Average gross earnings amounted to HUF 384,200
In March 2020, average gross earnings amounted to HUF 400,400, 9.0% higher than a year earlier. In January–March 2020, average gross earnings amounted to HUF 384,200 and average net earnings to HUF 255,500; both grew by 9.1% compared to the same period of the previous year. The economic effects of the coronavirus epidemic influenced only partially the period in question, as such data shows its effect only in part.
In March 2020:
Full-time employees’ average gross nominal earnings - as defined by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office - at corporations employing at least 5 persons, at budgetary institutions and significant non-profit organisations in respect of employment, amounted to HUF 400,400 and to HUF 409,400 excluding fostered workers.
Average net earnings were HUF 266,300 excluding tax benefits and HUF 275,700 including them.
Both average gross earnings and average net earnings excluding tax benefits grew by 9.0%. Average net earnings including tax benefits rose to a greater extent, by 9.6%, compared to the same period of the previous year in relation to a temporary decrease as well as elimination of social security payment obligations in certain economic branches.
Average gross regular earnings (gross earnings without premiums and one-month bonuses) were estimated at HUF 366,100, which is 7.7% higher than a year before.
In January–March 2020:
Full-time employees’ average gross nominal earnings – as defined by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office - at corporations employing at least 5 persons, budgetary institutions and significant non-profit organizations in respect of employment, amounted to HUF 384,200 and to HUF 393,900 excluding fostered workers.
Average net earnings were HUF 255,500 excluding tax benefits, and HUF 264,000 including them.
Both average gross earnings and average net earnings without tax benefits rose by 9.1%, average net earnings including tax benefits increased by 9.3% compared to the same period of the previous year.
Average gross earnings were the highest in the financial and insurance activities sections (HUF 682,300) and the lowest (HUF 250,200) in accommodation and food service activities.
Full-time employees’ average gross earnings amounted to HUF 419,800 for men and to HUF 349,200 for women, representing increases of 9.0% for men and 9.1% for women over one year.
Average gross earnings of full-time employees under the age of 25 reached HUF 282,400, for those between 25–54 years of age were HUF 400,700 and HUF 368,800 for those over 54 years old. The year-on-year growth of earnings in the above age groups were 4.8%, 9.2% and 7.6% respectively.
Average gross regular earnings (gross earnings without premiums and one-month bonuses) were estimated at HUF 358,400, which is 8.6% higher than a year before.
Along with the 4.3% rise in consumer prices compared to the same period of the previous year, real earnings increased by 4.6%.
Average monthly earnings, January–March 2020
Sector | Total | Without fostered workers | ||
average monthly earnings, HUF/person | change compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % | average monthly earnings, HUF/person | change compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % | |
Gross earnings | ||||
Business sector | 400 100 | 9.0 | 400 600 | 9.0 |
Budgetary institutions | 349 400 | 8.9 | 381 000 | 7.5 |
Non-profit institutions | 340 700 | 11.3 | 356 000 | 9.5 |
National economy total | 384 200 | 9.1 | 393 900 | 8.6 |
Of which: | ||||
fostered workers | 81 800 | 0.0 | x | x |
Net earnings | ||||
Business sector | 266 100 | 9.0 | 266 400 | 9.0 |
Budgetary institutions | 232 400 | 8.9 | 253 400 | 7.5 |
Non-profit institutions | 226 500 | 11.3 | 236 700 | 9.5 |
National economy total | 255 500 | 9.1 | 262 000 | 8.6 |
Of which: | ||||
stered workers | 54 400 | 0.0 | x | x |