Year number of jobs of health visitors District health visitors Number of health visitors’ visits at pregnant women Number of pregnant women’s visits at health visitors' consultation Pregnant mothers registered during the year Health visitors' visits per one pregnant woman Health visitors' consultations per one pregnant woman
total of which: filled jobs total of which: filled jobs total of which: visits for those requiring special care total of which: at those needing special care
2000 5,306 4,807 4,512 4,054 717,386 280,617 406,117 148,653 54,088 4.8 2.7
2001 5,357 4,831 4,552 4,061 700,051 280,738 426,420 146,593 55,848 4.8 2.9
2002 5,342 4,881 4,537 4,105 676,380 266,694 436,944 146,046 53,830 4.6 3.0
2003 5,338 4,949 4,546 4,190 660,775 260,446 444,521 143,884 53,185 4.6 3.1
2004 5,259 4,913 4,501 4,183 663,044 258,810 470,811 147,555 53,540 4.5 3.2
2005 5,222 4,921 4,047 3,793 643,316 244,063 576,506 153,567 53,320 4.2 3.8
2006 5,270 4,985 4,042 3,808 628,472 234,085 605,137 154,557 54,447 4.1 3.9
2007 5,200 4,911 4,021 3,772 605,034 222,690 606,000 155,986 52,383 3.9 3.9
2008 5,194 4,882 3,999 3,733 589,363 221,211 614,769 155,762 54,003 3.8 3.9
2009 5,211 4,943 3,984 3,753 543,054 213,995 603,071 142,035 .. 3.8 4.2
2010 5,310 5,025 4,063 3,821 483,915 197,338 566,159 122,820 43,388 3.9 4.6
2011 5,233 4,950 4,001 3,763 479,315 199,944 579,646 125,620 45,395 3.8 4.6
2012 5,229 4,895 3,998 3,709 463,871 194,160 586,022 120,051 45,097 3.9 4.9
2013 5,230 4,855 4,008 3,681 451,999 194,139 636,052 124,060 48,132 3.6 5.1
2014 5,213 4,843 4,003 3,682 429,960 187,263 598,563 .. .. .. ..
2015 5,275 4,883 4,005 3,671 408,296 182,053 588,948 140,732 59,368 2.9 4.2
2016 5,304 4,902 4,026 3,674 406,661 179,691 593,238 145,520 57,677 2.8 4.1
2017 5,313 4,945 4,027 3,703 374,097 156,435 574,796 144,692 53,554 2.6 4.0
2018 5,305 4,915 4,018 3,676 345,111 133,270 550,348 141,522 50,093 2.4 3.9
2019 5,323 4,902 4,028 3,675 341,362 128,966 560,136 144,642 49,218 2.4 3.9
2020 5,330 4,943 4,034 3,715 204,784 80,432 525,085 148,512 50,046 1.4 3.5
2021 5,337 4,970 4,035 3,764 208,997 83,750 542,350 148,964 51,814 1.4 3.6
2022 5,356 5,037 4,036 3,792 269,172 106,827 538,397 142,998 51,912 1.9 3.8
2023 5,359 5,020 4,039 3,777 277,719 117,506 504,032 134,309 52,499 2.1 3.8
Source: National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy.