4.1.1. Economic accounts for agriculture, at current basic prices (1998–)(3/3)

(million HUF)

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Denomination 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Production account
Agricultural goods
crop output
cereals (including seeds)
wheat and spelt
soft wheat and spelt 237 774 246 016 251 048 224 096 222 158 248 293 264 581
durum wheat 3 765 4 132 5 673 8 373 9 424 12 559 10 438
total 241 539 250 148 256 721 232 469 231 581 260 851 275 019
rye and meslin 4 425 3 726 4 026 2 928 3 184 3 496 4 112
barley 51 453 56 637 60 535 61 072 54 437 50 344 65 107
oats and summer cereal mixtures 6 140 6 377 5 636 4 445 3 985 2 513 3 659
grain maize 341 820 392 090 289 273 369 951 305 059 376 451 375 100
rice 994 949 1 348 1 405 1 544 1 884 1 568
other cereals 21 709 23 256 23 428 20 230 18 136 18 214 23 857
cereals (including seeds), total 668 082 733 183 640 968 692 499 617 927 713 753 748 422
industrial crops
oil seeds and oleaginous fruits (including seeds)
rape and turnip rape seed 62 047 74 984 67 852 102 746 105 684 109 045 106 201
sunflower 160 455 162 428 183 634 218 490 223 960 185 028 180 061
soya 9 591 12 613 21 372 23 052 23 638 23 649 21 710
other oleaginous products 5 618 9 346 8 847 8 028 6 956 6 322 8 186
total 237 711 259 372 281 705 352 317 360 238 324 045 316 158
protein crops (including seeds) 4 908 6 005 7 596 5 987 6 481 4 347 5 378
raw tobacco 4 136 4 228 3 845 3 326 3 031 3 040 2 950
sugar beet 11 933 9 967 10 195 12 437 13 134 10 460 9 499
other industrial crops, total
fibre plants 243 63 18 17 16 4
other industrial crops 4 732 4 534 5 104 5 516 5 858 4 464 8 621
total 4 732 4 777 5 167 5 534 5 875 4 480 8 626
industrial crops, total 263 420 284 349 308 509 379 601 388 759 346 372 342 611
forage plants
fodder maize 19 093 21 729 20 645 19 165 15 570 18 083 17 970
fodder root crops (including forage beet) 144 115 116 444 258 209 211
other forage plants 31 985 33 911 41 119 49 598 48 650 53 341 53 081
forage plants, total 51 221 55 754 61 880 69 207 64 478 71 634 71 262
vegetables and horticultural products
fresh vegetables
cauliflower 3 091 2 600 3 491 2 705 3 043 3 812 3 464
tomatoes 19 218 22 394 27 193 21 720 24 122 27 998 29 178
other fresh vegetables 122 680 129 705 158 829 157 747 152 654 156 058 180 058
total 144 990 154 698 189 513 182 172 179 819 187 868 212 700
plants and flowers
nursery plants 10 815 13 815 13 717 13 195 13 246 13 773 14 577
ornamental plants and flowers (including Christmas trees) 11 621 10 043 10 393 9 888 12 245 13 102 14 079
plantations 10 160 19 751 19 784 16 951 16 194 14 066 13 225
total 32 595 43 608 43 894 40 034 41 684 40 941 41 882
vegetables and horticultural products, total 177 585 198 307 233 407 222 206 221 504 228 810 254 582
potatoes (including seeds) 34 445 36 115 25 902 30 611 21 496 26 113 33 751
fresh fruit
dessert apples 41 580 38 059 38 583 30 409 38 190 35 767 35 328
dessert pears 3 595 3 179 4 831 3 384 3 319 3 626 4 379
peaches 9 716 8 822 7 619 7 871 6 437 6 332 6 399
other fresh fruit 39 767 31 289 44 268 44 749 52 109 42 150 48 473
total 94 657 81 349 95 301 86 413 100 055 87 875 94 579
dessert grapes 2 645 1 754 2 337 2 359 1 991 1 415 1 316
other grapesa 28 746 26 419 33 601 30 989 34 642 34 455 25 038
total 31 391 28 172 35 938 33 348 36 634 35 870 26 354
fruits, total 126 048 109 521 131 239 119 761 136 689 123 746 120 933
wine 32 291 24 170 33 479 32 966 39 919 35 076 35 827
other crop products
vegetable materials used primarily for plaiting 523 883 1 413 1 037 702 968 805
seeds 1 974 2 503 4 042 3 640 3 590 3 325 4 487
other crop products 8 810 9 864 10 629 10 192 10 268 9 196 12 126
other crop products, total 11 307 13 251 16 084 14 868 14 560 13 488 17 418
crop output, total 1 364 399 1 454 649 1 451 467 1 561 720 1 505 331 1 558 991 1 624 806
animal output
cattle 52 746 48 966 85 924 82 687 82 467 98 742 106 192
pigs 211 701 220 127 215 285 219 298 232 102 222 664 254 815
equines 611 410 315 392 443 661 497
sheep and goats 17 287 16 694 20 780 21 065 18 875 21 675 21 970
poultry 247 261 255 453 264 351 267 376 270 803 297 888 307 330
other animals 11 944 14 232 15 066 12 869 13 207 14 818 15 783
animals, total 541 550 555 881 601 722 603 686 617 896 656 448 706 587
animal products
milk 169 467 190 888 154 518 142 446 183 639 183 692 197 122
eggs 51 638 55 059 58 367 53 082 60 566 61 399 64 178
other animal products
raw wool 684 806 1 077 1 315 1 047 1 022 1 057
