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Hungarians travelling abroad: Hungarian citizens entering the country at the border-crossing station.

International arrivals: foreign citizens, arriving in Hungary at a border-crossing stations.

According to Act CLXIV of 2005 on Trade:

Accommodation: a building, part of a building or area constituting a separate functional unit established or used for the purpose of providing accommodation services pursuant to Act CLXIV of 2005 on Trade.

Accommodation services are usually the provision of accommodation and directly related services for a non-permanent stay, including overnight stays and rest.

Short-term accommodation services can be provided as:

1. TOURIST ACCOMMODATION: in the context of a commercial, profit-oriented economic activity:
– commercial accommodation: hotels, boarding houses, camping sites, bungalow complexes, community hostels
– private and other accommodation establishments

2. NON-PROFIT ACCOMMODATION: in the context of a non-business, non-profit-making economic activity:
– non-business, community leisure accommodation: holiday homes, children's camps, youth camps, nomadic campsites, mountain refuges, bivouac accommodation, rest houses, student hostels, dormitories.

1. TOURIST ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS: include commercial accommodation establishments and private and other accommodation establishments.

1.1. Commercial accommodation: buildings (hotels, boarding houses, camping sites, bungalow complexes, community hostels, holiday boats) established or used for the purpose of providing accommodation services, excluding private accommodation and other accommodation. Data on holiday boats are not provided by the HCSO for data protection reasons.

Pursuant to Government Decree 239/2009 (X. 20.) on the detailed conditions for the provision of accommodation services and the procedure for the issuance of accommodation operation licenses:

1.2. Private and other accommodation: a separate building or a delimited part thereof – excluding hotels and similar establishments, camping sites, bungalow complexes, collective accommodation establishments – established not only for providing accommodation services.

Concepts related to the topic of tourist accommodation:

Accommodation establishments in operation: units with a guest flow during the survey period. Capacity data for the reference period refer in each case to accommodation establishments in operation during the month.

Revenues in accommodation establishments: the revenues that were realised during the period under review. Types: accommodation, catering and other revenues. Contrary to the data previously reported by the HCSO, these revenues do not include items extending over the reference period that were subsequently recorded.

Revenues from catering services: revenues payable for food and drink consumption in catering establishments, including items charged for consumption by external guests in hotels.

Tourism areas: 11 territorial units in Hungary, defined by Government Decree 429/2020 (IX. 14.):


Non-profit accommodation establishment: establishment built or refurbished for holiday and youth tourism purposes and registered as such, furthermore mountain shelter.

Government Decree 173/2003 (X. 28.) on non-profit community, leisure accommodation services covers the following accommodation facilities: holiday resort, children and youth camp, nomad campsite, mountain shelter, bivouac, rest house, student hostel, dormitory.

Tourism: : activities of persons travelling from their usual environment to another place where they spend no more than one year continuously for leisure, business or other purposes, but not for gainful employment.

Visitor: Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less than twelve consecutive months and whose main purpose of travel is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.

Passenger groups (passenger profiles according to international practice):

Travel purposes (motivations):

Main motivation: the purpose without which the journey would not have happened.

International travel receipts (export): the part of money spent by foreigners in Hungary that appears in the balance of payments (based on data from the National Bank of Hungary).

International travel expenditures (import): the part of money spent abroad by Hungarians that appears in the balance of payments (based on data from the National Bank of Hungary).

Tourism expenditure: expenditures connecting directly to the trip. In case of domestic trips it contains expenditures before, during and after the trip that are connecting directly to the trip. Goods for resale and durable goods used for several trips (tent, caravan etc.) are not involved.

The expenditure of international visitors contains expenditures in Hungary and amount remaining in Hungary as commission or other title.

Tour operator activities: includes arranging and assembling tours that are sold through travel agencies or directly by tour operators. The tours may include any or all of the following: transportation, accommodation, food, tourist guiding, visits to museums, historical or cultural sites, theatrical, musical or sporting events.

