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Natural resources

Switch-over area: the switch-over term from the traditional agriculture to the ecological agriculture is two years on the same area.

Mineral resources

Mineral: homogeneous constituent of the earth crust with definite chemical composition and characteristic crystal system originated under natural conditions.

Mineral raw material: mineral matters, i. e. totality of raw materials and energy sources usable for society at the level of technological development at any time. This exploitation, processing and use generally affect adversely the environment.

Fossil fuel: energy source formed of remnants of died-off organisms, animals and/or plants.

Prospective resource: estimated quantity of mineral raw material of stockpile of raw material by geological consideration. the prospective resource serves for determination of future development concepts and exploration research.

Water resources, water uses

Water resources: total volume of water can be found in the space at a given time. On the basis of occurrence in the space, water resources can be divided into three groups: water resource on ground level, water resource in air layer, and water resource under the surface in different depths.

Surface water resource: Dynamic water resource of the given segment of water courses and naturally flowing lakes (or stagnant water). Subsurface water resource: water resources management's feature of reserved and flowing water resource in the deeper stratums of defined territory. (Subsurface water resource is part of the territory's whole water resources.)

Subsurface water resource: water resources management's feature of reserved and flowing water resource in the deeper stratums of defined territory. (Subsurface water resource is part of the territory's whole water resources.)

Water base: designated area or subsurface space utilised by water withdrawal works, and the abstractable water resources, together with operating water abstraction facilities.

Water use: an activity whose consequence is the influence of downflow, flow features, quantity, and quality, as well as bed and bank of the water in order to utilise it.

Droughty index (PDI): a ratio of temperature and amount of precipitation to characterise the degree of drought (non-droughty area where PDI is under 6,0°C/100 mm; extraordinary droughty area where PDI is above 12°C/100 mm).


All forests (–

Forest area: According to the FAO/COST Action E43 definition, a forest is a land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. Less than 20 m wide forest belts are excluded from the definition even if they meet all of the other requirements. (

Other wooded land (OWL): According to the FAO/COST Action E43 definition other wooded land means land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover between 5–10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ, or land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with the combined canopy cover of trees and shrubs over 10%. Based on these two definitions, the Hungarian forest inventory keeps separate records of other wooded lands covered with trees only (OWL1) and shrub covered lands (OWL2). To calculate the value of other wooded land (OWL), as the term is used internationally, these two values need to be added. (

Young stand: If sample trees are not surveyed individually as a result of the existing diameter constraints in a specific segment and yet specimens at or above 7 cm can be located on the whole sampling plot, then the whole sampling plot is classified as a young stand. (

Small trees: Only specimens with less than 7 cm diameter at breast height can be located on the whole sampling plot. (

Dead forest: A sampling plot counts as a dead forest if there are only dead sample trees. (

Forest obliged for forest management (–

Forest area: land area over 1500 m2 covered by forest trees, bushes and used for forest management. (,

Forests covered by trees: area covered by species of trees not included the clear cutting area, forestation area, shrubby. (

Growing stock: gross wood volume of growing stock covered forest stands. (

Logging ratio: annual harvested timber volume divided by gross annual increment. (

Air emissions

Ambient air quality

Waste water discharge

Waste water: water containing more or less organic and inorganic pollutants originated from drinking, household, industrial, agricultural, institutional water utilisation, consumption, i.e. all water whose physico-chemical and biological characteristics are changed by utilisation.

Suitably treated waste water: waste water not contained such amounts of pollutants why penalty to be paid. Its quality after the treatment fit to relevant limit values.

Non-treated waste water: waste water not going through any treatment process, and discharging directly outlet to the reservoir. Only mechanical pretreatment do not count treatment.

Mechanical waste water treatment: waste water is sieved or sedimentated by machines and equipments.

Biological waste water treatment: process that employs aerobic or anaerobic microorganisms and result in decanted effluents and separated sludge containing microbial mass together with pollutants. Biological treatment processes are also used in combination and/or in conjunction with mechanical and advanced unit operations.

Advanced waste water treatment: process capable of reducing specific constituents in waste water or sludge not normally achieved by other treatment options. It focuses on the elimination of nitrogen and phosphorus using biological and/or chemical, and physical methods. Advanced treatment technology includes for example chemical coagulation, flocculation and precipitation, break-point chlorination, stripping, mixed media filtration, micro-screening, selective ion exchange, activated carbon adsorption, reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration, electro-flotation. Advanced treatment processes are also used in combination and/or in conjunction with mechanical and advanced unit operations.


Municipal waste: household waste and all other types of waste – generated first of all in institutions and enterprises – which have a similar composition and can thus be removed and disposed of together with that.

Municipal waste removed by public services covers only the quantity removed by public services, so it does not include e.g. the quantity of waste removed to order based on individual contracts.

Hazardous waste: according to the Act CLXXXV of 2012 the hazardous waste is such waste which, or whose any component or decomposed substance possess defined dangerous character. The amount of hazardous waste does not contain the amount of red mud generated, because, from 2004 red mud is not classified as hazardous waste, according to the EWC codes.

There is difference between the amount of generated and treated waste because the total amount of waste generated in the current year is not treated in the current year. Another reason of the difference is that during certain pre-treatment methods the actual amount of waste is decreased because of e.g. evaporation, gas production, etc. At the end, the amount of waste after treatment is smaller than the generated.

Nature conservation

National park: a major landscape having country specific characteristics and endowments not essentially disturbed, where joint presence of plant and animal species as well as geographical relief/terrain represent special importance for science, public education and social welfare/recreation.

Landscape protection areas: a major area or landscape served for conservation and maintainance of the nature protected values and the favourable natural property.

Nature conservation reserves: area served for conservation and maintainance of the nature protected values, as well as the opened up caves and its superficial area.

Environmental protection expenditure, environmental industry

Environmental protection expenditures are all economic expenditures whose main purpose is to prevent, reduce or eliminate environmental pollution or degradation.

Environmental protection investments are all investment expenditures resulting from actions and activities which have as their prime objective the prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution and any other degradation of the environment.

The environmental industry includes, on the one hand, the production of environmental products and technologies, the provision of environmental services (direct pollution abatement), and, on the other hand, the production of cleaner and / or resource-efficient products and integrated environmental technologies (integrated pollution abatement). It aims to prevent, reduce or eliminate environmental pollution or degradation, as well as environmental expenditure, and can contribute to more efficient management of natural resources, thereby reducing the burden on the environment.

Environmental taxes

Environmental taxes are those taxes whose tax base is a physical unit that has a proven negative impact on the environment.

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Public utilities

Settlement supplied with piped gas: a settlement with at least one gas consumer.

Length of water conduit network: the total length of main and distributor conduit system generally laid under public area (avenue, street, square) within the boundary of a settlement and put into proper operation (without access pipes).

Closed sewerage network: a system of closed channels and structures for collecting and disposal of the sewerage, waste and drainage water to the waste water treatment plant or other purifier.

Closed separated public sewerage system: there is a separate system for piping the sewerage and waste water and another for piping the drainage water.

Closed combined sewerage system: pipes the sewerage, waste and drainage water into the same sewerage system.

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