Published on: 20 March 2017

The data on wages and salaries according to the SNA concept in the first release Earnings, January 2017 were corrected at 5:15 p.m. on 20 March 2017 because of data processing error.

Average gross earnings amounted to HUF 273 800

In January 2017, average gross earnings increased by 10% compared to the same period of the previous year. Among others, the rise in the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage of 15% and 25%, respectively, as well as the salary adjustment in new areas of the public sector – affecting among others those working in health and cultural fields – had an impact on earnings growth. In the first month of the year, the rise of average net earnings was equal to that of average gross earnings.

In January 2017:

Full-time employees’ average gross nominal earnings according to the national concept amounted to HUF 273,800 at corporations employing at least 5 persons, budgetary and designated non-profit institutions.

Average gross earnings were the highest in financial and insurance activities (HUF 525,000) and the lowest in human health and social work activities (HUF 171,900).

A part of employees at budgetary institutions and non-profit organisations – about 94 thousand persons – received a compensation not belonging to wages and salaries for changes in taxes and contributions. The average amount of the compensation was HUF 8,700 at budgetary institutions and HUF 8,300 at non-profit institutions.

Average net earnings – excluding family tax benefits – were HUF 182,100 by national concept. In 2017, the family tax benefits rose in case of families with two children, which had an effect on the amount and change of net earnings. Taking into account family tax benefits, average net earnings are estimated to be HUF 189,900.

Monthly average gross wages and salaries according to the SNA concept amounted to HUF 284,100. Within this indicator, the share of other wages and salaries was 3.6% on the average.

Both gross earnings and net earnings grew by 10% over one year.

Along with the 2.3% rise in consumer prices compared to the same period of the previous year, real earnings increased by 7.5%.

Regular gross earnings (gross earnings without premiums and one-month bonus) increased more than average gross earnings, by 10.3%

Wages and salaries according to the SNA concept were 9.7% higher than a year earlier.

Average monthly earnings, January 2017

Sector Total Without fostered workers
average earnings, HUF change compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, % average earnings, HUF change compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, %
Gross earnings
Business sector286 5009.1287 6009.0
Budgetary institutions250 80012.0293 80012.2
Non-profit institutions237 2009.3260 6009.7
National economy total273 80010.0288 2009.8
Of which:
fostered workers80 1001.1xx
Net earnings
Business sector190 5009.1191 2009.0
Budgetary institutions166 80012.0195 30012.2
Non-profit institutions157 8009.3173 3009.7
National economy total182 10010.0191 6009.8
Of which:
fostered workers53 3001.1xx