tokelau Islands 0.1
Tonga 0.6 0.0
Trinidad and Tobago 2.4 5.9 2.7 0.2 10.0 0.0 1.4
Tunisia 5 317.1 5 121.1 3 523.9 110.9 193.1 397.1 841.5
Turkey 52 012.9 62 886.3 84 359.1 49 121.1 71 212.0 83 014.9 92 887.1
Turkmenistan 132.3 32.0 19.1 7.1 12 624.4 66 355.9 37 072.2
Turks and Caicos Islands
Tuvalu 2.6 2.0 9.3 19.9 0.1 1.9
Uganda 1 880.1 1 700.4 1 653.7 1 416.7 729.7 778.6 668.1
Ukraine 84 868.2 119 690.8 132 384.7 127 415.1 131 856.0 106 312.6 177 757.4
United Arab Emirates 207.5 277.1 954.5 773.8 987.4 2 933.6 4 899.9
United Kingdom 284 797.9 275 743.0 289 899.4 296 061.6 327 072.8 327 897.2 395 480.3
United States 409 233.1 359 080.6 343 683.2 138 095.2 202 063.8 220 478.6 273 745.3
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Uruguay 132.9 245.9 264.0 188.8 136.6 123.0 109.2
Uzbekistan 2 375.3 1 196.4 1 588.4 263.4 4 225.2 3 503.5 27 742.4
Vanuatu 0.1 0.0
Venezuela 130.3 106.1 90.3 56.6 17.7 26.2 102.6
Viet Nam 9 480.2 9 593.9 10 532.9 4 854.9 4 290.9 4 224.5 5 376.8
Virgin Islands, British 493.3 392.2
Virgin Islands, US 0.5 4.8
Western Sahara 0.4
Yemen 44.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
Yugoslavia 15 893.1 17 135.7 16 762.0
Zambia 19.7 10.1 3.5 0.3 0.7 1.3
Zimbabwe 715.4 523.0 492.5 305.4 207.0 249.8 201.5
Undefined trade 1 738.7
Total 9 665 060.0 9 704 100.2 10 695 408.4 10 695 408.4 12 218 949.1 13 145 545.1 16 224 713.0
Afghanistan 13.0 18.0 671.0 671.0 683.0 557.7 1 357.2
Albania 2 453.6 2 156.9 2 683.0 2 683.0 3 897.7 6 393.0 11 686.0
Algeria 3 146.0 4 075.8 5 520.5 5 520.5 4 369.3 9 701.6 15 151.8
American Samoa 1.2 2.0 0.7 0.7 1.4 122.5 0.4
Andorra 1.7 0.9 6.2 6.2 0.0 9.8 8.1
Angola 100.2 112.3 295.1 295.1 208.4 756.0 1 059.6
Anguilla 0.9
Antigua and Barbuda 43.4 3.0 0.9 0.9 33.4 32.2 42.8
Argentina 2 249.5 854.3 1 848.3 1 848.3 1 893.0 2 144.9 3 146.4
Armenia 464.6 463.3 590.5 590.5 1 100.0 1 465.7 1 655.0
Aruba 0.4 10.6
Australia 6 872.1 27 750.5 11 507.8 11 507.8 13 676.1 18 396.3 26 537.9
Austria 693 019.4 627 994.3 781 823.9 781 823.9 814 127.1 694 794.3 754 701.2
Azerbaijan 1 235.5 767.8 1 268.7 1 268.7 2 067.7 3 292.7 5 990.3
Bahamas 189.5 161.3 73.1 73.1 52.9 1.2 18.2
Bahrain 348.2 743.5 1 469.8 1 469.8 2 304.7 2 898.9 6 569.9
Bangladesh 1 153.5 796.1 915.4 915.4 791.0 2 997.9 562.9
Barbados 5.6 1.6 2.9 2.9 5.0 113.0 77.1
Belarus 6 748.2 5 953.2 7 828.1 7 828.1 10 577.3 18 997.0 28 125.3
Belgium 286 673.4 239 347.7 221 328.8 221 328.8 249 620.2 263 750.3 303 135.6
Belize 25.2 84.1 34.8 34.8 107.2 75.7
Benin 95.3 72.6 138.4 138.4 61.9 305.3 462.9
Bermuda 152.8 206.3 1 027.3 1 027.3 1 173.1 67.4 75.2
Bhutan 0.2 2.8 14.3 14.3 16.2
Bolivia 35.1 22.0 3.0 3.0 34.8 17.4 875.1
