4.1.16. Production and use of main crops grown on arable land (2015–)(10/12)

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Denomination Sugar beet
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Harvested area, hectare 15 513 15 997 18 647 15 765 14 079
Total harvested production, ton 910 915 1 121 247 1 171 502 958 080 823 496
Average yield, kilogram/hectarea 58 720 70 090 62 830 60 770 58 490
Average procurement price, HUF per ton
seed for sowing
hybrid seed
other seed
for human consumption
for industrial purposes
for human consumption and for industrial purposes, fodder
Average market price, HUF per kilogram
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 7 885 10 163 10 770 8 031 6 973
at constant pricesb 8 501 9 710 10 624 8 807 6 850
Producers' balance sheet, tons
Initial stock 106 157 75 135 135 804 186 140 184 688
Direct imports
Domestic purchases 1 589 1 475 13 419 10 060
Total harvested production 910 915 1 121 247 1 171 502 958 080 823 496
Total resource 1 018 661 1 197 857 1 320 725 1 154 280 1 008 184
Processing 1 593 6 064 10 727 103
Direct exports 41 655 37 482 20 908 15 920
to buyers, to processors and for further sale 852 429 824 916 814 175 939 820 781 209
for consumption (public, peasants' market, own shop)
within agriculture
other sales 88 184 187 576 270 588 7 398 47 203
Consumption from own production
Intermediate consumption 213 1 035 1 289 1 018 1 869
Loss 1 107 807 324 345 6 569
Closing stock, 31 December 75 135 135 804 186 140 184 688 155 414
Total use 1 018 661 1 197 857 1 320 725 1 154 280 1 008 184
Gross production 909 808 1 120 440 1 171 178 957 735 816 927
Consolidated balance sheet, tons
Initial stock
Total harvested production
Other sources
Total resource
Personal consumption
Industrial processing
Feed consumption
Seed consumption for sowing
Other consumption
Closing stock
Total use
Of which:
domestic food consumption
External trade
million HUF
ton 56 987 129 601 117 666 110 602 125 442
million HUF 530 1 508 1 449 958 1 171
aSee Methodological notes.  bAt previous year's prices. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011