Registered crimes: acts registered after the investigative authority or the prosecution reaches a final procedural decision. Registered crimes are counted for the date of their registration. A crime is considered registered if 1) there was no identifiable perpetrator and has not yet been registered based on an earlier final procedural decision; or 2) at least one perpetrator has been registered and the crime is accounted for them, but there is no such perpetrator for whom the crime had been already registered based on an earlier final procedural decision. In any other case a crime should be considered unregistered.
Crimes are registered according to the place of committing.
Registered offender: are indictable suspects, in respect of whom the investigation stated to have committed at least one crime. The data refer to registered offenders of crimes registered in the same year. Offenders are registered according to the place of residence.
Crimes are registered according to the place of committing.
Perpetration incidents (perpetrators of crime): From 1 July 2018 the database contains data on perpetrators of crimes, i.e. those natural persons, for whom at least one crime has been registered throughout the year; the perpetrator will be registered as many times as the number of crimes committed by them. Since the data on perpetrators of crimes will be therefore cumulated, to make a distinction from earlier notions perpetrators of crimes will be referred to as perpetration incidents. The data cannot be compared to the data on registered offenders from earlier years.
Registered victims: are victims of registered crimes, counted only once for a given case. The data refer to registered victims of crimes registered in the same year.
Victimisation incidents (vVictims of crime): From 1 July 2018 the data on registered victims can be disaggregated only by a few variables: in most cases only the number of victims of crime can be provided. The data of these latter correspond to the number of persons registered as victims of registered crimes as many times as the number of crimes is in the given case. Since the data on victims of crime will be therefore cumulated, to make a distinction from earlier notions victims of crime will be referred to as victimisation incidents. The data cannot be compared to the data on registered victims from earlier years.
Persons with definitive sentence: those persons whom the court sentenced with final decision as a punishment to imprisonment, to work for public interest, to fines, to prohibition from profession, to prohibition from driving vehicles, to expulsion (as a military punishment to demotion, to dishonorable discharge from service); against whom it applied a individual secondary punishment (prohibition from profession, prohibition from driving vehicles, banishment, expulsion), or some measures (reprimand, probation, ordering a forced therapy, confiscation, confiscation of property, in case of juveniles education at a reformatory school).
The number of prisoners in law enforcement institutions refer to state, they reflect the number on the last day of the reference year.
The result of relative figures per hundred thousand inhabitants is an indicator based on the midyear population, i.e. its calculation is based on the population of corresponding age or on the population over 14 years of age.
Source of data: the Ministry of Interior; the National Office for the Judiciary; the National Headquarters of Hungarian Prison Service and the Prosecutor General's Office.