Children's day care (2017–)*

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Denomination 2017 2018 2019 2020
Infant nursery
institutions 754 765 789 825
places 40 040 40 648 41 205 42 217
enrolled children 37 977 38 223 38 611 37 910
nurses 7 346 7 372 7 525 7 650
assistant nurses 1 517 1 814 1 862 1 922
Mini infant nursery
institutions 50 85 214 245
places 354 625 1 622 1 889
enrolled children 346 623 1 556 1 786
nurses 73 111 232 320
assistant nurses 43 87 202 266
Workplace infant nursery
institutions 7 8 9 9
places 49 56 70 70
enrolled children 38 51 54 54
service provider / nurses 17 19 12 18a
Family infant nursery
institutions 938 927 918 963
places 6 032 5 840 5 805 6 032
enrolled children 5 732 5 680 5 668 5 683
service provider / nurses 1 513 1 466 1 170b 1 343a
Day care for children
enrolled children 792 740 680 489
service provider 270 220 154c 156
*According to the new amendment of the Act XXXI on Child Protection that came into force on 1 January 2017, daytime care for young children has been organized with a new structure. The content and form of institutional benefits and services, as well as the mode of data transmission has changed fundamentally. The comparison of time series data with the previously available data is therefore not possible or only limited.  aFrom 2020 including those employed in assistant position job title.  bFrom 2019 including those employed in co-ordinator job title.  cFrom 2019 including those employed in other professional job titles. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011