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Cable television service suppliers: service suppliers registered at the National Media and Infocommunications Authority.

Programmes: programmes compiled by editors under a title created by the supplier, transmitted at a definite frequency band or channel.

Programme packages: sales units in cable television service, for which fee is charged.

Cable television network: cable network serving the transmission of radio and television signals including systems within the boundary of the site. Length of network: comprises the backbone, local network and in-house network lengths.

Number of cabled homes: dwellings with one or more functioning cable-television termini, irrespective of whether the owner/tenant of the dwelling is a subscriber or not.

Number of cable tv subscribers: the number of persons being in valid contractual relationship with the supplier at the end of the year.

Mobile subscriptions: number of available SIM-cards on the last day of the referred period.

Prepaid mobile subscriptions: the total price of the mobile service is paid in advance using one of the facilities available for the recharching of the account. The service is only available within the limits of the amount of the account.

Telephone main lines/ Number of connected subscriber lines: private and public (recently business and institutional) subscribers' telephone stations in actual operation or temporary suspension, including all public stations and telecommunication service main lines. It is the collective definition for the number of residential lines, business lines and public telephone stations. Including the number of ISDN-channels.

Number of lines per thousand inhabitants: The total of conventional lines and ISDN channels is correlated to the number of inhabitants in the given territory.

Individual main lines: individual subscriber uses the subscriber services outside his scope of economic or professional activity. Main line used by subscriber who pays the residential connection fee and subscription fee.

Business main lines: business subscribers are economic organizations, budgetery entities, local government, associations, public body, or foundations. Main lines that are connected to a telephone exchange and used by business or institutional subscribers.

Public main lines are main lines assigned to public telephone stations operating in public areas, public buildings, post offices or in commercial shops open to the public, These lines are available for anyone and except emergency calls can be used by payment (card or coin).

Other main lines: non-revenue main lines.

ISDN Line: (Integrated Service Digital Network) is a telecommunication service that connects networks over a digital line using a terminal adapter. ISDN provides faster connectivity and makes it more economical if it is available locally.

Telephone calls: successful calls initiated from the telephone stations.

Local calls: calls between access points within the administrative boundaries of a given settlement (in the inner and outer areas of settlements). Local calls are performed at local rates.

Inland calls are calls initiated from inland and ends in inland. Calls in which a domestic ballast is to be dialed to access the called subscriber or service. In addition, traffic between telephone stations in different local networks within the same primary area that can be called without entering the area code are also included.

International calls: international ballast is to be dialed to access the called subscriber or service. They are domestic calls that are forwarded by the international headquarters of the service providers. Foreign calls initiated from inland include also calls directed to the mobile network.

Net sales revenue of telecommunications is net revenue from services included in the TESZOR code 61 category.

Data for the fixed line telecommunication measured in small (less than 1 %) are different, because different data collection come from (OSAP 1639 Survey of telecommunications and broadcasting, OSAP 1707 Interim data of telecommunication services).

Internet subscriptions

Modem: a hardware device used for modulation / demodulation of digital signals into analogue ones for transmission through telephone network (MOdulator/DEModulator). It either connects computers through a telephone line or is installed into the computer as an extension card.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)-network access service: it assures two-way access for the customer within the ISDN network. During providing basic speed and primary speed service of the ISDN the supplier assures 2, 24 or 30 structured or non-structured 64 kbit/sec transmission speed channels and signal channels, operating as per the ISDN protocol, as well as network terminal unit to connect to the service access point.

xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line): DSL is a technology assuring high-speed digital communication through standard copper-wire telephone line. The x before the acronym DSL refers to all DSL-type connection possibilities (e.g. ADSL, SDSL, RADSL, HDSL, IDSL etc.)

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line): A technology and device for high-speed digital communication through standard twin-cable telephone line. It is suitable also for video signal transmission. The input line (towards the user) can reach a speed of max. 9 megabit/sec (9Mb/s), and the output line: max. 800 kilobit/sec (800 kb/s).

SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line): a digital telecommunication technology assuring max. 384 kb/s speed data transfer to both directions through copper wires.

RADSL (Rate-adaptive Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line): A flexible, sonic-speed version of asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), which is ready to adapt to data transfer speed (bandwidth). As the quality of the sign improves or deteriorates during data transfer, the transmission speed adjusts to it.

HDSL (High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line): digital data transfer protocol using standard copper telecommunication lines, not optical fibre lines.

IDSL (Internet Digital Subscriber Line): High-speed digital communication service, assuring 1.1 Mb/s Internet access through standard telephone lines. IDSL uses hybrid ISDN and digital subscriber line.

VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal): mixed packet-switched data transmission service, where the supplier transmits data of the customer subscribers in data packets of digital signals through a network of packet switching centres and circuits connecting them.

