Integrated economic accounts, 2007(3/4)

(million HUF)

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Code Transactions and balancing items Non- sectorized Non-financial corporations Financial corporations General government Households
S.1N S.11 S.12 S.13 S.14
I. Production account / External account of goods and services
P.7 Imports of goods and services
P.71 Imports of goods
P.72 Iports of services
P.6 Exports of goods and services
P.61 Export of goods
P.62 Export of services
P.1 Output 38 898 872 1 799 311 5 435 606 6 043 035
P.11 Market output 38 367 192 1 793 115 17 626 4 160 254
P.12 Output for own final use 531 680 6 196 87 901 1 882 781
P.13 Non-market output 5 330 079
P.2 Intermediate consumption
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 3 599 535
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital
B.1n Value added, net / NDP
B.11 External balance of goods and services
II.1.1. Generation of income account
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 3 599 535 13 067 427 946 582 3 804 948 4 027 870
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 3 599 535 10 716 293 872 669 2 922 091 3 267 461
B.11 External balance of goods and services
D.1 Compensation of employees
D.11 Wages and salaries
D.12 Employers' social contributions
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports
D.21 Taxes on products
D.29 Other taxes on production
D.31 Subsidies on products
D.39 Other subsidies on production
B.2g Operating surplus, gross
B.2n Operating surplus, net
B.3g Mixed income, gross
B.3n Mixed income, net
II.1.2. Allocation of primary income account
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 0 5 429 946 432 536 881 494 1 213 120
B.2n Operating surplus, net 0 3 078 812 358 623 -1 363 715 877
B.3g Mixed income, gross 2 427 935
B.3n Mixed income, net 2 164 769
D.1 Compensation of employees 11 745 372
D.11 Wages and salaries 9 148 818
D.12 Employers' social contributions 2 596 554
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 3 676 975
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 3 608 115
D.29–D.39 Other taxes less subsidies on production 68 860
D.4 Property income 1 175 781 3 627 041 236 691 1 428 381
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI)
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI)
II.2. Secondary distribution of income account
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 0 3 196 639 326 925 3 757 723 16 391 622
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 0 845 505 253 012 2 874 866 15 631 213
D.5 Current taxes on income, wealth 2 577 587
D.61 Net social contributions 28 556 590 278 3 465 398
D.62 Social benefits other than social transfers in kind 4 045 031
D.7 Other current transfers 456 342 281 874 188 403 505 440
B.6g Disposable income, gross
B.6n Disposable income, net
II.3. Redistribution of income in kind account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 2 551 771 689 277 5 417 158 14 447 571
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 200 637 615 364 4 534 301 13 687 162
D.63 Social transfers in kind 3 212 873
B.7g Adjusted disposable income, gross
B.7n Adjusted disposable income, net
II.4. Use of income account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 2 551 771 689 277 5 417 158 14 447 571
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 200 637 615 364 4 534 301 13 687 162
P.4 Actual final consumption
P.3 Final consumption expenditure
D.8 Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements 472 233
B.8g Saving, gross
B.8n Saving, net
B.12 Current external balance
III.1. Capital account
B.8g Saving, gross 0 2 551 771 217 044 68 425 1 329 777
B.8n Saving, net 0 200 637 143 131 -814 432 569 368
B.12 Current external balance
P.51g Gross fixed capital formation
P.52 Changes in inventories
P.53 Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital
NP Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets
D.9 Capital transfers, receivable (+) 376 353 10 063 217 927 132 108
D.9 Capital transfers, payable (–) 41 498 6 139 487 753 28 022
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–)b
III.2. Financial accountc
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–) -691 705 693 -1 259 938 490 674
aThe sum of gross values added of all sectors plus the net taxes on products together corresponds to the gross value added of the total economy (GDP).  bConcept of net lending / net borrowing used by NBH is equal one used by HCSO.  cSource: National Bank of Hungary (NBH). Data of non-consolidated transaction including data of special purpose entities (SPEs). Data of Eximbank ZRT. are included in the General Government sector.  Revised data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011