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
Bosnia and Herzegovina 60 753.7 60 128.3 63 887.2 63 887.2 54 974.0 57 715.4 58 895.6
Botswana 10.1 60.2 164.3 164.3 474.2 763.4 859.7
Brazil 16 149.7 13 137.0 14 374.1 14 374.1 19 959.0 18 417.8 18 244.4
British Indian Ocean Territory 0.4
Brunei 0.5 54.4 54.4 1.1 20.5 23.4
Bulgaria 30 310.2 32 489.5 35 790.6 35 790.6 56 118.8 80 908.9 120 249.5
Burkina Faso 47.0 27.2 15.8 15.8 2.7 42.5 125.5
Burundi 13.4 0.5 1.9 1.9 1.6 13.4
Cambodia 33.5 14.4 14.9 14.9 5.3 22.2 5.9
Cameroon 85.4 269.3 754.8 754.8 236.2 498.6 409.7
Canada 13 048.8 16 177.8 14 634.9 14 634.9 14 010.5 17 383.9 29 074.1
Cape Verde 0.6 1.5 1.5 3.0 7.2
Cayman Islands 60.9 26.6 19.9 19.9 57.9 57.8 33.3
Central African Republic 5.7 8.5 8.5 9.8 30.1 2.0
Ceuta 34.1 0.9
Chad 12.4 429.0 55.3 55.3 36.7 1.3
Chile 983.3 671.8 1 443.3 1 443.3 1 172.8 1 519.6 2 148.0
Chinab 32 191.3 39 890.2 39 937.0 39 937.0 80 597.9 80 448.9 161 443.5
Christmas Island 9.4 0.0
Colombia 494.6 420.2 638.4 638.4 932.6 1 232.0 1 672.8
Comoros 0.3
Congo 1.7 32.1 134.5 134.5 15.2 40.1 157.9
Congo Dem. Rep. 18.6 10.6 46.1 46.1 81.5 147.5 215.1
Cook Islands 3.0 3.0 7.2
Costa Rica 98.6 160.9 97.1 97.1 232.2 546.8 238.2
Côte d'Ivoire 130.3 182.2 124.1 124.1 123.9 316.6 376.8
Croatia 65 299.6 79 853.4 95 715.7 95 715.7 143 193.7 178 710.5 235 321.7
Cuba 77.2 129.8 119.3 119.3 121.0 89.6 183.3
Cyprus 6 200.2 1 808.1 3 240.0 3 240.0 5 252.7 10 795.4 10 159.0
Czech Republic 158 822.0 167 645.6 198 180.3 198 180.3 266 393.0 380 093.8 528 905.8
Denmark 44 803.5 53 034.7 74 563.7 74 563.7 77 973.0 100 402.5 97 092.2
Djibouti 9.0 35.5 35.5 0.9 264.8 451.0
Dominica 7.9 0.3 268.6 268.6 18.1 9.6
Dominican Republic 217.9 260.9 164.2 164.2 208.0 306.9 297.7
Ecuador 316.8 408.7 186.0 186.0 86.0 76.5 106.9
Egypt 7 707.8 6 038.5 9 084.8 9 084.8 12 342.1 22 236.7 39 536.2
El Salvador 90.4 17.8 27.5 27.5 6.8 11.5 49.2
Equatorial Guinea 10.8 4.5 4.5 6.8 15.0 4.1
Eritrea 109.1 0.3 8.9 8.9 15.4 1.6 6.9
Estonia 8 682.3 6 531.0 10 441.1 10 441.1 16 247.3 16 497.0 24 941.3
Ethiopia 696.4 499.5 427.0 427.0 418.2 194.4 306.2
Faroe Islands 0.7 0.1 4.9
Fiji 5.7 5.4 3.1 3.1 2.6 5.2 12.5
Finland 55 855.0 61 155.4 78 400.0 78 400.0 224 434.6 130 908.9 89 000.6
France 522 036.0 502 982.3 554 800.3 554 869.2 625 334.4 635 653.5 727 977.0
French Guianac 10.7 19.8
French Polynesia 0.2 2.6 6.9
French Southern Territories 8.1 8.4
Gabon 46.4 13.5 22.7 22.7 106.1 113.9 157.2
Gambia 3.9 0.1 0.2 0.2 8.6 24.4 59.6
Georgia 1 585.9 1 465.6 1 702.5 1 702.5 2 093.9 3 216.1 5 046.9
Germany 3 115 431.6 3 150 091.9 3 273 120.4 3 273 120.4 3 552 499.6 3 738 974.2 4 593 940.4