Cable TV networks: broadband Internet access technology by based CATV is now typical HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coax) infrastructure works. Make and receive within the cable television network, cable television network modem fitted to digital signals. The number of cable modem subscriptions include subscriptions to the LAN network.

Optical network: light guide (optics) and P2P (Point-to-Point, end to end) Ethernet include building FTTH access Active Ethernet architecture building FTTH (Fiber To The Home) access to the center Ethernet switch, the subscriber loop optical bonding, and PON FTTH access for GPON OLT PON (optical light Terminal – fiber optic terminal equipment) and an optical splitter (1: 32–64).

Leased line service: telecommunication service provided by the supplier exclusively to the customer through circuits or virtual circuit-sections which are connected to the access points, selected by the customer to carry out telecommunication or other tasks, for a definite, fixed period. The circuit-sections can be cable telecommunication contacts, ground radio transmission channels, earth satellite radio contacts or their combination.

A local area network (LAN): is a network for communication between computers confined to a single building or in closely located group of buildings, permitting users to exchange data, share a common printer or master a common computer, etc.

A wireless local area network (WLAN) is a communication network, which is linking two or more computers without using wires. It uses radio communication to accomplish the same functionality as a wired LAN.

Mobile Internet: service means a publicly available service that using this service to any subscriber of moving large space – connected to the service provider's network termination point radio communications equipment of – Internet Protocol network can communicate with the public Internet. the current practice of the domestic service of the following access technologies, from mobile Internet services: (1) CSD – NBR, HSCSD – and (2) PSD – GPRS (CS 1–4), EDGE, UMTS (R99), HSDPA, HSUPA (R5 and higher ). A WLAN / Wi-Fi / HotSpot (IEEE 802.11a, b, g) mobile Internet service is not considered because it does not provide a large space for mobile subscribers continued access but essentially "nomadic" use test.

A wide area network (WAN) is a geographically dispersed telecommunication network of broad extension.

Intranet is an internal company communication network using Internet protocol allowing communications within an organisation.

The Extranet is a secure extension of an Intranet that allows external users to access some parts of an organisation's Intranet.

The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data using the standard Internet Protocol (IP).

The broadband internet connection is a type of connection including following broadband accesses: xDSL (ADSL, SDSL, etc), Cable TV network (cable modem).

The Web site is a location on the World Wide Web identified by a Web address. Collection of Web files on a particular subject that includes a beginning file called home page. Information is encoded with specific languages (Hypertext mark-up language – HTML, XML, Java etc.) readable with a Web browser.

Sales and purchases via internet are transactions conducted over Internet Protocol-based networks. The goods and services are ordered over those networks, but the payment and the ultimate delivery of goods or service may be conducted on- or off-line. Orders received via telephone, facsimile, or manually typed e-mails are not counted as electronic commerce.

Television subscriptions

Analogical subscriber package: analogical signal transmission via conventional TV receivers for broadcasting.

Digital subscriber package: digital transmission medium for receiving digital stream is able to TVs or traditional TV broadcasting for connection to Set-Top-Box units.

Fixed line signal transmission: cable television networks (CATV) and via Internet Protocol (IPTV) broadcasting subscription services. Source: National Media and Infocommunications Authority.

IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) network: digital television service provided through IP (Internet Protocol). Source: National Media and Infocommunications Authority.

Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) network: cable television networks are wired infrastructures capable of distributing radio and television signals to subscribers. Source: National Media and Infocommunications Authority.

Broadcasted signal transmission: AM-Micro, SAT, DVB-T, DVB-H signal transmissions.

ICT usage

Website: Location on the World Wide Web identified by a Web address. Collection of Web files on a particular subject that includes a beginning file called a homepage. Information is encoded with specific languages (Hypertext mark-up language (HTML), XML, Java) readable with a Web browser, like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Services available on website: Various services provided by enterprises or public administrative organizations for visitors/buyers via their own websites. E.g. product and service information, on-line order or seat/room reservations, possibility of customizing products according to buyers' needs, possibility of on-line following up the orders, tailor-made contents for frequent/recurring customers, links and connections for the social media profiles of the enterprises.

E-governement: Administrative authorities fulfil self-governing, administrative and public administration tasks. Public authorities refer to both public services and administration activities, e.g. tax, customs, business registration, social security, public health, environment or commune administrations. By competency, there are central, regional and local public authorities. The enterprise or household can use the Internet for interaction with public authorities to obtain information from public authorities' websites or home pages obtain forms from public authorities' websites or home pages, submit completed forms electronically.