other animal products 29 541 33 280 39 950 38 271 45 702 43 506 38 139
total 30 225 34 086 41 027 39 586 46 748 44 529 39 196
animal products, total 251 330 280 033 253 912 235 113 290 953 289 620 300 496
animal output, total 792 880 835 914 855 635 838 799 908 849 946 068 1 007 082
Agricultural goods, grand total 2 157 279 2 290 563 2 307 102 2 400 519 2 414 180 2 505 059 2 631 888
Agricultural services output 108 467 117 477 126 464 131 478 134 015 142 413 154 712
Inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities 52 969 48 377 53 239 55 756 47 206 45 119 50 520
Agricultural output, total 2 318 715 2 456 418 2 486 804 2 587 753 2 595 400 2 692 591 2 837 121
Total intermediate consumption
seeds and planting stock 109 852 115 721 118 124 119 835 120 843 132 562 136 618
energy; lubricants 223 117 227 009 203 424 197 789 198 454 214 412 222 766
fertilizers and soil improvers 158 873 150 516 155 927 156 915 144 074 148 947 159 078
plant protection products and pesticides 114 234 121 356 120 238 123 769 121 670 122 498 128 308
veterinary expenses 19 313 21 977 21 112 22 314 21 348 22 359 22 181
animal feedingstuffs 481 244 443 641 466 230 476 352 450 853 478 940 495 562
maintenance of machines 72 117 78 428 82 807 86 923 90 552 94 955 104 111
maintenance of buildings 8 125 8 555 9 458 9 433 9 991 10 383 11 953
agricultural services 108 467 117 477 126 464 131 478 134 015 142 413 154 712
FISIM 7 745 8 982 9 485 8 943 9 679 9 147 9 976
other goods and services 156 055 169 099 169 731 183 386 191 673 210 938 225 965
total 1 459 143 1 462 762 1 483 000 1 517 137 1 493 152 1 587 554 1 671 232
Gross value added at basic prices
fixed capital consumption
equipment 120 981 127 522 132 520 131 670 133 199 140 652 148 565
buildings 119 732 122 803 122 933 126 894 135 296 148 667 163 017
plantations 29 627 31 091 31 083 30 007 30 070 31 029 32 760
other .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
total 270 340 281 416 286 536 288 571 298 565 320 348 344 342
net value added at basic prices 589 232 712 240 717 268 782 045 803 683 784 689 821 547
gross value added at basic prices, grand total 859 572 993 656 1 003 804 1 070 616 1 102 248 1 105 037 1 165 889
Income accounts
Other taxes on production 7 228 7 138 7 309 7 922 9 886 9 388 10 767
Other subsidies on production 467 207 499 065 408 632 415 320 423 785 445 113 451 240
Factor income
compensation of employees 283 756 319 646 347 969 377 688 385 858 398 724 426 243
operating surplus, mixed income 765 455 884 521 770 623 811 755 831 725 821 689 835 777
total 1 049 211 1 204 167 1 118 592 1 189 443 1 217 582 1 220 414 1 262 020
Rents and other real estate rental charges to be paidb 94 558 99 521 99 297 110 898 116 821 124 019 133 024
Interest paid 15 016 10 955 5 571 3 748 467 586 2 364
Interest received 7 888 5 461 4 970 4 104 3 911 4 463 4 347
Net entrepreneurial income 663 770 779 507 670 726 701 212 718 348 701 548 704 736
Capital account
Gross fixed capital formation (excluding deductible VAT)
GFCF in agricultural products
GFCF in plantations 9 905 19 235 19 141 16 441 15 618 13 531 12 640
GFCF in animals 32 581 33 484 34 658 33 362 37 410 38 811 40 139
total 42 485 52 719 53 799 49 802 53 028 52 343 52 779
GFCF in non-agricultural products
GFCF in materials
GFCF in machines and other equipment 56 863 77 015 56 967 63 740 76 815 84 753 98 678
GFCF in transport equipment 58 229 74 780 56 672 55 558 78 326 101 814 83 516
total 115 092 151 796 113 639 119 298 155 141 186 567 182 195
GFCF in buildings
GFCF in farm buildings 43 867 33 519 37 497 28 665 26 759 55 735 77 547
GFCF in other works except land improvements 33 534 34 620 19 358 14 737 22 265 36 333 55 853
total 77 401 68 139 56 855 43 403 49 024 92 067 133 400
other GFCF (addition to the value of non-financial non-produced assets)
GFCF in major land improvements 2 383 2 441 2 480 2 502 2 539 2 618 2 710
costs linked to the purchase of land and production rights 5 844 6 734 7 687 9 370 9 974 11 037 11 617
total 8 227 9 175 10 166 11 872 12 513 13 655 14 327
GFCF in non-agricultural products, total 200 720 229 109 180 660 174 573 216 678 292 289 329 921
GFCF in intangible fixed assets .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
gross fixed capital formation (excluding deductible VAT), grand total 243 206 281 828 234 459 224 375 269 706 344 632 382 700
aUntil 2003 including wine.  bExcluding forests and other.  Revised data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011