Separate sale of travel-related own services outside the travel package: Ticketing services (including sale of tickets sold under own name, airline tickets), reservation of accommodation, sale of catering services by agents, tourist guide services, transfer sales, provision of transport services, sale of medical and other services by agents, travel promotion, tourist assistance services, provision of travel information, sale of tickets for cultural programmes and other (e.g. sporting) events, organisation of local programmes and travel-related services and related matters to be provided by other organisations.

Travel agency (travel agent) activity: includes the activities of travel agencies primarily engaged in the sale of travel, tours, transport, accommodation, etc. to the general public and business customers on a wholesale or retail basis. The conclusion of contracts on behalf of a tour operator for the provision of travel services in the course of a commercial economic activity.

Travel organisations:
travel organisations (irrespective of their sectoral classification) with a registered activity.

Organized tourism: all the individual or conducted tours advertised or organized at request by tour operators, provided that a contract has been signed before the beginning of the tour, and besides the accommodation and/or the meals or the passenger transport in connection with the tour the contract also contains pre-determined complementary services (e.g. guiding, tickets).

Conducted tours: organized tours with groups, where at least 10 participants can use pre-booked services (accommodation, meals, programmes) in groups only and these services are included as a whole in the participation fee.

The scope of data providers was determined on the basis of the official register of travel operators kept by the Budapest City Government Office (GFKH).

Catering unit: regularly open service unit providing commercial hospitality/catering (food and beverage) services. Includes workplace, event and mass catering and public catering as well as food home delivery services.

Public catering units: all catering units with open sales. Include the restaurants, buffets, confectioneries, taverns, music clubs. Starting from the data of 30 June 2021, the business type 'restaurants' includes units of the business types restaurant, buffet and fast food restaurant according to Annex 4 of Government Decree 210/2009 (IX. 29.). The business type 'bars, pubs' includes units of the business types beverage shop, bar and café, catering establishment specialised in non-alcoholic beverages. The business type 'places of musical amusements' includes units of the type 'music and dance club'.

Buffet: catering unit providing simple meals (e. g. cold and hot sandwiches) and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Confectionery: catering unit where onsite prepared confectionery products fit for immediate consumption or for taking away furthermore alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are offered.

Restaurant: catering unit with a large selection of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Tavern: catering unit serving alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages by the bottle or by the glass as well as selling food not prepared onsite.

Workplace, event and mass catering units: closed-system catering units, excluding the sales of alcohol. Includes the canteens, the catering units in educational institutions, the communal service catering and the catering based on ad hoc engagement agreement.

Music club: catering unit suitable for carrying out music and dance events where bottled and draught alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as food are served.

Sales turnover in catering units: sales of goods and services in catering network at consumer prices.

Sales turnover of catering units: an indicator which measures the changes of the deflated sales turnover.

The seasonal and calendar effect adjusted volume indices: The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) is using JDemetra+ for seasonal adjustments. Along with the incoming time series data, the seasonally adjusted data may be corrected retrospectively.

Data on the number of retail shops include units at the end of the reference period. The frequency of the data collection has been changed from quarterly to half yearly since 2007. As a result of an amendment in 2009, it is not possible to publish data as of 31 December 2009 and 30 June 2010.

Type of unit: main statistical activity of the units according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (TEÁOR'08) published by HCSO in 2008.

Széchenyi Recreation Card (SZÉP card) is a universal electronic voucher in card format, which employees can receive from their employer as a fringe benefit under the cafeteria system. The SZÉP Card can be used to pay for domestic holidays, hot meals, cold meals, various health, beauty, wellness and sports services, as well as cultural and entertainment facilities.

Public baths: the establishment and operation of public baths is regulated by Government Decree 121/1996 (VII. 24.) as amended by Government Decree 273/2001 (XII. 21.).
For the purposes of this Decree, a public bath:

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