Social media: In the context of the ICT usage survey, the central point of the social media is to establish and maintain social relationships within and around the enterprise. From that aspect we refer to the use of social media (as applications based on internet technology or communication platforms) and the use of Web 2.0 technologies and tools for connecting, conversing and creating content online, with customers, suppliers, or other partners, or within the enterprise. It is not simply the use of Web 2.0 platform (although it is the enabling technology) but the use of social media implies the development of new forms of collaboration and information management within the enterprises as well as helping employees, customers and suppliers to collaborate, to innovate, to share, and to organize knowledge and experiences.

ICT usage of household and individuals: ICT usage in households and by individuals has been surveyed annually since 2005. In line with the EU methodology, the survey only covers households with at least one member aged 16–74. Starting 2020 the methodology regarding the survey on households' and the population's use of infocommunication devices and the possible ways of responding in the survey changed. The methodological change affects the selection of the survey's respondents, as the household based sampling used up until 2019 has been replaced by personal sampling. The survey will continue to focus on individuals aged 16-74 and their households resident in Hungary. The formation of the group of respondents is layered, it took place by using a two-step sampling. Settlements have been classified by regions, size and development into certain sampling layers. Based on these considerations 422 settlements have been selected. Within these settlements the population aged 16–74 has been enlisted based on the date of birth and respondents have been randomly selected from the list. As a result 12 002 people have been chosen to form the data collection sample. The personal and address register of the Ministry of Interior provided the framework for selecting the participants.

For the very first time assigned people had the opportunity to complete and submit the form online for the 2020 data collection. Moreover data collection was still available through phone or by in-person interviews.

Due to above methodological changes data of the 2020 survey have a limited comparability with the previous years' data.

Computer and internet users within 3 months: Those users are considered "within 3 months users" who carried out such activities within 3 months prior to the theoretical date (April 1, 20xx. 0.00) of the survey.

The frequency of internet usage: Until 2021, the category "Every day or almost every day", which characterises the frequency of internet use, transformed from 2022 onwards. Accordingly, the content of the category narrowed according to its name in the table, to "Every day or almost every day" use. In addition, from 2022, a new category, the "Several times a day or continuously" added to the frequency of internet use. Based on the above, the data for the daily use categories from 2022 onwards are not comparable separately with the data for previous years.

Buyers on internet within 3 months: Those buyers are considered "within 3 months buyers" who purchased goods/services on internet within 3 months prior to the theoretical date (April 1, 20xx. 0.00) of the survey, via the website of the seller (orders in the form of e-mail should not be considered as purchases on internet).

Proportion of households possessing mobiles: The number of households possessing mobiles, compared to the total number of households (the number of the latter is based on the update of the population census held in 2011).

Proportion of households possessing desktop computers: The number of households possessing desktop computers, compared to the total number of households (the number of the latter is based on the update of the population census held in 2011).

Proportion of households possessing laptops: The number of households possessing laptops, compared to the total number of households (the number of the latter is based on the update of the population census held in 2011).

In 2014, within two indicator groups ("fixed broadband connection" and "mobile broadband connection") the factors – previously separated – were aggregated, but this did not change the content of the group total indicators (only the internal structure). As a result, the comparability of the 2013 and 2014 years (on the group total level, which is disclosed) has remained.

Use of e-government websites by level of usage of e-administration: The module on eGovernment usage has been revised in the model questionnaire of the EU harmonised population survey that provides the data source. As a result, from 2022 onwards, the names and content of some elements of the eGovernment structure characterising individual ICT use have changed (more detailed groupings than before). As a consequence, the 2022 data for each of the composite activities, with the exception of the usage level "Downloading official forms", are not comparable to previous years.

The use of websites or applications of public authorities, public services by individuals involves the following main activities:

Obtaining information or information access to public office websites: Access by individuals to personal data for their stored by public authorities or public office, or to search for information available in public databases (such as information about availability of books in public libraries) or cadastral registers, or to obtain information about services, benefits, entitlements, laws, opening hours from public office websites or applications.

Online submitted of tax declaration: by the individual, by the tax authority, employer, other authority; (in 2022-2023); In 2024, the content of the indicator has changed and simplified, only for online activities carried out by individuals (including the submission, amendment or verification and approval of online tax returns or pre-completed returns.

Submitted official documents or applications, certificates, claims for benefits or other claims online in public authorities or public services websites or applications: dealing with matters relating to official identity documents (e.g. identity card, address card, passport, marriage, birth, divorce, death), pension, unemployment benefit, public education, higher education, social security, childcare, health care or any other benefits, claims, requests, complaints;

ICT usage in enterprises: Methodological changes has been introduced in survey year 2021. Implementing regulation 2019/2152/EU and 2020/1197/EU, the sampling method and data publication is designed according to the level of statistical unit enterprise (SUE) and not legal unit enterprise. SUE can consist of one or more legal units. As enterprises of the target population are mainly SUE with only one legal units, the methodological changes don’t concern comparability of data.

More information is available from the Meta database:

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