Ghana 213.5 557.5 1 677.8 1 677.8 920.7 3 907.1 2 206.7
Gibraltar 131.4 274.3 256.0 256.0 71.2 75.8 57.7
Greece 33 620.4 34 005.5 39 782.9 39 782.9 65 100.6 85 243.1 83 813.7
Greenland 0.0 26.9
Grenada 33.7 0.2 15.4 1.2
Guatemala 76.2 51.9 107.3 107.3 107.2 160.4 200.5
Guinea 81.4 13.8 8.0 8.0 11.6 29.1 51.5
Guinea-Bissau 1.0 4.0 14.8
Guyana 3.4 6.1 5.5 5.5 4.4 3.5
Haiti 67.6 63.9 218.5 218.5 34.9 60.9 92.8
Holy See (Vatican City State) 5.6 0.1 7.4
Honduras 135.5 7.4 10.7 10.7 37.5 29.4 99.1
Hong Kong 10 432.8 9 919.6 11 888.1 11 888.1 16 527.7 24 440.8 28 765.6
Iceland 656.5 780.2 1 298.1 1 298.1 2 807.1 5 620.4 3 223.1
India 7 368.2 6 581.9 7 768.8 7 768.8 7 259.9 8 858.5 27 213.5
Indonesia 2 565.0 3 993.4 3 591.4 3 591.4 2 298.1 3 100.5 2 721.3
Iran 13 004.0 10 850.8 3 634.4 3 634.4 4 106.3 15 676.4 10 584.0
Iraq 988.6 674.2 1 418.7 1 418.7 2 921.9 23 036.8 15 871.4
Ireland 94 764.1 37 171.1 33 986.1 33 986.1 46 943.7 36 980.9 70 288.8
Israel 25 359.4 21 147.8 22 440.5 22 440.5 32 108.5 33 551.2 80 817.1
Italy 546 951.3 512 159.1 560 229.5 560 229.5 616 938.4 685 992.8 850 896.5
Jamaica 782.6 492.1 737.0 737.0 818.2 725.6 834.7
Japan 49 652.3 49 905.7 68 135.2 68 135.2 65 800.3 72 029.5 80 288.2
Jordan 1 814.7 2 948.8 4 201.0 4 201.0 9 521.1 11 060.1 18 408.9
Kazakhstan 7 947.4 8 636.8 8 716.6 8 716.6 14 026.1 20 122.4 33 765.4
Kenya 388.8 630.3 677.5 677.5 797.0 908.1 3 227.8
Kiribati 0.2
Korea, D.P. Rep. 140.1 15.7 57.5 57.5 76.2 36.2 21.0
Korea, Rep. 10 489.1 13 877.8 8 972.6 8 972.6 20 165.4 25 225.4 42 949.2
Kuwait 5 095.7 2 337.6 5 850.3 5 850.3 8 192.6 6 110.6 10 325.8
Kyrgyzstan 496.9 279.0 399.0 399.0 562.6 587.7 1 195.5
Lao People's Dem. Rep. 11.4 4.0
Latvia 9 066.4 7 994.0 8 767.7 8 767.7 12 819.7 17 183.0 22 414.0
Lebanon 4 426.6 4 559.0 4 315.2 4 315.2 9 606.8 6 647.4 4 339.3
Lesotho 1.9 3.5
Liberia 136.7 142.4 25.4 25.4 9.2 21.4 296.9
Libya 1 405.1 789.8 1 160.3 1 160.3 592.7 3 861.0 8 046.7
Liechtenstein 2 851.2 2 870.0 3 574.3 3 574.3 2 933.9 4 030.6 4 547.8
Lithuania 16 806.0 14 957.5 17 424.2 17 424.2 22 922.0 30 109.3 42 408.2
Luxembourg 5 010.1 5 067.3 8 956.3 8 956.3 8 205.4 7 018.0 6 501.7
Macao 20.3 12.4 31.9 31.9 86.6 342.0 101.2
Madagascar 16.4 9.4 20.9 20.9 54.4 35.2 154.0
Malawi 33.6 29.3 65.8 65.8 198.8 40.5 137.4
Malaysia 14 932.3 17 976.7 4 579.7 4 579.7 7 299.0 8 385.9 7 396.0
Maldives 27.7 0.1 3.2 3.2 2.9 8.7 1.2
Mali 99.7 14.7 36.0 36.0 35.4 7.5 49.9
Malta 1 704.0 1 035.6 1 032.1 1 032.1 663.0 1 453.4 1 280.3
Marshall Islands 506.2 367.7 251.0 251.0 36.4 0.0 44.3
Martiniquec 6.3 2.2
Mauritania 235.9 155.9 20.2 20.2 71.1 20.1 226.8
Mauritius 226.4 601.2 1 703.2 1 703.2 3 035.6 10 619.8 16 412.8
