Performance of agriculture grows in 2018
The volume of output of agriculture grew by 3.1% in 2018, the volume of crop products was 1.8% and that of livestock production 5.7% higher than in 2017. Growths were recorded for all product groups except for industrial crops and horticultural products.
In 2018 compared to the previous year:
The volume of the output of crop production was up by 1.8% according to the first preliminary data. The output of cereals became 5.0% higher in total. Maize output rose significantly, wheat output remained at the previous year’s level. The output of industrial crops was 3.7% lower than in the previous year, out of which the largest fall was measured in the volume of sunflower, and merely that of rape went up. The output of forage plants expanded by 2.6% and that of fruits by 11%, potatoes output remained unchanged. The volume of horticultural products decreased by 3.0%, the growth of tomatoes production could only lower the fall.
The output of live animals was 8.1% and that of animal products 0.6% more, so the total production volume of livestock production was 5.7% higher than a year earlier. The output of all the observed animal species grew, that of poultry to the highest extent. Out of animal products the output of milk slightly rose, that of eggs remained practically unchanged.
The value of the output of the agricultural sector (including services and secondary activities) increased by 4.5% at current basic prices, its volume – along with a 1.4% rise in prices – expanded by 3.1%.
The volume of intermediate consumption was up by 1.8% and its price index by 4.1%. Out of inputs the volume of animal feedingstuffs became substantially larger, while the growth of the rest of the inputs remained lower than 2.0% based on the first estimates.
Gross value added increased by 4.8% at the previous year’s prices and by 2.4% at current prices. Labour input in agriculture fell by 3.9%.
Factor income grew by 2.3% and entrepreneurial income by 0.9%. Real factor income per unit of labour force (indicator “A”) went up by 2.7%.