7.2.12. Distribution of research and development expenditure, 2019*


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Countries Share of
business enterprises government institutes higher education
of total research and development expenditure
Austria 69.9 7.1 22.4
Belgium 70.5 9.6 19.2
Bulgaria 67.2 24.9 7.3
Cyprus 40.8 8.0 40.4
Czechia 61.6 16.3 21.8
Denmark 63.0 2.8 33.8
Estonia 53.3 10.2 35.3
Finland 65.6 8.1 25.4
Francea 65.7 12.4 20.3
Greece 45.9 22.6 30.7
Netherlands 67.6 5.7 26.7
Croatia 49.0 18.7 32.3
Ireland 65.1 5.9 29.0
Poland 62.8 1.3 35.6
Latvia 26.2 18.9 54.8
Lithuania 43.0 20.5 36.5
Luxembourg 50.5 27.6 21.9
Hungary 75.1 10.0 14.2
Malta 62.8 0.8 36.4
Germany 69.1a 13.5 17.3a
Italy 62.7 12.7 23.0a
Portugal 52.5 5.1 40.5
Romania 57.8 31.8 10.2
Spaina 54.3 17.7 27.7
Sweden 72.0 4.5 23.3
Slovakia 54.8 20.0 25.2
Slovenia 73.8 13.8 11.8
EU27_2020 66.4 11.5 21.6
United Kingdom 68.0 6.6 23.1
EU28 66.6 10.8 21.8
Euro area–19 66.3 12.3 20.8
Russia 60.7 28.3 10.6
*Source: Eurostat (Luxembourg).  aEstimated data.  Preliminary data 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011