Mayotte 0.2
Mexico 23 317.0 28 435.4 15 048.2 15 048.2 24 719.4 33 996.0 41 039.1
Micronesia 0.2 2.0 2.0
Moldova 6 272.8 4 956.9 5 065.9 5 065.9 7 162.0 11 833.3 10 106.2
Monacoc 130.0 60.8 61.3
Mongolia 458.9 453.5 578.1 578.1 1 082.3 513.0 625.6
Morocco 2 820.9 3 416.9 3 698.7 3 698.7 3 266.8 9 097.3 12 628.5
Mozambique 10.1 41.8 47.8 47.8 41.0 162.5 351.8
Myanmar 78.2 847.2 23.9 23.9 33.6 62.1 63.9
Namibia 9.1 14.7 9.7 9.7 48.7 17.1 37.3
Nauru 5.5 4.7 4.7 1.2
Nepal 16.9 38.7 16.2 16.2 31.5 19.5 20.6
Netherlands 402 074.8 377 625.2 395 806.0 395 806.0 410 795.4 480 704.1 478 817.0
Netherlands Antilles 317.5 190.2 46.0 46.0 99.2 180.2 116.9
New Caledonia 3.8 3.7 0.3 0.3 3.7 6.3 4.4
New Zealand 803.2 781.6 1 485.0 1 485.0 2 307.4 2 053.1 2 800.2
Nicaragua 34.0 9.0 4.5 4.5 2.0 19.8 31.4
Niger 59.1 10.7 8.1 8.1 7.0 42.0 63.2
Nigeria 1 621.8 3 812.4 3 654.2 3 654.2 1 225.5 7 915.9 31 736.8
North Macedonia 10 618.1 11 895.1 11 189.2 11 189.2 14 715.9 15 542.2 20 211.6
Northern Mariana Islands
Norway 14 749.5 15 384.5 24 837.5 24 837.5 38 216.2 36 235.4 41 494.1
Oman 498.6 1 135.5 1 513.1 1 513.1 1 206.6 1 518.8 1 449.2
Pakistan 2 155.1 5 588.9 6 736.8 6 736.8 9 247.6 26 391.7 42 001.4
Palestinian Territory, Occupied 111.4 183.2
Panama 350.5 157.8 175.7 175.7 150.8 126.4 388.2
Papua New Guinea 5.2 16.6 16.6 0.0 0.6
Paraguay 29.7 12.4 50.0 50.0 124.2 54.6 78.8
Peru 257.6 1 578.2 373.9 373.9 472.3 385.9 649.1
Philippines 17 953.4 8 732.4 7 525.0 7 525.0 4 805.3 4 974.4 3 216.7
Poland 174 852.9 187 767.7 219 050.3 219 050.3 321 245.1 403 169.9 632 987.0
Portugal 55 593.0 56 486.0 59 484.3 59 484.3 66 624.5 75 882.9 91 166.5
Qatar 297.4 1 237.9 630.5 630.5 1 832.6 2 861.5 3 352.5
Réunionc 144.6 98.9 5.3
Romania 219 851.3 201 822.5 250 453.5 250 453.5 355 472.0 464 465.2 627 628.0
Russia 135 280.4 117 021.6 146 736.7 146 736.7 184 835.5 233 227.5 422 835.7
Rwanda 2.9 10.0 25.5 25.5 1.0 22.5 75.6
Saint Barthélemy
Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.1 2.9 6.4 4.8
Saint Lucia 7.8 0.1 51.3 0.2 2.0
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenad. 0.8 3.2 2.4
Samoa 0.0
San Marino 49.3 85.0 55.7 55.7 222.0 2 140.6 1 160.6
Sao Tome and Principe 0.7 15.0 6.6 6.6 11.7 0.3
Saudi Arabia 11 344.4 21 210.1 22 360.3 22 360.3 21 972.0 37 454.0 49 584.3
Senegal 166.7 417.0 135.5 135.5 162.5 123.1 667.7
Serbia and Montenegro 71 324.1 102 616.3 124 144.6 159 017.5
Seychelles 351.4 532.5 1 752.3 1 752.3 702.2 800.6 510.5
Sierra Leone 267.4 121.0 72.1 72.1 52.6 165.8 836.4
Singapore 42 752.8 30 891.2 10 144.8 10 144.8 11 730.6 17 400.2 27 994.0
