4.1.17. Production and use of main forage plants (2014–)(1/6)

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Denomination Silage maize and green maize
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Harvested area, hectare 89 982 76 406 69 047 66 401 66 300
Total harvested production, ton 2 154 426 2 465 698 1 777 224 2 053 254 2 088 370
Average yield, kilogram/hectarea 23 940 32 270 25 740 30 920 31 500
Average procurement price, HUF per ton
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 20 645 19 165 15 570 18 083 17 970
at constant pricesb 18 130 23 570 13 828 18 001 18 377
Producers' balance sheet, tons
Initial stock, 1 January 917 816 813 040 952 864 840 718 842 824
Direct imports
Domestic purchases 5 279 4 210 7 678 2 075 5 735
Total harvested production 2 154 426 2 465 698 1 777 224 2 053 254 2 088 370
Total resource 3 077 521 3 282 948 2 737 766 2 896 047 2 936 929
Processing 521 397 543 386 464 834 510 957 450 398
Direct exports 8 298 11 307 47 535 13 873 6 208
to buyers, to processors and for further sale 194 187 301 812 226 913 310 256 316 387
for consumption (public, peasants' market, own shop)
within agriculture 132 567 78 606 73 419 112 442 168 958
Consumption from own production
Intermediate consumption 1 390 566 1 371 667 1 071 545 1 090 425 1 152 712
Loss 17 466 23 306 12 802 15 270 15 997
Closing stock, 31 December 813 040 952 864 840 718 842 824 826 269
Total use 3 077 521 3 282 948 2 737 766 2 896 047 2 936 929
Gross production 2 136 960 2 442 392 1 764 422 2 037 984 2 072 373
aSee Methodological notes.  bAt previous year's prices. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011