Fewer births and deaths, higher natural decrease
According to preliminary data, in 2018, the number of live births was 1.9% and that of deceases was 0.4% fewer than in 2017. The natural decrease increased by 1,203 (3.0%) compared to 2017. In December 2018, the number of live births was 5.3% fewer and that of deceases was 5.7% more than in the same month of the previous year. The monthly natural decrease was 5,004 persons, by 1,062 more than in December 2017.
In December 2018:
7,184 children were born, 5.3% or by 405 infants fewer than in December 2017.
The number of the deceased was 12,188, which meant an increase of 5.7%, and numerically 657 more deceases than a year earlier.
The number of deaths rose and that of births dropped, as a result of which, the natural decrease was 5,004 as opposed to 3,924 in December 2017, which meant an increase of 27%.
The registered 2,105 marriages were by 189 (8.2%) fewer than the figure in December 2017.
In January–December 2018:
The number of live births was 89,800, 1,777 (1.9%) fewer than in 2017. In January, June–July and October–November a slight increase, while in February–May a 3.7%, in August–September a 3.0% and in December a 5.3% decline was registered on average in the number of live births compared to a year earlier. The largest increase of 1.3% occurred in October and the most significant drop of 7.2% was registered in May.
The estimated total fertility rate was 1.49, which was the same as the value of 2017. Therefore, the intention of childbearing has not changed, the number of live births has declined due to the fall in the number of women in childbearing age.
131,100 people died, 0.4% or numerically 574 fewer than in the previous year. The largest monthly decrease and increase were recorded in the first quarter of the year alike. While in January nearly 22% fewer, in March 15% more people died than in the corresponding months of 2017. The reason for this may have been the flu epidemic peaking later in 2018 than in the previous year. Then, the number of deaths fell by 1.6% in April–June on average, and increased by 3.0% in July–December on average.
The number of live births decreased numerically more than that of deaths, as a result of which, the natural decrease rose from 40,097 in 2017 to 41,300 persons in 2018, which meant an increase of 3.0%.
The number of marriages was 50,900, 0.6% or numerically 328 more, than in 2017. In the 1st quarter, the number of marriages did not change significantly compared to the same period of 2017. Then, in May–June, August and October a year-on-year increase, while in the other months a year-on-year decrease was registered. The largest increase of 9.1% was in August, i.e. in the peak of the wedding season, and the most significant drop of 9.0% was recorded in July. This latter was due to the fact that there were one more weekends in July 2017. In December, which is out of the wedding-season, significantly, by 8.2% fewer couples married than in the same month of 2017.
There were 9.2 live births and 13.4 deceases per thousand inhabitants, the former was 0.2 per mille point lower than the value of 2017, and the latter remained almost unchanged. As a result, the natural decrease of 4.2 per mille was by 0.1 per mille point higher than the value of the previous year. The number of infant deaths was 3.4 per thousand live births, which meant a decrease of 0.2 per mille point year-on-year, and this has been the lowest value measured so far. The marriage rate of 5.2 per mille was the same as in the base period.
The estimated number of the resident population calculated on the basis of the 2011 census taking into account international migration was 9,764 thousand at the end of 2018.
Main data of vital events, January–December 2018
Vital event | Number | Change compared to the same period of the previous year, % | Per thousand inhabitants | Change compared to the same period of the previous year, % |
Live birth | 89 800 | –1.9 | 9.2 | –1.8 |
Death | 131 100 | –0.4 | 13.4 | –0.3 |
Infant death | 305 | –8.1 | 3.4a) | –6.3 |
Natural increase / decrease | –41 300 | 3.0 | –4.2 | 3.2 |
Marriage | 50 900 | 0.6 | 5.2 | 0.8 |
a) Per thousand live births.