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Slovakia 118 031.8 127 921.0 189 840.4 189 840.4 216 762.5 355 452.1 605 783.6
Slovenia 88 567.4 78 123.5 79 261.2 79 261.2 112 754.6 146 253.7 163 577.4
Solomon Islands 0.0 2.4 0.1 5.1
Somalia 1.6 7.2 371.6
South Africa 9 008.7 15 886.5 22 099.0 22 099.0 27 165.4 50 743.7 57 752.6
South Georgia & Sandwich Isl. 0.1 0.7 0.4
South Sudan
Spain 180 240.5 210 901.2 263 004.3 263 004.3 313 574.8 400 389.4 528 014.6
Sri Lanka 363.7 410.4 346.3 346.3 316.1 442.7 379.9
Sudan 114.4 150.4 603.9 603.9 39.2 269.7 571.8
Suriname 7.5 7.9 13.1 13.1 7.0 0.0 14.9
Swaziland 5.1 5.1 96.4 2.6
Sweden 86 038.9 383 544.3 313 351.5 313 351.5 254 580.7 167 254.5 172 445.4
Switzerland 106 930.7 96 825.4 121 827.7 121 827.7 124 277.4 137 913.7 147 216.1
Syria 5 515.6 5 091.6 5 424.6 5 424.6 4 286.9 11 711.2 9 938.0
Taiwan 13 745.0 17 531.6 5 533.7 5 533.7 12 869.6 11 501.8 11 754.6
Tajikistan 391.7 140.1 689.6 689.6 223.6 274.7 1 395.8
Tanzania 39.0 37.6 32.8 32.8 19.5 155.2 397.4
Thailand 4 720.8 7 125.0 5 030.5 5 030.5 4 189.1 6 970.9 15 792.9
Togo 6.9 70.7 7.3 7.3 83.7 145.3 166.2
Tokelau Islands 1.2 96.0
Tonga 1.3 1.1
Trinidad and Tobago 44.1 94.8 213.4 213.4 113.9 194.9 256.0
Tunisia 2 600.6 3 724.1 5 770.7 5 770.7 4 616.1 6 899.7 11 578.0
Turkey 41 980.9 67 461.4 65 087.4 65 087.4 102 729.3 184 679.0 243 266.0
Turkmenistan 418.2 179.5 155.9 155.9 403.7 680.8 2 282.0
Turks and Caicos Islands
Tuvalu 0.3 0.3
Uganda 138.2 383.5 265.2 265.2 366.7 995.0 4 821.9
Ukraine 60 115.4 70 672.9 98 982.5 98 982.5 124 658.9 163 867.1 272 537.9
United Arab Emirates 9 351.5 32 765.3 103 176.2 103 176.2 120 263.0 109 014.1 95 283.7
United Kingdom 375 812.1 415 906.2 441 628.8 441 628.8 625 746.0 631 760.9 697 733.8
United States 436 084.7 309 630.8 302 450.3 302 450.3 336 242.1 376 853.1 429 399.1
United States Minor Outlying Islands 5.5
Uruguay 331.3 219.0 164.5 164.5 204.6 229.6 328.1
Uzbekistan 1 655.3 1 057.4 1 990.4 1 990.4 3 073.7 2 051.6 3 989.4
Vanuatu 1.1
Venezuela 1 034.0 733.3 852.5 852.5 810.4 688.8 1 220.1
Viet Nam 4 263.7 4 229.7 4 240.8 4 240.8 4 178.3 4 402.8 5 916.6
Virgin Islands, British 32.0 330.3
Virgin Islands, US
Yemen 662.4 947.7 1 523.9 1 523.9 942.6 531.5 3 432.0
Yugoslavia 56 026.9 57 573.0 71 324.1
Zambia 11.9 35.2 28.2 28.2 48.4 291.5 507.0
Zimbabwe 20.6 8.9 82.8 82.8 94.3 18.1 39.1
Undefined trade 3.3 5 095.2
Total 8 748 170.0 8 873 969.7 9 643 709.8 9 643 709.8 11 232 375.8 12 425 491.2 15 591 064.6
aAccording to methodology effective from 1st May 2004.  bExcl. Taiwan and Hong Kong.  cFrom 2004, its trade is recorded as that of France.  dIncluding Kosovo in 2007 and 2008. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011